why is DMT illeagal Options
#1 Posted : 6/14/2011 6:01:11 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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it seems to me that there are much more harmful illegal drugs out there, so why DMT, what was the catalyst for the legistlature that outlawed it?


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#2 Posted : 6/14/2011 6:07:04 AM


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#3 Posted : 6/14/2011 6:09:01 AM

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Check out The Spirit Molecule on YouTube and you'll get very good, in-depth reasoning behind why governments make DMT a criminal offense. It's pretty tragic that more people of the world could be helped tremendously by the lessons learned through the use of the spice but the system can't oppress and control as it does with enlightened citizens. So we all have to make the journey on our own, in the shadows, hoping for the day when the world wakes up and acknowledges the profound, connecting nature of human existence.
Prone to made-up, outlandish gibberish. Any coherent words or full sentences are purely coincidental. Jigganaut does none of these things. It's not experience, it's delirious.
#4 Posted : 6/14/2011 6:35:25 AM

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pondini wrote:
it seems to me that there are much more harmful illegal drugs out there, so why DMT, what was the catalyst for the legistlature that outlawed it?

In a nutshell, Tim Leary and Ken Kesey.

Of course it's possible (even probable considering the cultural zeitgeist) that it would have ended up illegal sooner or later without those two, but you asked what the catalyst was, and they were the catalyst. In the 1960s, they put a face on hallucinogen use that so frightened parents and establishment alike that the United States government sought to put every putative hallucinogen they could think of in schedule I (including bufotenine, which at the time was not believed to be hallucinogenic at all, but is structurally related to DMT and psilocin and was known to occur in Anadenanthera-based visionary snuffs). LSD fell first in 1968, then the rest followed in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. In 1971, the UN followed America's lead naming DMT and numerous other visionary compounds in the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, effectively making DMT illegal throughout most of the world.
#5 Posted : 6/14/2011 7:09:38 AM

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My personal belief is very out there and not really too conventional, but I think it's worth pointing out.

People who have controlled this system in every aspect, from the creation of money, the creation of religion, to pyramid schemes like secret societies (yes I'm pulling the secret society card), know what effects these psychedelics do to the populous. Psychedelics, of course, educate each one of us and make us more spiritual. A more educated and more spiritual person isn't as likely to accept control, and is more independent, self-critical, and therefore, thinks more critically as a whole. Unless the drug doesn't negatively effect production (alcohol, caffeine, etc.), then it's banned.

An analogy would be how the black slaves in the 19th century were treated. Slave owners and the government itself banned blacks from education. Reading, writing, etc. were all prohibited because why? Knowledge is power. An educated labor force becomes aware of his surroundings and is less controllable, resulting in the top losing power. The 'slave owners' of today naturally ban psychedelics because of their truly educational characteristics. If people realized that we're all one and that love is eternal, there would be no war profiteering, Fox news, or a wealthy elite.

It all boils down to the powerful using their power to remain in power.
#6 Posted : 6/14/2011 8:22:57 AM

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probaly the same way with LSD and mushrooms, Drugs that allow people to freely think and open their minds , expanding consciousness would be something the governments and authorites would be highly against. Drugs like crack, coke, heroin are highly available whilst mind expanding drugs are not! I like to call drugs like DMt, LSD , mushrooms tools rather than drugs, as drugs like cocaine and heroin I see as enslavement drugs which may restrict ones free thought
#7 Posted : 6/14/2011 8:42:30 AM

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I think that dmt is banned because like all powerful hallucinogens it deconditions the mind from all that brainwashing and accumulated rot that is what keeps us working and maintaining this consumer culture monster.

-It's not them trying to protect us, it's them trying to prevent their illusions from being dissolved by the discovery of the truth.
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#8 Posted : 6/14/2011 8:43:19 AM
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In 60s there was a revolution on a way. The whole generation rebelled against everything average middle-class man valued: from making money to fighting communism on front-lines. Alternative lifestyles and massive protests had really endangered the establishment. Don't forget that this was a very important moment in history: Space Race, Vietnam War and Cuban Crisis. When one of the largest powers in the world is facing direct confrontation with its fierce enemy on one side and social revolution on the other, no wonder they did everything they could to stop it. I'm not sure if making psychedelics illegal was as effective as they thought. Psychedelics were accessible much earlier but there were some cultural processes already on the way and psychedelics didn't catalyse them but were an important part of cultural revolution. In Europe psychedelics weren't important at that time and yet, you had social struggles from the Atlantic Ocean to the USSR.
#9 Posted : 6/14/2011 9:08:41 AM

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Having said all of this, i think that the government is quite happy with the sensible use of psychadelics, and it's still possible to order lsa seeds online, cactus, ayahuasca ingredients, cebil seeds, etc. It's these u tube videos of idiots smoking 100x salvia, then driving their cars which are causing the damage. Also there is gonna be a worry of teens trying dmt just to be "the man" type scenario. This is probably what concers governments. Kids taking stuff that they cannot handle. So what do they do??- they ban the lot!Embarrased

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#10 Posted : 6/14/2011 9:59:06 AM

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I second Deemster over here.

Its all about control. We all know, we are spiritual beings on a human journey and all these spiritual powers comes naturally to us unless we forget that fact and keeps ourselves busy chasing material goals, thats what exactly happpening now.

In ancient India, the whole system worked on spiritual practices and they were highly advanced. But the technologies were note of material science which is anti-life but were based on spiritual science and supported the true life. That was the time of vedic empire.

But then, there were beings who wanted to control the planet earth and they were daemonic in nature, and thts how they control earth now by supressing the real knowledge(spiritual) and thats why every tool which brings you to your self is banned. They have branded all vedic knowledge and its practices(meditation, prayers, yajya)non scientific. They know ppl will not fall for their deception unless they keep them away from real knowledge.

And thats exectly the current scenario.

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#11 Posted : 6/14/2011 2:34:04 PM

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christian wrote:
Having said all of this, i think that the government is quite happy with the sensible use of psychedelics, and it's still possible to order lsa seeds online, cactus, ayahuasca ingredients, cebil seeds, etc. It's these u tube videos of idiots smoking 100x salvia, then driving their cars which are causing the damage. Also there is gonna be a worry of teens trying dmt just to be "the man" type scenario. This is probably what concers governments. Kids taking stuff that they cannot handle. So what do they do??- they ban the lot!Embarrased

I don't believe the government gives two shits about the proletariat population, including the kids. It's mainly for indoctrination. I don't support kids doing psychedelics, of course, because their minds are not fully developed (physically, mentally we're all always in development). However, if kids are indoctrinated into believing the term 'drugs' are bad for you and to 'just say no' without questioning why, then it's better for the government in the long run because when they reach adult age, they won't be as likely to try and open their mind, hence leading to an controllable, ignorant labor force.

It's quite astonishing when looking from the outside in when observing the D.A.R.E. program and this anti-drug campaign. The term 'drug' itself is misleading because it contains everything from coke, to tylenol, to weed, to mushrooms, and anyone with their right mind understands that each are completely different in their own way. If someone in the scientific community were to do this with data they present, they would be laughed out of the community because of it's inherent and completely obvious violations of the scientific method. It's completely irrational and backwards thinking, and again, done on purpose for the pure motive of gaining and maintaining power by the elite.
#12 Posted : 6/15/2011 11:33:08 PM
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holy cow... those are a lot of good comments! my personal view is that they are all correct. i just wondered if there was some historical DMT scourge that i was unaware ofRazz

i literally stumbled onto strassman's book DMT: The Spirit Molecule when i was an atheist just turned agnostic. it caused me to seriously consider the validity of many of the consciousness-related ideas i had heard about -and some i learned of through the book itself -OBEs, etc.

i then did a lot of research and pursued these experiences to know them firsthand. it is that personal journey that really makes deemster's post stand out to me. i believe that -for the most part- all the people involved in criminalizing psychedelics felt they were doing the right thing, as they believed it to be, but i also think they were following a narrative scripted by those who seek to control us.

just as a deemster and moksha pointed out, those who seek to control us have been at this game for a very long time. they have shaped public opinion in very subtle ways for centuries to preserve their way of life... a life of power/control and comfort. all at the expense of the rest of us. when you look at it in this light it is easy to see how an LSD-fueled hippie movement that stopped a war could threaten their control. they couldn't have a bunch of enlightened individuals going around ruining their good thing.

of course all of this is just my personal opinion, as i said, i think all the posts are correct.
#13 Posted : 6/16/2011 2:47:22 AM

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#14 Posted : 6/16/2011 8:26:25 AM

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Jigganaut wrote:
So we all have to make the journey on our own, in the shadows, hoping for the day when the world wakes up and acknowledges the profound, connecting nature of human existence.

#15 Posted : 6/17/2011 9:35:17 PM
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I believe you may be interested in a 2008 thread on the ATS forums started by a self-claimed Illuminati insider calling himself "The Hidden Hand". Whether real or hoax, I found the thread extremely interesting; many of the thoughts expresed by The Hidden Hand deeply aligned with my inner truth. I highly recommend those who have an ear to read it.
#16 Posted : 6/18/2011 9:33:20 AM

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I wonder whether it would have been different if Nixon hadn't got into the white house.. '68 saw MLK assassinated, Bobby Kennedy assassinated and then Nixon getting into power.

DMT is also illegal because there are a lot of people out there who are incapable of using it properly. I know of people who have been up for 50 hours on base and then smoked it, which makes me really sad. I knew someone about 5 years ago who was very self-destructive, he used to smoke the strongest cigarettes possible because he liked to 'feel them hurting his lungs', he was triple dropping pills every night of the week.
"Language is a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, while all the time we long to move the stars to pity." - Flaubert

I do not engage in or condone illegal activities. Most of what I write is on behalf of people I've bumped into, usually several years ago and in countries where the things I mention are legal.
#17 Posted : 6/19/2011 4:02:35 AM

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MalargueZiggy wrote:
I wonder whether it would have been different if Nixon hadn't got into the white house.. '68 saw MLK assassinated, Bobby Kennedy assassinated and then Nixon getting into power.

DMT is also illegal because there are a lot of people out there who are incapable of using it properly. I know of people who have been up for 50 hours on base and then smoked it, which makes me really sad. I knew someone about 5 years ago who was very self-destructive, he used to smoke the strongest cigarettes possible because he liked to 'feel them hurting his lungs', he was triple dropping pills every night of the week.

Unfortunately, some people will abuse anything. I notice they have these new shows out there with people who have weird addictions. I saw an episode the other day of someone who was addicted to eating the foam in sofa cushions. She went to therapy for her addiction, it has destroyed relationships, she's even had medical emergencies where she was rushed to the hospital to remove an obstruction caused by cushion. Despite all that, she still eats cushion. She just can't stop. If people can get addicted to eating couch cushions, people can get addicted to anything. Some people just get addicted to stuff, they are prone to addiction.... and sometimes, it's ridiculous absurd stuff.

I know, the common argument is that drugs are illegal because more people will abuse them if drugs aren't legal. That's their argument. I think they only half believe it. There are probably many reasons why drugs are illegal. I think one big reason is probably money related. There's way too many good medicinal herbs out there that could help people with various issues, but pharma companies wouldn't really be able to get their hands on the dough. If weed was legal, people would just grow their own, and wouldn't buy as much other pain killers. I think the arguments of, "it's for your own good" are just rhetorical arguments, used to convince the masses that keeping drugs illegal is actually a good thing.
#18 Posted : 6/19/2011 1:21:11 PM

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#19 Posted : 6/19/2011 1:51:11 PM

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pondini wrote:
it seems to me that there are much more harmful illegal drugs out there, so why DMT, what was the catalyst for the legistlature that outlawed it?

Probably the same as the legislature that outlawed Cannabis. Politics is a very corrupt game filled with self interest and fuelled by big business.
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"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#20 Posted : 6/20/2011 4:50:42 AM
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I don't think the is any one, solid answer. Among other things, I believe it is probably for safety purposes. Although DMT is relatively safe, if it was sold legally it would not be regulated and could have dangerous fillers/impurities. Making DMT illegal really doesnt change this though, but it makes it less available to stupid people(or people who would abuse it). Just my thoughts.

Also drug is such a nasty word that is associated with many bad things. Many people in the US use them and I'm not even talking illegal drugs... still drugs though. It pisses me off how people who take antidepressants everyday and judge people who use recreational drugs. These people are just as much or even more so of an "addict" in my eyes.

ooh and first post yippee
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