Tolerance? Options
#1 Posted : 4/20/2011 1:47:19 AM

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I've searched the wiki and here on the forum but haven't found the exact answer of whether or or not you CAN build up a tolerance to spice, i believe
'DMTripper' said here: said:

-"And DMT has it's own agenda. Probably thinks you're over doing it. It sounds like you were using it like a recreational drug.
You don't do DMT, DMT does you and if DMT doesn't want more of you than you need to wait for a while. Don't get greedy. DMT does not like greed."

But what i'm wondering is that, on a physical level, if a tolerance can be built if used too often. Example: spice was smoked a day after a ++++breakthrough experience, and it literally felt as if spice was saying not to treat it without its deserved respect, so i feel the same as DMTripper, but jus wanted to know about the physical part. Thanks all...Very happy
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#2 Posted : 4/20/2011 4:01:59 AM

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I dont think DMT has an agenga. I dont think it works that way. Thats like saying seratonin has an agenda. DMT is a neuroelectirc chemical that is abundant throughout nature and it has integrated itself into the human nervous system over probly millions of years..your body is a complex system adn will respond to one single little chemical in different ways at different times..that is all.

Maybe where ever DMT takes you, or whatever inhabits that place has an agenda..I cant say for sure ..maybe it's all you..maybe it's something beyond you..maybe it's both at the same time.

I dont find there is a tolerance.
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#3 Posted : 4/20/2011 4:15:45 AM

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Rick Strassman's study on DMT, which took place from 1990 until 1995, included a series of tests on human subjects upon which tolerance was one of them. To achieve results, he inserted 0.4mg/kg intravenously, several times, in which patients concluded that the hallucinogenic effects did not decrease whatsoever. Dr. Strassman concluded that humans did not have a biological tolerance towards DMT.

He also conducted tests towards tolerance specifically to women during menstrual cycle to see if it'd effect results, I believe the same results were concluded as I stated above. It's been a while since I've read his book, interesting information in there though.

There's also a lot of controversy regarding his study, or better to say, his interpretation of it.
He strongly believes the brains Pineal Gland is the entrance and exit pathway of the soul in birth conception and upon death.
Scientists tackled this theory almost immediately after he published it.
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#4 Posted : 4/20/2011 4:27:40 AM

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Sometimes one is denied an entry using same methods as usual. Perceivable absence of change in conciousness. Strange stuff.
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#5 Posted : 4/20/2011 4:47:29 AM

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of course our bodies have a tolerance to dmt.
ever tried taking a hit, 5 minutes after your first few?

when you think about it, we are almost immune to it, as our bodies can react within minutes of ingesting the spice.
our MAO's, mono amine oxides,(I believe that's correct)in our liver break it down into more simple compounds.

then our bodies put their defences down when the threat is gone,

this is also why I think DMT plays a large roll in our lives naturally somehow. why would our immunity disappear within an hour, if our body didn't need the effects of our natural DMT at another time?

any more thoughts and opinions I'd love to hear

happy travels
#6 Posted : 4/20/2011 5:07:14 AM

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"of course our bodies have a tolerance to dmt.
ever tried taking a hit, 5 minutes after your first few?"

Yes many times, and it always worked. Re-pack it and perfect technique if its not working for you

"when you think about it, we are almost immune to it, as our bodies can react within minutes of ingesting the spice.
our MAO's, mono amine oxides,(I believe that's correct)in our liver break it down into more simple compounds.

then our bodies put their defences down when the threat is gone,"

i dont mean to be a grammar nazi, but technically its mono amine oxidase.

I wouldn't say we are immune to it...i mean, when we smoke works. If we were immune, it wouldn't work, right? And MAO doesn't suddenly appear when dmt is detected as a sort of 'defense mechanism'. It is always present there unless an MAOI is ingested, in which case its activity is halted. Although i suppose evolutionarily speaking it does protect us from suddenly tripping after eating something rich in the spice

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#7 Posted : 4/20/2011 5:16:16 AM

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closet-chemist1010 wrote:
of course our bodies have a tolerance to dmt.
ever tried taking a hit, 5 minutes after your first few?

when you think about it, we are almost immune to it, as our bodies can react within minutes of ingesting the spice.
our MAO's, mono amine oxides,(I believe that's correct)in our liver break it down into more simple compounds.

then our bodies put their defences down when the threat is gone,

this is also why I think DMT plays a large roll in our lives naturally somehow. why would our immunity disappear within an hour, if our body didn't need the effects of our natural DMT at another time?

any more thoughts and opinions I'd love to hear

happy travels

I assume when he meant tolerance, correct me if I'm wrong, that he was giving it a compared generalization to other compounds.
For instance, if you take Morphine for 30 years on a daily basis, you would have to incrementally increase dosage level over time.
Whereas someone who smokes DMT for 30 years on a daily basis, could have the same breakthrough after 30 years as he did when he started.
#8 Posted : 4/20/2011 5:47:48 AM


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Could just be better smoking technique but I almost feel I have some sort of reverse tolerance to dmt since I first tried it, I don't find I have to wait anytime at all after smoking some to get desired effects again. Be it a small dose to settle the nerves then a big one or just big,big,big. Either way no noticeable tolerance issues.
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#9 Posted : 4/20/2011 6:13:01 AM

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closet-chemist1010 wrote:
of course our bodies have a tolerance to dmt.
ever tried taking a hit, 5 minutes after your first few?

when you think about it, we are almost immune to it, as our bodies can react within minutes of ingesting the spice.
our MAO's, mono amine oxides,(I believe that's correct)in our liver break it down into more simple compounds.

then our bodies put their defences down when the threat is gone,

this is also why I think DMT plays a large roll in our lives naturally somehow. why would our immunity disappear within an hour, if our body didn't need the effects of our natural DMT at another time?

any more thoughts and opinions I'd love to hear

happy travels

This is just wrong, both ime and according to the strassman study previously cited. Where did you get this explanation for the method of action involving this five minute "defense" and "threat"? The current literature shows that dmt creates no meaningful tolerance to itself.
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#10 Posted : 4/20/2011 8:01:45 AM

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So it seems that it varies from person to person. some can hit right after doing so and some cant. ive read strassman's book, and one patient was already capable...or ready, for a bigger dose. his previous use of other hallucinogens might have prepped him for what he was experiencing but i dont think his mental state had anything to do with it past the breakthrough point. there were always breaks in between their scheduled "trips" so i just didnt know if i should have breaks between mine. Thanks for all the info everyone, happy trails.
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#11 Posted : 4/21/2011 9:41:50 AM
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I've experienced an increase in tolerance after breaking through. That is to say it's not as easy for me to reach the same place again within a short period of time. This only lasts for a few hours although I like to wait longer while I review the trip and reach baseline.
#12 Posted : 4/21/2011 11:44:19 AM
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With my experience if I smoke 5-10 min after my first hits it doesn't do much at all. If I wait 45 min to an hour blam I'm obliterated. It's a combo of your vaping technique, and your state of mind after the first trip. If you ask me I say it isn't healthy for your body or mind to go after hyperspace more than once a week to a month. It is defining. Meditate more, worry about tolerance less.

In a whole I do not believe there is ANY tolerance besides the 1st hour. I can't see myself trying to breakthrough 4 times in 4 hours. Someone should try but only the most experienced traveler.
#13 Posted : 4/21/2011 3:51:51 PM

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GolemE wrote:
If you ask me I say it isn't healthy for your body or mind to go after hyperspace more than once a week to a month.


There are people here who go much more often than that, and they are perfectly healthy. In the amazon its not uncommon for shamans to drink aya everyday for a prolonged period of time, and those that i've heard who do have no problems i'm aware of.

I think its clearly different for everyone and depends on the person, their amount of integration, and other factors. So to say its "unhealthy" for one to smoke more than YOU prefer is pretty ridiculous since your reality is not their reality...and while dmts affects on the mind vary for each individual, there is no evidence that indicates it is harmful to humans

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#14 Posted : 4/21/2011 8:24:13 PM

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GolemE wrote:
If you ask me I say it isn't healthy for your body or mind to go after hyperspace more than once a week to a month. It is defining. Meditate more, worry about tolerance less.

Thak you for the input, but im not worried about tolerance, just curious. i dont plan on blasting off more than a few times a month anyway. it seems that the less often i do it the more often i can break through. i have no doubt that tolerance varies from person to person, knowing one can hande it seems to make breaking through a reasonable goal, i just didnt know if there is A SET AMMOUNT of time that should elapse between journeys. i know of plenty of people that launch VERY often, i thought it may have been BECAUSE of a tolerance, but it doesnt seem that way now.

Spice helped me to stop taking prescription medication for an injury, and at the time my tolerance to opiates was staggering to say the least. if a tolerance for dmt can occur in any way similar to pills than i just want to be aware of it so i dont build one.

but you ARE right, ill stop thinking about it and consider more about my peace of mind

thanks again. Happy trails...
"..I find myself stirred awake by the ambient noises of the world outside and a realization that my train of thought may not be running on time…but I've nowhere to be...except here."
#15 Posted : 4/22/2011 5:30:14 PM

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Everyone should keep in mind when citing Strassman's tolerance studies, that the tolerance was always measured within the span of a day across a handful of hours. I believe Q21Q21 is currently working out some kind of similar theory, but I think it's really less the tolerance within the day that many are concerned about rather than the tolerance across a period of days. After all, if you can't get as far as you did a few hours ago, it may be frustrating yes, but if you can't get to where you used to some days later, that can be really frustrating. I find that there definitely is a tolerance across days and that if one starts to become disappointed with the experience that one should take a week off and try to integrate the experience into every day life. Talk about it with others. See if it's changed any of your views, and if it has, live life accordingly. Write a poem or a song or make a drawing. After a little bit away from it, come back and see if it treats you better.
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