Salvia gurus, help me! Options
#1 Posted : 4/27/2011 3:39:56 PM

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Hey everyone, I am looking for people who have a decent knowledge of salvia to help me solve this problem. I have tripped with salvia many many times, and more often than not I use the highest strength ( around here it is 320 mg sal a per gram). My trips are always extremely short. I mean I took a video once to see that what felt lIme a ten minute ride through neverland was actually only a matter of maybe 15 seconds. My first breakthrough was with a much less potent salvia, but the trip itself lasted a good 4 minutes before the crazy visuals subsided. I hold in the smoke for as long as i can, 30 seconds at least, but my trips never get longer. Everytime I have smoke out of a glass pipe. Any suggestions?
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/27/2011 3:47:41 PM

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Are there any distractions (noise, bright lights, etc.) that might be pulling you back prematurely?

If you're looking for a longer duration of experience, have you considered quidding salvia leaves rather than smoking an extract?
#3 Posted : 4/27/2011 3:57:14 PM

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First of all, I’d suggest you read this thread.

If the extract you use actually contained 320mg salvinorin A per gram (equivalent to a standardized 128X), then a moderately strong breakthrough dose would be about 3mg. Also, with an extract that strong, the salvinorin A wouldn’t adhere to the leaf and you’d have a loose mix of leaf and salvinorin A powder. Accurate and safe dosing would be impossible with such a product.

The first thing I’d recommend doing is getting an extract from a reputable vendor. A vendor claiming to have an extract containing 320mg salvinorin A per gram is lying, plain and simple. You don’t need 128X extract to have a deep experience!!! An extract in the 10X – 20X is more than adequate to propel anyone very far.

I’ve never heard of a salvia trip lasting only 15 seconds. The time from completion of inhalation to first effects is itself 20 seconds or so, so I wonder if what you’re consuming is even salvia. Also, in my experience at least, time dilation is not very pronounced with salvia – a ten minute journey usually feels like a ten minute journey.

Based on the fact that you had a longer-lasting breakthrough with a different extract, I would say that the extract you’re using now is bunk.
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#4 Posted : 4/27/2011 4:17:31 PM

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Distractions like music and people laughing has always been an element of my setting unfortunately, but you see with my 30x trip all of those people melted into streams of colors and weird rocks and flowers and such. It was by far the most enjoyable trip ever. With the 128x (as calculated) I would have no single concept of reality, I encounter ego death almost everytime. I'm sorry I miswrote this earlier, but the PEAK of my trip usually only lasts 15 to 20 seconds, except with that 20x where it was at least 3 or 4 min
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
Red Eclipse
#5 Posted : 4/30/2011 5:51:36 PM
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vertigoshaman wrote:
Distractions like music and people laughing has always been an element of my setting unfortunately,

I simply wouldn't partake if it meant I had to sit there while friends laughed at how "fucked up" I am. Definitely not the environment to learn anything.

As far as your "128X extract", try only smoking a very small amount. A literal dusting on the bottom of your bowl. IIRC, salvia has a reverse tolerance of some sorts.. smoking it more often requires less material to take you to the same place.

very odd symbiosis, Lady Salvia

edit: not that I claim to be a salvia guru, or any type of authority on the subject
#6 Posted : 5/1/2011 5:33:49 AM

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I find when I add some Calea Zacatechichi extract to my Salvia, it almost doubles the length of the trip. It also deepens the experience, and adds a certain lucid dreaming type quality to it. I'm surprised someone is posting about the shortness of the experience at all, usually people don't want to stay in Salviaspace for much longer than a couple minutes at a time! Smile
#7 Posted : 5/1/2011 4:44:27 PM


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If you have access to an MAOI, such as Rue or Caapi, try ingesting them in some way before your salvia experience. MAOI's can really potentiate the effects of salvia. IMO, even plain leaf has taken me to the salvinorin seas while on an MAO. But as Red Eclipse said, salvia seems to have a reverse tolerance/increased sensitivity effect, so the more often you smoke, the less of it you'll need.
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