Godd morning Nexians!
The past 2 days have been spent working on good old chaliponga;I acquired 100g of ths fine material and as always (whenever Ive bought some) it comes as a fairly dark brown leaf which doesnt crumble too easily between the fingers as it has a 'waxy' outer coat.The procedure was as follows :
1.Using a powerful blender, all 100g was chopped very finely such that the end result was a little larger than tealeaves found in teabags.
2.This was boiled in distilled water in a stainless steel pan for about 20 minutes with frequent stirring.Incidentally the smell is really quite like that of normal tea!
3.The brew was the filtered and the liquid retained.A further boil took place as before but using a little less distilled water the second time around on the leaf material.
4.The liquid was again retained and the filtered leaf discarded.
5.At this point the pH of the accrued liquid was made to reach pH 3.8 using citric acid and a pH meter.The liquid now looked like the color of light rust.
6.The total volume of liquid was approx 1400ml and was allowed to fridge decant overnight.In the morning the liquid was poured off leaving some very dark brown sludge.
7.Ths liquid was place in a large flat base Pyrex dish and place in the oven at about 90'C and allowed ro reduce over 4 hours to approx 450ml.The oven was fan-assisted and at no point did any crud form on the surface.
8.After allowing it to cool a touch, the liquid was placed in a 500ml sep funnel and was then de-fatted with warm DCM ten times, using 100ml DCM each time.It was only after 7 such de-fats that the solvent was seen to separate quickly and fairly clearly.The technique for mixing brew and solvent was just gentle turning over and over of the funnel occasionally allowing the port to open to expel any gaseous build up.
9.I then got 500ml of distilled water and almost boiled it; I added as much sodium carbonate to form a saturated soultion ie some salt remained undissolved in the pan
10.The solution was poured off leaving the salty stuff behind.I then added this sodium carbonate to the the 'tea' in 5ml aliquots to the tea (which had now been place in a 500ml conical flask with stopper);it didnt take more than 25mls to get the pH to 9.1.
11.This was all placed once more into the (cleaned) sep funnel and proceeded to extract using warmed DCM five times, collecting the DCM on each occasion and placing it once again into the (cleaned) large pyrex dish used for volume reduction mentioned earlier.Please note that DCM collects at the bottom of the sep funnel which is the opposite of how naphtha behaves.
12.This pyrex dish was then covered with clingfilm (sarin wrap) which had been puntured with a green syringe needle approxinmately 100 times-sounds like alot but no 2 holes were within a centimetre of its nearest neighbour.This was allowed to sit for 24 hours at room temperature.
13.On returning to it the next day there appeared to be no solvent left and the base of the dish had a colorless but greasy-looking layer all over.Try as I might this could not be scraped up using a razor blade.Leave it a little longer, I though to myself.
14.24 hours after this the dish had a white nonsticky layer which followed the path created by my attempts at scraping it the day before.On scraping this up I have 95mg of off white material, not sticky and not overtly crystalline.
From 100g chaliponga leaf I dont think this is a particulalrly good yield but its seems that chaliponga leaf which is as fresh as possible is a better substrate to work with.
69ron gave a brief synopsis of this tek elsewhere on the nexus and he ended up with a greenish material which was active sublingually suggesting some 5 meo in the product.A friend of mine also managed to do the same.
My approach only differed insofar as I acidified the brew after getting the tea rather than boiling the leaf in pH3-acidified water and my product is in no way green.
I havent tried it yet but I wonder if this is just DMT or (fingers-crossed!) just 5 meo.Of course it could always be a mix of the two.
Before I bioassay this ,I would appreciate any thoughts on this from all you good people out there.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.