Alright, in my previous thread ("Singularity of Self" ) I described a "place" that one reaches on psychedelics. Elsewhere, I've described it as, "a place that is incredibly SIGNIFICANT, but also completely beyond the scope of any human language." I speak of a place that is here, all the time, right now. It is reality, but. . . not as we think we know it.
Maybe it will help if I describe how it feels. It feels like childhood, early childhood, before the world became familiar to us. In revisiting that place, everything that was once familiar, EVERYTHING, is no longer so. It is the MOST PROFOUNDLY WEIRD thing that one can experience. YET, it's also right here.
The further you go into that place, the more unrecognizable everything becomes, until eventually you become unrecognizable even to yourself (ego-loss). Time, space, death, and birth all seem very alien there.
Well, I don't really know what else to say about it, except that I can't believe something this profound is hidden so well right in front of our faces! It's the fact of our existence, the innate weirdness of our mysterious condition, brought unavoidably to our attention.
Well, up until last night, I've reached the "place" four times through the use of Salvia and mushrooms. Last night, to my great astonishment, I reached it simply by meditating on cannabis. All I had to do was focus on the *present moment* and let everything else fall away.
This is what I posted on another forum,
Quote:My GOD! I just accessed THE PLACE through meditation (& some help from cannabis)! I can go there now if I wanted to, all I have to do is sit.
I was there literally only 10 minutes ago! Now I'm back in linear time again. . .
A voice (my thoughts?) repeated, "You are here, you are always here," over and over in my head. There was a increasing pressure against my face, and when I focused on that pressure I began to leave my body. It was like a space opened up in front of me and slowly surrounded me. My whole body tingled, it is a feeling that I can only call "spiritual." It reminded me so strongly of Salvia, but Mushrooms too.
I wasn't as scared as I thought I "should" have been. I couldn't bring myself to linger there, and again it's because I'm nervous that I'll never come back. It seems like anything could happen there. I guess that's called "the unknown!"
I'm nervous that this place, which is so profound that I have no words for it, is so easily accessible to me now. Last night I could easily have gone back again, but I was too nervous. Miraculously, fear never really seized me, just an anxiousness.
Part of me is yelling, "You're going crazy!" And another part is telling me this is what I've been asking for all along, the "spiritual development" I've been supposedly working toward. I guess I'm nervous that if I go there I will either a) never return, b) return but not to a recognizable life, like the one I've known, or c) there's not really a c

I guess I don't see how I "need" psychedelics now that I can replicate their effects simply by meditating on them. Does my experience resonate with anyone else?
Quote:I have come to believe that in the world there is nothing to explain the world.
βLoren Eiseley