^ Just chewing some trains of thought here:
I agree that nothing will always be conceived as a (some)thing. Like even a concept is conceived as a thing.
As an abstract thing that is. Like even a thought is a thing indeed. I mean, what else is there really?
If anything, a thought must be a thing. I think therefore etc.
Nice flexible and open end concept of 'thing.'
Though we sense all things to be finite, we can still intuit infinity.
The same way we can understand the open end meaning of the yin yang symbol.
Since infinity must be without boundaries it is obvious to consider all things to be infinite.
Yea why not.
After all, the boundaries we experience between things are defined by our perception and understanding.
Perceiving boundaries and limitations does not necessarily mean things are bound and therefore finite.
Remembering the way things are organized in and therefore limited by 3d tells about perception,
not at all about the thing in itself. Hundreds of threads about this. Well, maybe 10 or so.
Considering the only real thingy to be a dynamic contrast makes more sense.
Things always seem to be limited by other things (like the concept of nothing.)
Assuming there is only a neverending contrast happening gets rid of things and nothing,
as a contrast is infinite and the other two are not. As an answer to dualism: yin yang.
"A thing can not exist without nothing." they are both concepts and therefore the same
(existing thing, which would be contradicting.) The proof of nothing (as non-existence)
would be a lack of contrast. Which is impossible because i exist. I experience contrast.
I am contrast.
Depending on how one defines a thing, one will come to a conclusion about nothing.
To me it feels like to assume that if it exists, then it is something
(which is actually a contrast or balance, depending on how one wish to look at it).
As i am at least a thought, or abstract representation, i am existing.
When existence is considered to be an axiom (how can it not be?) it simply does not allow for non-existence,
as there can not be existence that is non-existing. Therefore existence must be unbound,
free, infinite, nothing yet everything, to be..
Existence includes nothing. Simply put, as it is not experienced in our finite world,
it can be nothing, yet. Experience is key here as we do experience things to be.
Tommorrow is nothing yet. It is always becoming and as you know it is never the same river.
Point is, again there is a contrast that is not one thing or the other, whatever is happening,
it seems to be in between forever. Or to put it more precise, it becomes the 'in between.'
Matter and anti-matter 'being borrowed from the future' or 'spring from nothing'
tells us about what we can not experience. For all we do know, there is less stuff we can experience
than there is stuff that we can not expierence. Then again, if we truly are infinite than probably we can
It sure is not nothing (yet).
Unless you change my mind of course.
Which is easy : )
βThe most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.β -Nikolai Lenin
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.