Hi everyone,
SWIM is looking at purchasing a new vap to use exclusively for spice.
SWIM was planning on buying an Eclipse Vaaapp, as he really liked the following qualities of this specific vap;
- The area for containing the spice is replaceable
- You can weigh out numerous doses for quick replacement during a session
- Clear visibility of vap process, and little chance of wasting material
- small and discrete.
But after reading numerous posts here at the nexus it seems that the general consensus is that the glass vaporgenie is just too good to turn down.... My question is, is it really that much better than the regular VG to justify paying twice as much money?
To me it seems that the VG has some obvious advantages over the GVG such as;
- Won't become overheated
- No risk of breakage due to rapid heating/cooling with torch lighter or from being dropped.
Can anyone with first-hand experience with both the VG and GVG comment on wether the GVG is REALLY that much better? (I'm sure this has been covered before, but after searching for quite a while I haven't found the topic covered. If it has been, could you refer me to that thread?)
It would also be great to hear the opinion of anyone who owns an Eclipse Vaaapp, as I've found very little info on this vap here at the nexus. This suprised me, to me it seemed like it would be a great tool for spice.
Any comments/opinions you can offer would be much appreciated
