Hi all..
sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong place..
I have a couple questions for the method for smoking spice (if i EVER get any) using "the machine".
Firstly, I have stainless steel "scourer" (pot scruber) is this ok? I live in Melbourne (australia) and can't find chorboy or any copper scrubbers around.
Now when it comes to actually loading the machine, do I put some spice on a chunk of scrubber (sized to fit the neck of bottle) and warm the steel enough to melt the spice so it sticks and insert "spice first" into the neck? or the otherway so the spice is on the outside?
Then once it comes time to start the engine, do I light the scrubber (like it was the cone of a bong) and suck until there is smoke/vapor or do I keep light under the glass neck like a meth pipe?
any reccomendations on using a bic lighter or butane torch?
I have included a simple illustration explaining the methods I'm talking about, please let me know if any are right..(the yellow blobs in the neck represents the spice lol)
Any help or advice will be much appreciated.
Thank you
w0rmh0leX-TREME attached the following image(s):

The Machine Methods.jpg
(68kb) downloaded 142 time(s).