The global awakening happening now? Options
#21 Posted : 5/16/2011 4:05:03 PM

John Murdoch IV

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When the awakening reaches critical mass things will happen very fast.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!


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#22 Posted : 5/16/2011 4:41:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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DMTripper wrote:
When the awakening reaches critical mass things will happen very fast.

Yes sir cannot wait I have to say its a very exciting time Smile
#23 Posted : 5/16/2011 4:44:01 PM

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i have awakened my self by my self ,and since then everything in my life changed to better..and i would like to do the same to as much people as i can
#24 Posted : 5/16/2011 4:50:06 PM

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Location: Inside the great illusion Funny I was youtubing it up and I found this
#25 Posted : 5/16/2011 5:59:57 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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cyberdream wrote:
i have awakened my self by my self ,and since then everything in my life changed to better..and i would like to do the same to as much people as i can

I’m not sure that it works that way my friend. You cannot just go and start waking up people. If you manage to do that it will be only because they were already waking up. Those sleeping will not wake up and you cannot force this neither. I have seen this many times. If you talk to sleeper about things we talk about here they will only laugh at you, you may not see it on their faces but you will feel it. You can talk and talk and it will all be just waste of energy. Some people are not meant to be awaken I guess. It is the spirit evolution and everyone has to come to this awakening point him/her self. Don’t waste your time my friend.

Focus on yourself and this way you will help others much more. We are all one.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#26 Posted : 5/17/2011 1:37:06 AM
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I had hoped that economic problems would lead to a reconsideration of priorities for the masses. I remember we used to ask whatever happened to the hippies, and the equation was:

hippie + money = yuppie

My thought was, with economic uncertainty such as high unemployment and unsustainable debt levels, the Average Joe might start looking to other things besides materialism. Subtract money from both sides of the above equation, and you get hippie back.

But I think the real equation was

hippie + money + age = yuppie

Unfortunately, subtracting money from that equation leaves "old hippie", which is not at all the same as "hippie".

Here in the US, we have had unemployment as high as 10%, gas prices as high as $4 a gallon, and a continual decrease in the average person's purchasing power. Despite all that, at least in my metro area, I see no sign of any significant shift away from materialism. There's still just as much traffic on the roads as ever, just as many people mobbing stores, and typical conversation topics still revolve around ways of spending money (home improvements, new cars, entertainment, etc.).

#27 Posted : 5/18/2011 11:06:48 PM

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There is so much conflict in the world, so much corruption and assfuckery going on, that everyday the pressure builds and builds like two plates of the Earth's crust sliding against each other. Somrthing's gotta give soon. We are such an intelligent species. We have the ability to live in harmony with each other and our planet, but the elite take advantage of the commoners and the commoners take advantage of each other. It's either we wake up or die, essentially. We can't go on this path of exploitation forever. The status quo is not sustainable. Unfortunately change is slow and hindered by so many factors as to make the whole situation very depressing, seemingly impossible. That's the biggest stumbling block. I think as more people do begin to awaken and make the change within themselves, that change and positivity will only spread to others, and hopefully help to take us off of this path of destruction we are inevitably headed for.
#28 Posted : 6/2/2011 10:39:21 PM

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Awakening, spiritual growth that is, is more painful by far than physical growth, even though both have associated "growing pains." It's nothing to wish for on a whim, because to get from a perspective based on unconscious culturally-conditioned desires to one based on "something deeper" (whatever you define that as) requires a metamorphosis no less encompassing than that of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

For many people, I feel, this kind of change would completely crush them. This I know from personal experience, as I've been on the brink of throwing in the towel many times, and know that I will many times more. The "dark night of the soul" is nothing to scoff at.

I used to, quite selfishly, try to get people to wake up by encouraging them to take psychedelic substances. I became frustrated when they only saw "pretty patterns" instead of "passing through the veil," as I had. One day, on mushrooms, I realized the consequences of what I was trying to do. It sounds like a great thing, in theory, to get people to "wake up," but the reality is that when people find out that the objects and desires they've built their entire lives around aren't what they thought they were. . . well, it isn't pretty.

That's not to say we can't wake up, we can. It's just going to hurt! Is it worth it? Yes! but it has to be on an individual basis, and that means VERY, VERY SLOWLY.
I have come to believe that in the world there is nothing to explain the world.

―Loren Eiseley
#29 Posted : 6/3/2011 6:08:44 AM

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I think the main thing about awakening is that you really have to want it. It doesn't help to have a peak experience in which you get a revelation. In the end you still have your habits of thought and eventually you will put your experience away as 'oh, just one of those things...' and it will do nothing for you. If you really want to change your consciousness, your existence, if you really want to develop yourself, you are going to have overcome the inertia of yourself and in order to do that the majority of you will have to want it. I.e. you will have to want it more than anything else. More than comfort, money, safety, pleasure, identification, or whatever else you can imagine.

And that's the hard part. To get the majority of your energy in line with this. Because there is so much subconscious clinging going on in every human. There are so many excuses the inertial part of you can come up with...

This is why taking psychedelics alone will IMO never lead to a revolution of consciousness. It takes conscious effort to change consciousness. It takes effort to be able to gather this consciousness within yourself in order to direct it.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#30 Posted : 6/3/2011 5:53:30 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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DMTripper wrote:
When the awakening reaches critical mass things will happen very fast.

indeed, many good things have been said in this thread. much if not all of the things everyone has said I agree with... I'm glad there are really people out there having this universal experience, it's a beautiful thing.

smokerx wrote:
Focus on yourself and this way you will help others much more. We are all one.

this is very true.. i have definiteley experienced what you mentioned first hand.

I feel eventually a catastrophic, but ultimately creative event or events will happen, that reflects the collective state of the peoples broken spirit, which will force people to awaken quicker than what we are seeing now.
#31 Posted : 6/5/2011 11:11:22 PM

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Just thought I'd say Hi as I'm freshly woken up as of two months ago Smile

Thanks to those who have been trying to get the truth out all this time, sorry I've taken so long to realise it Smile
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#32 Posted : 6/6/2011 3:22:04 AM


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Change is difficult for those who refuse to stop and look around. How easy it is to sleep on rather than face some harsh truths. Though the same can be said for many in the "new age" movement. Many love to ponder how great the world will be when all are awake and in tune and all that. Few like to dwell on what it's going to take to get there. It doesn't happen magically overnight, as some think is going to happen at the stroke of midnight on December 21, 2012. BOOM! Instant enlightenment. No, the foundations of the old must be ripped apart and turned under to make the soil fresh, so to speak, for the new to grow. Much like someone who's never seen winter before, what is one to think? Winter portends the end. Everything dies. But then something magical does happen: Spring. The tender green shoots poke their head from the rubble of winter and greet the sun for the first time.

Or, as the immortal Patrick Swayze said in the masterful film Roadhouse, "It's gonna get worse before it gets better."
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#33 Posted : 6/6/2011 6:34:10 AM

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You will not, and can not change people.

Simply, help others to think differently. Help to give all those around you the opportunity to live happily. Be content knowing that your true effect on this world will materialize long after your stay here.

And most importantly: Baby Steps. They are the only way real, long term change occurs.

cyberdream wrote:
i have awakened my self by my self

We are awakened by our own will, thanks to the opportunities given to us by others, I feel.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#34 Posted : 6/6/2011 8:28:58 AM

Eon Worker

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Its happening, and at an accelerating rate.

The best way i can personally describe the awakening - The gamma rays are getting stronger, which is the violet colour in the colour spectrum. As a result of the gamma rays, everyones "third eye" is being awakened, which has been so blinded by the government system, i truly believe the whole purpose of the system is just to blind and physically damage the third eye(pineal gland) because of the cosmic times we are entering now.

My third eye has awakened recently and i cannot stress how much more i have sensed about life since, all i can see in front of my vision is my purple eye, and it seems to be going up and down in strength every day, but getting stronger, if that makes sense, its only been about a week now, but i seem to be able to hypnotize people, feel everyones energies and control them/mine, i just feel i am getting powers which every human was supposed to have.

I believe that when these gamma rays get to such an intense level, the majority of people on earth will have one massive DMT trip, and possibly morph or evolve into the next dimension? i am still unsure.

Since my awakening, i do not see ANYTHING physical, and have totally lost my ego.
#35 Posted : 6/6/2011 6:54:47 PM

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What a beautiful thread this is!

I've noticed the growth around me in my personal circle of friends but not as much in the community. I think I could echo the general thoughts here by saying it is a long, slow and delicate process. But I think it will happen eventually. I believe everyone finds that realization - even if not in this "life".

I also really appreciated reading the posts about not trying to force hallucinogens on others so they "wake up" or are "reborn". I admit I am guilty of this practice but have been taking strides to stop it. I can only continue to better myself and that is enough.
Learning to know that I do not know.
#36 Posted : 6/6/2011 7:44:21 PM

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I wake up everyday Very happy, the real question for me is what will I do with my energy and awareness. Nature is the only thing that will sustain our future generations, as it alway's has. We should be connecting and communicating with nature more nowadays, and begin humbling ourselves to it as we used to. I am unsure of a global awakening or consciousness shift. We are already conscious, we just need to prepare for a paradigm shift.......Modern Technological Societies to Natural Based Communities. Just my .02
Thanks and Praises, Love and Gratitude, Peace and Unity, Hemp Seed & Honey
#37 Posted : 6/7/2011 3:23:00 AM


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Personally I believe we are all connected and the more we can move ourselves forward the more we can help others and move humanity forward.
When I think of an awakening it always brings me back to the book "The Celestine Prophecy." I really like the ideas in this book and have to recommend it to anyone else with the hope of spiritual awakening for us all someday.
#38 Posted : 6/7/2011 4:33:11 AM

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Man, it's good to know some people are seeing change elsewhere! I know that for the most part here in Wyoming, people are still quite ignorant spiritually. I try to help my peers out with a documentary or an article here and there, but it really seems the people around aren't driven towards self improvement.

I think there are a few factors keeping people from "waking up" here (and possibly elsewhere). The walmart diet everyone here is forced to live on, alcohol abuse, addiction to sensual pleasures, social insecurities, etc... In this community, few people will talk to you unless you have a big lifted truck with giant mud-bogging tires on it.

Then again, alot of the elite are from here so maybe ill be seeing people wake up a bit later then everyone else.Sad Much love to you guys, thanks for reading my first post Smile

#39 Posted : 6/7/2011 4:23:54 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Quite possily on to something there. My new neighbor comes up to me and gives me a hit of DMT because of my Tool bumper sticker. This was the second time I had done it, looked exactly the same as the first time, I got it from a friend of a friend that I never met....turns out that friend of a friend moved next door to me! Then some girl in my class decides to do a presentation on DMT and actually names this site in her presentation. Awareness is definably spreading, not sure if it's good or bad yet, though everyone thinks it's a bad thing (even me).
#40 Posted : 6/8/2011 3:13:00 AM
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