Salvia and DMT Options
#21 Posted : 5/31/2011 8:35:41 PM

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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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the only one that matches DMT in my experience is psilocybin. The visuals with a heavy dose of mushrooms are so close to those of DMT that it would be hard to tell the 2 apart for most people I think, besides the fact that with ayahuasca for instance the harmalas play a large role in the experience and change the quality.

Salvia is completely different.
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#22 Posted : 5/31/2011 9:28:08 PM

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Sadhaka wrote:
But I want it to be at least as powerful as salvia

Worry notSmile

Both Salvia and DMT can take you to the-space-where-words-bowalekwirapournakalafsorikamnaboroyanokofich WOW !!!

Since you're a decorator, you should also be greatly pleased with the inspiration provided by low dose DMT open eye visuals... and will probably also enjoy the art in the link i posted in this thread.
it's about making life a neverending experience of wonderfulness!
#23 Posted : 6/1/2011 3:31:27 AM

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gibran said it all for me. Very apt comparison. Especially about the fear/anxiety felt with DMT. I have to force myself to smoke Salvia much of the time, as much as I love it. There is a built in anti-addictive quality to it, so you have to push through that. With DMT, I've been much more careful than I was with Salvia. I have yet to take a breakthrough dosage. Something always holds me back. I've read plenty of really crazy DMT experiences, and I feel it could be every bit as dysphoric and frightening as a Salvia experience. People just seem to have it more often with Salvia because they either fight the experience, or it's too uncomfortable or unpleasant for them and they freak out.

The visuals of DMT are definitely on another level entirely, I have to agree. Even with the limited experience I have with DMT (low-moderate dosages of changa) the visuals are very beautiful and detailed. Salvia visuals can seem plastic, 2D, cartoony, etc. That doesn't mean Salvia visuals aren't enjoyable or interesting, far from it. Also, with high doses of Salvia, once tolerance falls, some incredibly vivid visions can be had. Worlds that seem completely real in every way, coupled with that famous side effect of forgetting you even smoked Salvia, it can make for some really immersive and fantastic experiences. I also agree with the healing aspect of Salvia. I find it immensely healing and actually very benevolent. I think people who take time to get to know the plant (for extended periods, years) end up changing their minds about the character of it.

fractal enchantment wrote:
Salvia is completely different.

Probably one of the best descriptions of Salvia. Smile It's simply not like anything else. Different.
#24 Posted : 6/1/2011 4:22:10 AM

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Dioxippus wrote:
I've read plenty of really crazy DMT experiences, and I feel it could be every bit as dysphoric and frightening as a Salvia experience. People just seem to have it more often with Salvia because they either fight the experience, or it's too uncomfortable or unpleasant for them and they freak out.

The other reason people might have more difficult experiences with salvia is because it’s easier to take too big a dose: A dose ten times the size of a moderate breakthrough dose of 40X salvia is about 100mg. A dose ten times the size of a moderate breakthrough dose of DMT is 300mg or more. Smoking 100mg of a salvia extract is fairly easy. Effectively vaporizing 300mg DMT would be very difficult.
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#25 Posted : 6/1/2011 5:27:07 AM

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gibran2 wrote:
The other reason people might have more difficult experiences with salvia is because it’s easier to take too big a dose: A dose ten times the size of a moderate breakthrough dose of 40X salvia is about 100mg. A dose ten times the size of a moderate breakthrough dose of DMT is 300mg or more. Smoking 100mg of a salvia extract is fairly easy. Effectively vaporizing 300mg DMT would be very difficult.

Yes, and the whole, "It's a legal plant, it can't be that crazy" mentality. Just load up a big bowl of it like you would with cannabis, and let 'er rip. That's where most people go wrong. Also, Salvia can produce very subtle effects, very subtle effects, and then WHAM, breakthrough. A very fine line there in regards to dosage. I haven't even tried to vaporize freebase yet, but I can definitely see how it would take more skill to take a massive overdose of DMT than Salvia. With changa it would take multiple hits in a row to get me close to a breakthrough. A tiny wisp of some 20x propels me far into Salviaspace. Hell, even a lung full of plain leaf is extremely potent for me Smile
#26 Posted : 6/1/2011 12:10:42 PM

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Salvia was my first psychedelic experience ever about 8years ago..

Destroyed my ego and i have not dared to try it again, although i bought a vial of 20x about 6months ago, i have been getting more comfortable with the idea to try it again.

probably won´tbe happening for a while but i´m glad the thought is getting easier to swallow.
#27 Posted : 6/1/2011 1:18:05 PM

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Dioxippus wrote:
I have to force myself to smoke Salvia much of the time, as much as I love it. There is a built in anti-addictive quality to it

I actually remember reading some article that addressed dopamine levels. Now I can't remember the specifics, but basically anything that's addictive sends your dopamine levels one way (most recreational drugs for example), whereas salvia's the oddball (not saying it's recreational) because it sends your dopamine levels the opposite way, not only not making you not crave it, but making you not even wanna do it a lot of the time. From a subjective point of view, people most often attribute this to the trip getting weirder and weirder (which in my experience, it definitely has). I think the reason a lot of people don't like salvia has to do with its dissociative properties, even though it's so often labeled as a psychedelic. We're not supposed to talk about K here, but you mention K-hole around some people and just wait for them to start flipping out. I wish I could smoke salvia with you one day gibran Laughing See what the experience is really about Wink
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#28 Posted : 6/2/2011 12:20:19 AM
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All I need is a plain leaf joint. I remember when I was smoking a joint and after three quarters I was completely out of this world! After a while I've realised that I was still holding this joint in my hands. I never walk after salvia. Ever. I trust her. Maybe just because I never want to do it again. She is so non-seductive.

Salvia is not for everyone. Maybe that's because I love her so much. She is so special, so intense and yet... most people just get bad experiences from her.

Btw. this plant is illegal in my country. But I don't care! It's even more obscure, mystical and special just because it's hard to get.
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