DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 02-Mar-2011 Last visit: 01-May-2011
30-40 mg Using male/female barb, with 8 pipescreens. Similar to a vapor genie.
The first 5 or 6 times I used this method, guaranteed lift off every time.
The last couple times, however, I'll see visuals, but eventually just drift off into a state of conscious where I'm in limbo between sleep / and active conscious. Usually when I come out, I'll have no recollection of any trip.
Does anyone else experience this, and possibly have a remedy?
Posts: 856 Joined: 12-Jul-2010 Last visit: 24-Feb-2024 Location: New Zealand
i get something similar if I'm real tired and i take a inbetween dose, if i take a light dose or heavier I'm fine but for some reason if its borderline breakthrough dose i just black out as if it put me semi asleep. But yeah only when real tired. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 02-Mar-2011 Last visit: 01-May-2011
Strange. Thanks for the reply. I'm not having any luck. Twice I've tried today. Both times, I slip into this sleep. It's kinda ruining DMT for me. I don't know what to do. I've tried several different methods of smoking it now. Freebase, The Machine and The Barb method. Maybe it's the medication I'm on. Damn.

Posts: 5257 Joined: 29-Jul-2009 Last visit: 24-Aug-2024 Location: 🌊
I've slipped into the limbo state between sleep and 'awake' a couple times but it was usually late at night and at medium doses. Are you smoking breakthrough doses? Also, meditating/relaxing and just being mindful beforehand could also probably help you recall more of your trips
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 02-Mar-2011 Last visit: 01-May-2011
I think what's causing it is the medications I'm on. I'm on Klonopin and Topamax. Topamax constricts blood vessels in the brain, which would seem to be the obvious catalyst for what we don't want. What's odd is that I was on Topamax in my initial sessions, without much issue. I may not have been taking the drug as prescribed at the time, however, which may have been why I was having success with DMT.
I might taper off of the Topamax for a day or two, and see what happens. Just for testing purposes.