I have been growing the two P. Torches pictured below for almost two years, inside in the winter and outside in the summer, where the tops were chewed off by slugs (that's why they look like they have been previously harvested and "pupped"

I was thinking of making cuttings of these two, but I have a few questions for the cactus experts here:
1) Should I harvest and brew or try and propagate with cuttings? (what would you do?)
2) For cuttings should I cut right at the juncture where the pups sprouted, below into the larger piece underneath (and cut the resulting hour glass at the bottom off, of course, before callousing) or:
3) Above a node: Most sources say to cut anywhere (on an angle), but one source I read said to always cut right above a node (where the needles grow) to assure the growth and health of a pup. Any truth to this?
I am very tempted to brew it and eat it all up, but the idea of doubling my numbers is certainly tempting, especially given the size of them. I also have about 160 seedlings (L.williamsii, P. torch and T. Brridgesii) on the way, but it'll be years before I can harvest them (I am giving a lot away to friends when they are mature enough (seedlings, not friends

), and expect to lose quite a few of the weaklings - about 12 have already perished). You can actually see some of them in jiffy pots at the base of those Cacti - I am trying 5 different environments to see which is best for seedlings - 3 different windowsills with different lighting, a germinator with a heat pad (they all began in this germinator) and under the grow lights with the larger Torch in the picture. I'll take pics at some point and keep everyone posted.
In the meantime, what to do with the BIGGIES?
jbark attached the following image(s):

Cactus 1 (1 of 1).jpg
(114kb) downloaded 193 time(s).
Cactus 2 (1 of 1).jpg
(121kb) downloaded 190 time(s).JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.