Posts: 40 Joined: 13-Apr-2011 Last visit: 27-Aug-2014 Location: homeless
hey guys i wonder if instead of making changa(thats because i have only 0.5 gr) just to add some passion flower to genie hopefully to length the journey.. what u your ramblings ?
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
Ive vaporized dmt-infused passiflora but I've felt no change in effects (I think its still unconcluded whether passionflower has any significant amount of MAOIs). Also I dont think the taste is so good, but go ahead and try with a little bit if you want, and let us know how it goes 
Posts: 40 Joined: 13-Apr-2011 Last visit: 27-Aug-2014 Location: homeless
tnx much for answer,if it doesnt work whats the point... i am looking to extend the "journey" ,i have not Caapi leaves,i have Caapi tree,will it help if i will add some? like 0.05 gr to the genie ?
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
You mean caapi vine? Some people do smoke that, I dont like the woody taste. Maybe someone else can give feedback so you have other opinions... Is it an option to buy some syrian rue seeds and extract harmalas? I find that the most effective way, you can either add it to your smoking material or take it sublingually or take it orally before vaporizing, and all of those will work fine 
Posts: 40 Joined: 13-Apr-2011 Last visit: 27-Aug-2014 Location: homeless
yes,i can buy some Syrian rue on the market actually i have a tea made of a rue but for tea there is a need for a diet,and i afraid that if i drink rue so the journey will be too hard,cos rue can not only extend the journey,it can multiply the power of the spice. so i can extract and smoke with the spice ? what parts should i use for that purpose,i saw in wiki there is harmins ,and harmaline what do i need? if i smoked,how much time can it add to being in hyperspace ? tnx !
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 5267 Joined: 01-Jul-2010 Last visit: 13-Dec-2018
You can look into doing a Manske extraction tek on the syrian rue to extract the harmala alkaloids in crystal (freebase) form. I've personally never smoked the MAOIs, but if they have the same duration effect as ground up rue in gel caps, then for me, it seems to lengthen the experience to around an hour. Smoking the harmala alkaloids will potentiate the experience as well. In terms of the whole diet thing, keeping a proper diet a day before, the day during and the day after isn't terribly hard. It's also not as big a deal with an MAOI like syrian rue and caapi which are reversible MAOIs. It's the irreversible ones that you really wanna be cautious about. As far as I can gather, the only advantages to smoking the rue is to eliminate the nausea and sleepiness that it's ingested counterpart brings with it. They should both theoretically lengthen the experience and make it more powerful all the same. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
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Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...ion_and_Separation_GuideRegarding MAOI and diet, thats not exactly true, check question 2.3 of the FAQ: https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...edication_interaction.3FIn my experience taking oral/sublingual/vapped MAOI + vaporized dmt might lengthen the experience a bit, mostly the comedown seems to last longer, maybe twice as long, but not much longer at least in my attempts. If you really want longer duration better go for oral dmt use. Good luck
Posts: 40 Joined: 13-Apr-2011 Last visit: 27-Aug-2014 Location: homeless
endlessness wrote: If you really want longer duration better go for oral dmt use. Good luck
u mean the full ayahuasca,or harmalasca ? which will be 3 hours at much for me..sometimes is too long...