So this morning around 2 a.m. I was having trouble getting to sleep. My initial reaction to this was to meditate, yet I was way too comfortable lying down to get into the proper position for it. In my lazyness I began to calm my mind and control my breathing while stilll lying down, and the effects couldnt have been better!

I had successfully touched upon the surface of the realm of lucid dreaming. That plane of conciousness so close to our own, yet so different at the same time. I had a short, quick experience, which I came out of fast because I was unsure of what was happening. After reaching an understanding and before my mind completely came back to this state, I delved as far and as deep as I could before coming to again. (Kind of like learning to dive in water, the first time your head ever goes under you panic, yet every time after that it is a sport to try and get deeper, yet you will eventually have to come back up for air)
I had written hasty notes between experiences, so I will try my best to elaborate.
1st Experience:My breathing slowes, and my mind is clear. The sounds from the highway outside begin to detach from my conciousness, fading into what I can best describe as a binaural. Another sound begins to fade in,
gunshots. The best way to describe them is a Big Team Battle in Call of Duty lmao. The gunshots begin to fade and the binaural comes in, (I could
roughly place the frequency at a 938 or so, strictly because I am dealing with frequencies every day, being a musician.) My feet begin to lose their feeling, and it is as if they are slowly being filled with helium. I start to let go and then suddenly, clear as day, I hear a really, really BIG dog, from I am guessing behind me. He is
not happy. I come back to reality quite quickly lol.
2nd Experience:My breathing hits tempo again, and my senses drift. The cars outside fade out again, and are replaced by a very distinct binaural. Fron my notes and what I remember I was having a very casual convorsation with a woman. Although I have no recollection of the convorsation itself, the vibe I get from the situation is that I was asking questions, and she was answering them for me. Kind of a Teacher/Pupil vibe. Now my body begins to gain buoyancy, almost instantly my body from my hips down is fully suspended. My hands and torso come next, and my heart skips a beat, I 'gasp' in excitement. My head is now weightless, and this weightlessness is accompanied by a heavy binaural. My ego kicks in, I want my body back, but I cannot move. I try to say "Help" and I feel vibes of dissapointment coming from god knows where. I cannot speak. My last attempt to wake up is to roll over, my shoulders are heavy, I finally get on my side, and as soon as my right shoulder reaches it's apagee(sp?) I begin to plummet in a downward spiral. (Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland couldn't give me butterflies like that one!) I wake up in the position I left in, write in my new log (For this technique will definitely be an addition to my spiritual practices.) and go to sleep.
It was mostly, if not all audio experience, whether there were visuals or not I cannot remember.