First A/B extraction gone wrong? Options
#1 Posted : 4/27/2011 10:39:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Greetings everyone!
SWIM was doing vinegar/lye/naphtha extraction and freeze precipitated some really small white crystals and yellow oil(?). After recrystallization there was mostly small white crystals, but there was also some transparent drops(oily) that eventually(after one day) turned to thin transparent crystallized layer. Starting material was 20g mhrb. Extraction was done with great care using chem glassware setup. SWIM also did some pulls using xylene and got some yellow goo which turned to kind of waxy stuff after a day(didn't smoke it and don't have any idea of what it is although SWIM likes the smell of it, maybe some essential oil?). When SWIM finally tried to smoke some small (~5mg) amount of those white crystals SWIMs throat felt like he/she was inhaling sharp glass spikes! Swim says that at first the smell of the smoke was pretty nice and it tasted nice too(not like burning plastic but more like the smell of that waxy stuff from xylene pull), but when the crystals fully vaporized it felt almost painful. After that SWIMs throat felt weird and next day it was sour. Now after 4 days SWIM is coughing and SWIMs throat is killing him. SWIM is wondering that what are those white crystals? Can lye dissolve in naphtha? Can SWIM wash the crystals with distilled water to get rid of the lye(if there is some)? Maybe put some crystal in to the distilled water at measure the pH? What about doing the whole A/B extraction again but use those crystals as starting material?

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#2 Posted : 4/27/2011 11:08:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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I dont think you fucked up, it seems all right.

If you recrystallized, the lye should have stayed in the bottom goo. You can anyways wash if you want to, but I think most likely your issue is the smoking method. I highly highly recommend getting a GVG, its expensive but soooo worth the investment, its worlds of difference to any other smoking method in terms of smoothness of vapor and effectiveness.. I wouldnt vap dmt any other way now, Im sure it would also feel to me like sharp glass in my throat with other methods.

Another possibility is solvent traces in your crystals. Did you scrape it all and let air dry for a while ? Maybe using acetone, IPA or ethanol to redissolve and evap again will help getting rid of naphtha/xylene traces inside your product. Btw did you do an evap test on your solvents?

Regarding xylene, experiments show that it will contain mostly dmt with some other plant oils/fatty acids/minor alkaloids:

Also regarding if your spice is good to smoke, check this thread out:

The FAQ has some tips regarding smoking methods as well as regarding washing, check it out

good luck!
#3 Posted : 4/27/2011 4:06:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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You can anyways wash if you want to, but I think most likely your issue is the smoking method.

SWIM smoked it in small 25 mL 19/22 Round Bottom Flask(chemistry glassware). First when heated the white crystals melted and formed yellow oily liquid and after heating it more for ~5sec there was lots of smoke forming in the flask. Smoke was sucked out from flask using glass tube. In the end there was brown burned stain on the bottom of the flask.
When the crystals melted there was this nice taste but when the liquid vaporized then it felt like sharp pieces of glass and didn't taste that nice.

Btw did you do an evap test on your solvents?

Yes, SWIM did and it seemed clean.

Maybe using acetone, IPA or ethanol to redissolve and evap again will help getting rid of naphtha/xylene traces inside your product. Btw did you do an evap test on your solvents?

SWIM has some acetone, but how would dissolving spice and impurities in the acetone and then evap acetone would help? Wouldn't there still be spice and impurities left behind?

SWIM has xylene, toluene and acetone could SWIM use them to remove naphtha impurities from spice?

Thanks for help!
#4 Posted : 4/28/2011 1:10:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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acetone will make crystals dissolve and any trapped naphtha will be released, will mix with the acetone and will evaporate as the acetone evaporates. Since acetone is very volatile and doesnt really alow for big crystal formations, it will not be in any significant amount in your final product. This process is not to get rid of other impurities, only to get rid of solvent traces. To get rid of other impurities, a recrystallization is the recommended process.

I would not recommend xylene/toluene for this dissolve-evap process because they are quite toxic and dont evap as well as acetone, so you would be defeating the purpouse if you use them to get rid of naphtha traces.
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