been having bad trips Options
giver of will
#1 Posted : 4/16/2011 1:51:27 PM

L.ife's S.ubliminal D.ream

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After smoking DMT pretty regularly for a week I had a bad trip and decided to take a break from it. Its been like 2 weeks and I just finished some exams, feeling good so I thought I would try it again. I hit the stuff and boom same shit, no cool visuals or anything, just ringing like I hit some nitrous. I remember saying out loud "I DONT LIKE THIS" and my friend was like "what dont you like?" and I said "I dont like tripping man". It was like my brain was SCREAMING to me that I DONT LIKE PSYCHEDELICS. I have had this happen to me 3 times now on this stuff and it seems to be making it clear that I HATE PSYCHEDELICS. It's starting to make me believe it. The DMT trip isnt even the same anymore no matter how much I smoke it just feels like I hit a balloon of nitrous and I FUCKING HATE IT. What happened to all the colors and visuals and entities? I dont see them anymore all it is is this annoying buzz vibrating my whole body and my brain just automatically says I HATE THIS. I am very frustrated with this, I love dmt and I love what it shows me, but everytime I smoke it its like rolling the dice.
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." - Bill Hicks

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/16/2011 2:54:55 PM

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Take a look at everything your doing . Start with your diet .
What are eating or drinking the day of the trip .
Any different meds you might be taking .
Then check yourself what's on your mind ?
Personal unfinished business stress etc.
Then look at your setting . Where are you doing it.
Do you have a ritual setting of some kind ?
Do you meditate and state some kind of intention beforehand .?
Increasing the ritual nature of the whole experience can
Make a big difference . Remember this is more than just a drug
This is is big ,you are connecting with something ancient and magical.

Also look at your smoking method . Doing anything different ?
Purity of the spice your using ,is it clean ? Have you cleaned
The screens on whatever device your using recently ?

If all of this is in line then you need to take more time off
And stop thinking about dmt for a while . My guess is you've been
Doing it too much . It will lock you out if you do it too much .
This is only temporary .hyperspace is still there for you its not going
Anywhere .

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#3 Posted : 4/16/2011 3:06:46 PM

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just a thought, but perhaps, if you dare to, try the oral rout. The come up is easier to handle and also you have the caapi harmalas (if that's what you use) that can be kind of soothing. But in general it sounds like you need a longer break. Either try a different psychedelic or take a break altogether from them. If a part of you hates tripping, maybe it's best to find out why. Is there any kind of projected guilt you are carrying around with you because psychedelics are illegal, some personal unfinished business, general turmoil within? Probe deeply - it's what working with psychedelics is all about - not just the bilssful trips but these as well. They are incentives for you to get to know yourself better, by which ever means you can.

good luck uncovering the mysteries of yourself.

much love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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giver of will
#4 Posted : 4/16/2011 3:12:06 PM

L.ife's S.ubliminal D.ream

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Enoon wrote:
just a thought, but perhaps, if you dare to, try the oral rout. The come up is easier to handle and also you have the caapi harmalas (if that's what you use) that can be kind of soothing. But in general it sounds like you need a longer break. Either try a different psychedelic or take a break altogether from them. If a part of you hates tripping, maybe it's best to find out why. Is there any kind of projected guilt you are carrying around with you because psychedelics are illegal, some personal unfinished business, general turmoil within? Probe deeply - it's what working with psychedelics is all about - not just the bilssful trips but these as well. They are incentives for you to get to know yourself better, by which ever means you can.

good luck uncovering the mysteries of yourself.

much love

I can not say enough that there is no "unfinished business" or "personal guilt about taking illegal drugs". No, I dont take psychedelics unless I FEEL like the time is right. I honestly feel like the set and setting factor has nothing to do with my bad trips. It's more like I reach a moment of complete understanding and I realize I dont want to understand everything. Every time I do it something in my head is like "YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE/KNOW THIS YET". Yea there is guilt when it happens but its not because "drugs are wrong and I shouldnt be doing them", I do drugs almost everyday in some form or another.
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." - Bill Hicks
#5 Posted : 4/16/2011 4:05:35 PM

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News flash . Set and setting are everything

The message your getting sounds clear enough to me
Maybe you should pay attention and listen to it
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
olympus mon
#6 Posted : 4/16/2011 6:08:52 PM

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giver of will- you have gotten some great feedback here and its all very applicable. my 2 cents is a bit different as i have gone through exactly what your talking about. i have had that same thought mid trip "i dont like having my brain twisted and bent like this, i dont like this feeling at all".

in my whole life i never had a "bad" trip until a year and a 1/2 ago but after that first one i had many. all i seemed to get from different substances was fear and severe discomfort. tryptamines where the most uncomfortable which broke my heart because they have always been my favorite and most sacred of tools.

i did the same thing your doing, i posted my concerns and questions and got the same great reply's that you are reading about setting, diet, taking a break, integration, intentions ext. honestly nothing really helped and i tried them all. actually for me it got worse. then came along ayahuasca.

aya in a way saved me and doomed me. i took a long break from dmt and mushrooms as the very thought of them just didn't sound fun anymore. i began getting interested ayahuasca and learning all i could. i spent many peaceful beautiful weekends hammering vine outdoors with my dog and some palo santo wood burning while shpongle played from the house. brewing and preparing for me was a very healing time. i did this over the coarse of about 3 weeks before i drank anything. in that time i feel a strong relationship developed between the sacred drink and myself.

when i finally began drinking it wasnt an easy road at first. lots of puking and shitting, many mis fires and then boom!

my first big aya breakthrough with dmt addmixture spot lighted some very serious shit in me that i was not at all looking at. it just made me feel the terror at a level i didnt know possible and it lasted for hours! it was more than difficult but the end result was worth it all. i proceeded to have for the first time in my life panic attacks in the weeks after the aya sessions. i quickly knew i had to address this pain that was killing me inside. i no longer had the option of stuffing it down and forgetting it. it wasnt even possible.

i did address it. i wrote letters from my past, talked to people from the nexus and got to a point of self forgiveness and acceptance. since then my life has changed so dramaticly for the better. i am enjoying success at a level ive never know and i just feel like a different spirit. ive never seen my path so clearly and attainable till now. life is good. life is very, very good!

i can now take mushrooms and lsd very comfortably again and even larger amounts than before. DMT will take some more time and im not sure if i will ever enjoy it like i used to. it feels quite empty and pointless to me now after experiencing dmt with harmalas. there is just so much more depth and layers to the experience and i really do not enjoy being blasted into hyperspace like i used to.

point to this ramble is we all change and progress and that could very well be whats happening to you. i would have to say that it seems more uncommon that people dont come to this place of pause with dmt after hundreds or thousands of journeys. for me it just shut off. it took 10's of times to finally get that message loud n clear and it use to really bother me. now ive just accepted that more or less my work and time with vaping dmt is over for now. i learned and gained more from that stuff than any other thing in my existence so of coarse i miss it, but im also progressing as a person and must recognize that this is just a facet of that evolution.

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#7 Posted : 4/16/2011 6:12:58 PM

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"Yea there is guilt when it happens but its not because "drugs are wrong and I shouldnt be doing them", I do drugs almost everyday in some form or another."

Why is the guilt about, if I may ask?

Also, maybe your consumption of other substances has changed in some way?

In the end though, it's not like you have to do DMT. You might be at a point where exploring something else will bring you more.
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#8 Posted : 4/17/2011 1:20:43 AM


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Why are you vaporizing DMT?
Why do you trip?

Please answer this as truthfully as possible.

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#9 Posted : 4/17/2011 1:41:10 AM

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DMT is just so much more amazing ith oral harmalas..even changa doesnt do the oral harmala thing's all about the oral harmalas..oral harmalas with vaped DMT is great..I love DMT..but there is nothing like oral DMT and harmalas together..

DMT when smoked comes on so fast that at times it is confusing and you have to sort of suspend everything and give in to that moment..with ayahuasca and mushrooms it's not like have hours to give in to it. I have hit points with smoking DMT where I just have to stop any drink ayahuasca and take mushrooms instead. I smoked DMT every day for a long time..but now it's 1-2 times a week, but I take harmalas orally every day or 2 and a full dose of ayahuasca weekly and feel that work to be much more productive at times. Sometimes smoking is amazing..other times I am left feeling like I really need a cup of ayahuasca to get anything substancial done..sometimes even just a large dose of harmalas alone is where I feel I need to be at..Depends on the day..

One more thing..this is just my opinion but after hundreds of these DMT experiences I have noticed that at times the carrier wave(buzzing, high vibrations) is brought to the surface more and more often, sometimes to the exclusion of other effects like visuals..they are there but sort of "drowned out" used to bother me as well, but I began to realize that carrier wave buzzing sensations you seem to be describing actaully seem to carry alot of information in them..once I accepted it and was more open to this high vibrational state I started to feel like I was having those sort of experiences simply because I was SOPPOSED to be having them...It is like I am being worked on vibrationally and some kind of code is being either unlocked or downloaded..

Dont get too caught up in sparkly visuals to the point where you miss the depth that is found in some of the other aspects of DMT.

Long live the unwoke.
giver of will
#10 Posted : 4/17/2011 4:15:31 PM

L.ife's S.ubliminal D.ream

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Xt wrote:
Why are you vaporizing DMT?
Why do you trip?

Please answer this as truthfully as possible.

To let it teach me
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." - Bill Hicks
giver of will
#11 Posted : 4/17/2011 4:17:24 PM

L.ife's S.ubliminal D.ream

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Shayku wrote:
"Yea there is guilt when it happens but its not because "drugs are wrong and I shouldnt be doing them", I do drugs almost everyday in some form or another."

Why is the guilt about, if I may ask?

Also, maybe your consumption of other substances has changed in some way?

In the end though, it's not like you have to do DMT. You might be at a point where exploring something else will bring you more.

The guilt comes from being in that state of knowingness. The guilt comes from the fact that my brain knows it should not be seeing this.
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." - Bill Hicks
#12 Posted : 4/17/2011 5:44:03 PM

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^ why would a neuroelectric chemical such as DMT be found in hundreds of plants, and animals spread throughout the ecosystem of the globe, and just so happen to be so compatable with the human nervous system if it elicited something we were not sopposed to see? See the bigger picture and leave guilt well alone, I dont see it's place here really..what good does guilt of that type do for you?
Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 4/17/2011 6:20:21 PM
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I too have suffered from this, even to the point of vocalising "i do not like this" whilst tripping. it is really horrible and i feel sorry for the op.

all these trips i have had are nearly the same, they are all 'miss fires'. i get the rushing noise in my ears, but it never 'peaks'. I get a thick layer of tv like static over my vision, but it never breaks into flowing colour.

This started happening so often it put the proper fear into me. I managed to resolve it though, it was all to do with my smoking style...

what i used to use a freebase pipe and take as big as hit as i could and hold it in for as long as i could 3 times in a row.

I tried to do this without smoking anything, but with an empty pipe, and me made dizzy and almost hyperventilate.

I got the oxygen rush to the head too.

I started to smoke with the same pipe but just breath in until my lungs felt full, hold to 10 and breath out. 3 of these was the same as what i was doing before, but with no more panic attacks.

I did occasionally get that feeling again after, but it was always linked to some physical discomfort at the time.

I really hope this helps you. it might be worth a go. the problem might not be psycological but could be environmental.


giver of will
#14 Posted : 4/18/2011 2:12:59 AM

L.ife's S.ubliminal D.ream

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fractal enchantment wrote:
^ why would a neuroelectric chemical such as DMT be found in hundreds of plants, and animals spread throughout the ecosystem of the globe, and just so happen to be so compatable with the human nervous system if it elicited something we were not sopposed to see? See the bigger picture and leave guilt well alone, I dont see it's place here really..what good does guilt of that type do for you?

Thats what I'm asking myself. Why would I not supposed to be seeing it? It just when I get there its like there is automatic guilt and its like I completely understand why I should not be seeing it while I'm tripping, but when I come back down its like "why wasnt I supposed to see that?"
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." - Bill Hicks
giver of will
#15 Posted : 4/18/2011 2:13:40 AM

L.ife's S.ubliminal D.ream

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thpthial wrote:

I too have suffered from this, even to the point of vocalising "i do not like this" whilst tripping. it is really horrible and i feel sorry for the op.

all these trips i have had are nearly the same, they are all 'miss fires'. i get the rushing noise in my ears, but it never 'peaks'. I get a thick layer of tv like static over my vision, but it never breaks into flowing colour.

This started happening so often it put the proper fear into me. I managed to resolve it though, it was all to do with my smoking style...

what i used to use a freebase pipe and take as big as hit as i could and hold it in for as long as i could 3 times in a row.

I tried to do this without smoking anything, but with an empty pipe, and me made dizzy and almost hyperventilate.

I got the oxygen rush to the head too.

I started to smoke with the same pipe but just breath in until my lungs felt full, hold to 10 and breath out. 3 of these was the same as what i was doing before, but with no more panic attacks.

I did occasionally get that feeling again after, but it was always linked to some physical discomfort at the time.

I really hope this helps you. it might be worth a go. the problem might not be psycological but could be environmental.



Glad to hear that someone else went through what I went through. Thank you for the advice.
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." - Bill Hicks
#16 Posted : 4/18/2011 7:42:41 AM

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that was an awesome post olympus!
The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. The others--the living--are those who pushed their control as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between now and later - HST
giver of will
#17 Posted : 4/19/2011 3:06:16 AM

L.ife's S.ubliminal D.ream

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I ended up smoking a lot more, didnt want to leave the dmt on a bad note. The bad trips went away and the colors and stuff are coming back again, I just cant break through though no matter how much spice I pack in or how many hits I take. I keep reaching sub-breakthrough and I have maybe 1 more dose left before I'm out of DMT for who knows how long. I cant figure out how to break through again.
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." - Bill Hicks
#18 Posted : 4/19/2011 12:13:53 PM

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What are you smoking out of again?

I probably always pack enough to break through, but if it doesn't work I never feel bad about it (unless the trip itself was bad, which has only happened once or twice so far). I take every failed launch as a sign that it wasn't the right moment for it to work. My body sometimes refuses to inhale properly or my hand will not keep the torch on for a long enough time to get everything heated up. It's strange because this kind of coordination isn't hard to manage, but there are moments when it just will not work properly. I see it like my body is making use of its veto right. So be it.

If you are now back to colors and whatnot then you can take it easy. Find a proper piece to smoke your spice out of if you don't have one already (e.g. a GVG or VG), and give it some thought as to why you are doing this. That is to say, do you have any specific intentions behind doing dmt? If you did break through right now, what would you do with the experience? Could you gain something out of it, would it be beneficial to you? Would you have to inner tools and technologies to discover meaning and value in it?

Sometimes we rush into things and potentially valuable experiences fly right past us because we are not in the right mindset to process them. Sometimes our minds are cluttered with past experiences that are still in cue to be processed and integrated and there is no room for new things yet. I find that psychedelics in general are something very sacred and I would not want to waste a trip, that could potentially teach me many things or help me get some needed work done, just because I was impatient.
I say this because of your statement "I ended up smoking a lot more," which sounds a bit like you're just trying to force it to happen. Maybe you're not, and I apologize for this conjecture, but at least consider the above points and try to figure out if smoking it right now is really going to give you anything.

Personally I've gotten a lot from sub-breakthrough doses. And the times I felt like I got nothing at all from spice it gave me reason to contemplate my relationship with this amazing entheogen and I got something out of that too. Once figured out what I wanted, and my mind in a better place the experiences became in themselves more meaningful again.

So do take this chance to engage in some introspection ... in fact, take any chance to do that Smile introspection is never wrong IMO Razz These experiences can be so much more than the few minutes they seem to last. Breakthroughs are overrated, experiences are overrated. It is the whole, the all inclusive context of everything that involves you and the cosmos that is important. At least this is my take on the matter. I must always remind myself to look beyond the obvious and into the greater and deeper spaces to see the essences that are behind the manifesting things.

cheers & love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#19 Posted : 4/19/2011 12:44:53 PM

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To let it teach me

The question is: Do you allow it to teach you?
#20 Posted : 4/19/2011 3:19:40 PM

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Amazing wisdom from olympus! Strength and peace to op.
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