So people Options
#1 Posted : 6/1/2011 7:24:55 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I just started properly browsing this forum yesterday but have been on a bit every here and there over a few years.

One thing which has struck me over the past day is that this forum seems to be very strict and doesn't want certain talk on it. Ok fair enough i can see how we would want to keep on topic with DMT and not speak about what most substance related forums speak of but there is this air which i don't like where people seem to put down other forums and such for being inferior and full of crap and rubbish/fights etc.

Now maybe i haven't been here long enough and have got the wrong end of the stick but i just sense a bit of smug air and know it all hippy type feelings which doesn't feel right.

This is not an attack or anything I just want a bit of feedback and hopefully some reassurance that this isn't the case.


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#2 Posted : 6/1/2011 7:31:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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^^ There is almost no discussion of other forums--except the occasional linked-reference when those other forums mention something going on here.

There is an "air" here of concern for other's feelings, and attempting not to disrupt the good feelings and intentions of others. Those creating that air want to promote positive feeling and encouragement of others in their journeys with psychedelics.
#3 Posted : 6/1/2011 7:38:33 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Do you think encouraging people to take psychedelics is always the best idea? Most sites i find encourage drug use far too much not saying here you do as i can't post on pretty much any threads and i dislike reading them and then being unable to post! if i just don't read them i don't get slightly annoyed being stuck in the nursery.
#4 Posted : 6/1/2011 7:47:05 PM

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I think this place is great for the very reasons you've cited. There's hardly any BS here. Teks and general advice are generally much higher quality than in other places.

People will engage with psychedelics with or without "encouragement" from others. I'm of the opinion that discussion is helpful in making the most out of these experiences- especially discussion with a mature tone as opposed to "OMG dude I got so spun out it was insane!"

The internet being what it is, moderation is the only thing holding back a potential flood of absolute garbage that would dilute valuable content, and also make things smell bad.
#5 Posted : 6/1/2011 7:47:07 PM

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I didn't say we encourage people to take psychedelics; I said we try to offer positive support and encouragement to those who take psychedelic journeys.

The purpose of the nursery is to protect the main forum from "drive-by" posting, and from filling threads with input from those who don't, in the end, seem like they truly wish to join in the spirit of the Nexus. It's not to prohibit speech--since anyone can speak freely in the nursery--instead it is to keep content in threads in the main forum mostly in harmony with those who share the spirit of what goes on here.
#6 Posted : 6/1/2011 8:11:12 PM

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p0ly wrote:
Now maybe i haven't been here long enough and have got the wrong end of the stick but i just sense a bit of smug air and know it all hippy type feelings which doesn't feel right.

Not all of us, however, are 'hippy' types. Many are working professionals with a sincere passion for psychedelics and the psychedelic state. Often members come here to promote safe use and learning - and there just isn't time (or appreciation) for the 'drive-by' postings like SWIMfriend mentioned.

"Dude, that was the fukin' shit" is not the way many of us feel about something so powerful and so personal to us. I don't see it as smug, I see it as a recognition of the respect these tools deserve.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#7 Posted : 6/1/2011 8:35:25 PM

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I think the Nexus can be misinterpreted as being slightly over philosophical. There are members that like to go as deep as one could wish to go, but then again this IS a deep forum. I think the Nexus wants quality over quantity. I think it does that pretty good. And i've gotta say that this is one hell of a great site. Those that have gained access to post on these forums are priviliged. I've got nothing but good things to say.
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#8 Posted : 6/1/2011 10:01:07 PM

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To a1pha:

smokerx wrote:
I have to say this:I think you have the scariest avatar on this site at least it is for me. Who knows how many people run away from here cos of that Smile Very happy just joking Pleased

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#9 Posted : 6/1/2011 10:22:44 PM

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p0ly wrote:
One thing which has struck me over the past day is that this forum seems to be very strict and doesn't want certain talk on it. Ok fair enough i can see how we would want to keep on topic with DMT and not speak about what most substance related forums speak of but there is this air which i don't like where people seem to put down other forums and such for being inferior and full of crap and rubbish/fights etc.

Examples? And what "air" do you not like? This is a bit vague, imo.

p0ly wrote:
Now maybe i haven't been here long enough and have got the wrong end of the stick but i just sense a bit of smug air and know it all hippy type feelings which doesn't feel right.

A smug air about what? What do you mean by "know it all hippy type"?

I don't understand your post, tbh. The Nexus is a community that prides itself on the quality of information and interactions that take place within its structure. Many of us (myself included) were not/are not members of other internet forums precisely because of the types of attitudes frequently espoused and the utter lack of any truly humanistic component to them. The Nexus, ime, is rather different, eschewing the typical forum interactions for a much more intellectual and interpersonal approach to the knowledge, experiences and interactions that take place within its structure or in relation to the topics it covers.

Some may see that and claim it to be elitist or overly academic and you know what? If that's their opinion they're entitled to it and don't have to be a part of it. If they do wish to be a part of it, it's on them to conform to the guidelines and structure of the community; that's how communities work in any level of society, real or online. What exactly are you taking issue with? I don't see your post as an attack by any means, I just don't really get it.

EDIT: Also, if you're not willing to read posts just because you can't post in the topics...I dunno what to tell you. I've found numerous posts worth reading, even when I have had nothing to contribute (in which case my ability to reply or not was irrelevant). Speaking is not requisite for listening and I know I have learned significantly more from listening than from speaking throughout the course of my life.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#10 Posted : 6/1/2011 10:39:01 PM

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smokerx wrote:
To a1pha:

smokerx wrote:
I have to say this:I think you have the scariest avatar on this site at least it is for me. Who knows how many people run away from here cos of that Smile Very happy just joking Pleased

Oh cumon'! It's Buer - god of logic, moral philosophy and herbs. He heals the sick and provides comfort for men. What's scary in that? Very happy Very happy Very happy
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#11 Posted : 6/1/2011 11:24:48 PM

John Murdoch IV

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The Nexus isn't for everyone. Once in a while people come here and complain about rules and the attitude and they're usually just told to then go elsewhere.
Some people get it and become regular members but some not. The latter group usually leaves. Often very frustrated and angry that we don't want to change things to their liking.

The Nexus is for people that like the Nexus. There are a million other forums for those who don't like it here. It's as simple as that.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#12 Posted : 6/1/2011 11:27:16 PM

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DMTripper wrote:
The Nexus is for people that like the Nexus. There are a million other forums for those who don't like it here. It's as simple as that.

I agree. I don't think it can get simpler--or truer--than that.
#13 Posted : 6/2/2011 2:37:49 AM
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I can see that there are people like that here, but there are people like that everywhere.. I enjoy the thought out topics and rational/informed/intelligent responses people tend to have here at the Nexus unlike many other forums..
#14 Posted : 6/2/2011 7:43:27 AM

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but there is this air which i don't like where people seem to put down other forums and such for being inferior and full of crap and rubbish/fights etc.

The shroomery has helped me gaining a lot of knowledge about mushroom cultivation. It has also supported the nexus with several threads while the nexus was down. It's true that the tone is different and i like it better here, but still, a fresh perspective from time to time can't be bad and i think it is totally superflous to engage in forum fight. Just let them be as they are as we are as we are.
#15 Posted : 6/2/2011 9:25:18 AM

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It's so very nice to sit here in the temple. Sometimes tourists come, with beers in their hands, who can't really appreciate - or even recognize - the profundity of the silence we've found here. They stain the marble floors with their dirty boots, make loud noises, quarrel with each other over trivial things, make jokes of us and our purported "religion". After a while, they get bored with the place, and leave us on our own.
#16 Posted : 6/2/2011 12:40:20 PM

John Murdoch IV

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p0ly wrote:
....but i just sense a bit of smug air and know it all hippy type feelings which doesn't feel right.

I'd like to add that I've also noticed this once in a while here. But so what? I see this very seldom and I don't really care. People are people and we're not perfect. And I've seen people evolve here. I've seen arrogant pricks change to the better Smile That's one thing I really love about this place. It teaches you good manners and respect for others. Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#17 Posted : 6/2/2011 1:16:09 PM
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DMTripper wrote:
p0ly wrote:
....but i just sense a bit of smug air and know it all hippy type feelings which doesn't feel right.

I'd like to add that I've also noticed this once in a while here. But so what? I see this very seldom and I don't really care. People are people and we're not perfect. And I've seen people evolve here. I've seen arrogant pricks change to the better Smile That's one thing I really love about this place. It teaches you good manners and respect for others. Smile

I agree with this ^

There is a need for rules and guidelines if you want to avoid the general anarchy that is most internet forums. There are a lot of very qualified people here, so if they seem a bit arrogant sometimes, they probably have every right to be. For the most, all I have seen are people sharing ideas and discussing opinions in a respectful way. I have seen a couple of pretty heated arguments, but they've not devolved into the usual name calling and blind disagreement of the other point of view. I love this place <3
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#18 Posted : 6/2/2011 1:21:50 PM

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cellux wrote:
It's so very nice to sit here in the temple. Sometimes tourists come, with beers in their hands, who can't really appreciate - or even recognize - the profundity of the silence we've found here. They stain the marble floors with their dirty boots, make loud noises, quarrel with each other over trivial things, make jokes of us and our purported "religion". After a while, they get bored with the place, and leave us on our own.

-That's one way of looking at it!! Laughing
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#19 Posted : 6/3/2011 1:19:50 AM
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cellux wrote:
It's so very nice to sit here in the temple. Sometimes tourists come, with beers in their hands, who can't really appreciate - or even recognize - the profundity of the silence we've found here. They stain the marble floors with their dirty boots, make loud noises, quarrel with each other over trivial things, make jokes of us and our purported "religion". After a while, they get bored with the place, and leave us on our own.

well put.
#20 Posted : 6/3/2011 1:29:44 AM

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If you come across an instance in which you find someone to be acting in a way that's not acceptable for yourself, then address it from where it is laid down.

We will either say "yeah man, you have a point" or smugly tell you "please do leave us as I don't think you are of a high enough quality to understand us, per say?"

Some individuals may get a little hot-headed from time to time, but the overall judgement of how individuals are treated is by a variety of folk of very different personality's that are reasonable in their own way.

Act reasonably and you have nothing to worry about Smile
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