Hi everyone, me and a friend are halfway through the Harmalas Extraction and Separation Guide for syrian rue from the nexus wiki. We just finished the first sodium carbonate freebase step before the salting stage and final bicarb harmine/harmaline separation and are waiting for the solids to dry out on coffee filters. My question is, can I use the mix of alkaloids after this 1st freebase step as is? I realise that there is vasicine and a few other alkaloids as well as the harmine and harmaline, but that doesn't bother me if it's not harmful to my health. I would be using this in a changa mix I plan on making.
Also, is a 1:1 ratio of spice to harmaloids too much? If so what would be more suitable?
I'm looking forward to my new changa mix, I'm going for a middle eastern theme with the rue extract and herbs I am going to use so some thoughts from more experienced members would be much appreciated

P.S. I am sending many positive vibes towards the nexus at the moment after the DDOS attack over the past week. I didn't realise how much I used this site and how much I missed it once it was out of action.
Peace and happy travelling
"The love I've made is the shape of my space"