Aya purge Options
#1 Posted : 6/17/2011 12:01:44 AM


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My girl and I are married (not legally but ritually), so of course we share everything, especially money. I love her and am very happy to share everything with her. We have always shared our interests and experiences with each other. We both often will sit down together and launch off into hyperspace together, and upon arrival back to reality share our experiences with one another. It is amazing.

But now I have a problem…

I want to try traditional Aya (caapi and viridis). I want it as traditional as possible, and want to experience the full spectrum of effects. But with her, she wants no nausea or purging. When eating shrooms together, I soak hers in lemon-water to help with her stomach problems. I fear that I will not be able to find a solution as simple with Aya, and then she will not do it. As of now she doesn’t even want me to order it because she doesn’t want to do it. I’m sure she will change her mind and not put up to much of a fight when I order it, but I would still like to share the experience with her. In six years this one would be the first I would experience without her.

Does anyone have any advice? I would like to do something for her to help with purging but also not affect the whole batch of Aya.

If I can find a solution to our problem we’re plan on doing a week long ritual that I am eagerly looking forward to, and would not want to do the same ritual without her.

Thanks and happy travels!
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#2 Posted : 6/17/2011 12:15:16 AM

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I have tried aya several times, and think that doing a Manske extraction of harmalas instead of the pure stuff is the best way to dodge the purge. That being said, all tryptamines will make you a bit queasy if taking in their pure forms. I have tried the freebase DMT and harmala (pharmahuasca), and that knocks down the nausea to almost nil, and I have a very sensitive GI system. But that is a very expensive way to go IMO.

If she is super sensitive, try a Manske for harmalas, or a true freebase...and an acetate extraction for DMT, or mebbe fumarate.

Anyhoo, that should wipe out most of the nausea causing compounds while keeping the psychoactive stuff. Good luck man, and good luck to your lady.
All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
#3 Posted : 6/17/2011 12:25:11 AM


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Thanks Cuttlefish

She has done the freebase route with no nausea, I really just hoped she could do the traditional method with me. I don't want to do traditional and give her something else either. I would like for us to both do the same thing.

I had heard a couple datura seeds before a shroom trip will help ease the belly was kinda hoping for something like that for Aya.

If not I'll just go this one alone.
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#4 Posted : 6/17/2011 12:36:43 AM

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Honestly, I can't tell the subjective difference most of the time between pharma and aya. Like if you dosed me while I was sleeping and I woke up, I would probably have a 50/50 shot at guessing which one you gave me. If you filter and reduce it properly, there shouldn't be that much nausea though. Thing about the nausea with aya is that once I puke, I usually feel great. It somehow doesn't seem as physically disgusting as getting nauseous from food, alcohol or stomach viruses.
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#5 Posted : 6/17/2011 12:43:25 AM

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Don't do the Manske, as it doesn't get the THH. Just follow Gibran2's extraction, if you want to go that way. Using the egg or gelatin tannin binding tek will do wonders for reducing the nausea though.
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#6 Posted : 6/17/2011 12:47:59 AM


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Really??? hrm. well I guess I could give her Pharma. I still want to do traditional, I even got ahold of a large outdoor pot so I can cook it down over a fire.

I'm the same as you, as for as things like shrooms, as soon as I let it go and purge It's over, her on the otherhand, if she just eats shrooms she will have a horrible trip because her stomach will be queasy and cramp till the trip is over. I'm glad I don't have to go through that, feel bad for her though.

Thanks for the help
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#7 Posted : 6/17/2011 1:44:00 AM

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SWIM did Ayahausca monday and did not purge, SWIM smoked 1g cannabis before taking the Syrain rue 1g after. FYI he did a Syrain rue+lemon juice soke for one hour and it was really bitter, Like cuttlefish said extraction of harmalas would be the way to go. I am not sure how this cummunity feels about aya+cannabis mix but speaking for SWIM it was one of the most amazing experiences of his life and he will be doing it again. Cannabis is used for nausea relief in cancer and AIDS patients.
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#8 Posted : 6/17/2011 2:02:54 AM

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Also, SWIM has only made a chacruna brew once, but it caused much more nausea for her than with mimosa as the admixture. Something to keep in mind.
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#9 Posted : 6/17/2011 2:44:49 AM

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psyco_nomad wrote:
Really??? hrm. well I guess I could give her Pharma. I still want to do traditional, I even got ahold of a large outdoor pot so I can cook it down over a fire.

I'm the same as you, as for as things like shrooms, as soon as I let it go and purge It's over, her on the otherhand, if she just eats shrooms she will have a horrible trip because her stomach will be queasy and cramp till the trip is over. I'm glad I don't have to go through that, feel bad for her though.

Thanks for the help

I can certainly relate to her with shrooms and the queasiness and stomach discomfort. Last time I took shrooms I got so nauseous, and it was this super funky kind of nausea. I found myself growing incredibly angry because of it. In any regard, I find the nausea from DMT to be much more "clean" feeling.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#10 Posted : 6/17/2011 3:07:07 AM

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The purge is a gift, the visions while purging are intense, it doesn't hurt and you feel better afterwards.
the anticipation of the purge can be uncomfortable and its best to keep it down as long as possible..

maybe this could help?
Handy trick to reduce nausea [from doctor friend]
#11 Posted : 6/17/2011 3:21:45 AM

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ive taken aya dozens of times and the purging is always VERY cleansing, although it only happens very rarely with me, and most who i know... Seems like she doesn't understand that the purge is a cleansing aspect of the experience as its been had for thousands of years. Many actually enjoy it, and say they come out of it feeling like mental and physical baggage they've been carrying around has been expelled. Some actually SEE these things come out of them.. The nausea, when it comes, almost always goes away for me when i lay down eyes closed in the dark and stop moving around..I don't like puking either, but on aya or rue i always feel amazing afterwords, and its almost enjoyable sometimes..also, the nausea dissipates immediately after the purge for me... I've only purged a few times on them really...

I also think your not really bypassing nausea by extracting..the dizziness especially still is a common thing with harmalas that takes getting used to and occurs on pharma probably just as much as aya.. Maybe point her to some good trip reports of cleansing experiences that involve people purging. Research and reading first hand accounts hopefully could show her whats going on there. Aya is an amazing ally, and for someone to miss out on it because their biased against one aspect of the healing experience that they don't really understand is just too bad

good luck! Smile

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#12 Posted : 6/17/2011 4:21:59 AM


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Thanks for the forum link unfortunately I had already shown that to her, and in there it says that you will probably still purge (dry heave), so she wasn't all that interested. However I thought it to be very interesting, I was a little worried about purging and loosing precious alkaloids. I probably won’t try it this way my first time (for fear of possible OD) but definitely something to keep in mind

Thank you so much. I am actually looking forward to the purge myself. I am somewhat spiritual and do believe that it expels bad energy out of you to allow the good energy of the Aya to come into you. It is something you have to go through, and should want to go through. I have tried to explain this to her as best as I could but with no success. Maybe your words will effect her differently, they sure made me want it even more.

Anyways thank you everyone. She is still at work now but I can not wait for her to come home so I can let her read this.

**Also if anyone has any good links, articles, or stories they would like to post here about the benefits of purging, to help me reel her in, I would greatly appreciate it. **
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#13 Posted : 6/17/2011 4:44:39 AM

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This one i just read, its a good one but theres another i had in mind, I'll look a little harder see if i can't find itSmile
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#14 Posted : 6/17/2011 5:00:38 AM

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Ahh found it! i read it actually quite a while ago and before i read it again now, i'm going to send it, hope my intuitions are correct!
good luck & i wish you both well
#15 Posted : 6/17/2011 6:39:45 AM

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dreamtimereturn wrote:
The purge is a gift, the visions while purging are intense, it doesn't hurt and you feel better afterwards.
the anticipation of the purge can be uncomfortable and its best to keep it down as long as possible..

maybe this could help?
Handy trick to reduce nausea [from doctor friend]

The vision that I've got while purging are some of the most beautiful, twisted images I've ever seen.

@universecannon: I've never gotten dizzy on pharma or aya (with caapi)
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#16 Posted : 6/17/2011 8:46:18 AM

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If for whatever reason, the authentic ayahuasca experience is something your want to experience with your girlfriend, then just tell her that the whole point of the experience is for it to be authentic, and part of that is the purge.... possibly (though likely). Ask her the favor of going through it for the sake of the authentic ayahuasca experience. Anyone who is remotely interested in aya or pharmahuasca has got to be tempted to try the traditional way. It's gonna happen eventually. After the one traditional experience, she can go to pharma if she wants. Just plan a date where you have enough time and energy, knowing that you'll both probably throw up. If she wants no nausea or purging, aya is not for her. Drinking it is the worst part.
olympus mon
#17 Posted : 6/17/2011 4:56:22 PM

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my first thoughts reading this thread were that your unintentionally pushing your girlfriend into something she does not want to do or does not feel comfortable doing. maybe look at that.

i understand your strong love and desire to share this experience with her but it is one she doesnt not wish to take the way you want and maybe you should respect that.

she is willing to take pharma, which will be very similar if not the same effects as traditional aya. however your desire is for her to do things the way you want to. it seems your looking more after your own needs than hers here.

its great to share experiences but no one should have to be talked into these plants and brews. we should show up when we are ready a humble explorer and go from there.

i hear what everyone is saying about the purge and i agree its not that bad imo but if someone has a real hang up about being sick like that then they need time to properly come to a place of comfort and motivation with that aspect.

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#18 Posted : 6/17/2011 5:01:36 PM

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you found a girl that is willing to smoke DMT and eat mushrooms with you. Take what you have brother and run with it, because you have something that alot of people do not.
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#19 Posted : 6/17/2011 6:36:16 PM


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Thanks everyone

She loved the trip reports. It really opened her up to the idea of the spiritual purge.

@olympus mon
I thought, for a while, that I was pressuring her into doing it as well. It just kind of felt that way. But she assured me it is something she wants to try. She does have ulcers in her stomach, and is just worried about the nausea effects on her. Although after reading the second trip report given by dreamtimereturn, she is more exited about it then ever before.

@fractal enchantment
Your comment put a large “oh yea I’m the shit” smile on her face. I am very grateful, like I said, to have her and to share these moments with her. Even if this one I can’t share with her there will be plenty others.

And after she read this I found out she isn’t worried so much about the purge, but rather having the nausea and not being able to purge. Which I think is nothing to worry about, from what I’ve learned if you have nausea you are going to purge, if you want to purge you can.

We may both do the pharma, or Aya, or she will do pharma while I do Aye. We really haven’t made a decision yet. She seems interested in the spirit of the mimosa so more then likely we will be doing an Aya from mimosa and rue seeds. No matter how we decide to do it, be sure that I will be writing a report shortly after.

She wants me to tell you all, thank you for sharing you kind words and insight.
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