You can get 3 hits? Options
#1 Posted : 4/18/2011 12:59:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I thought you take one large hit and hold on to it, then your world starts rollin, Howcome the FAQ calls for 3 hits? Can a person remain intact for all 3? Confused

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#2 Posted : 4/18/2011 1:14:59 AM


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depends on the smoking device/technique. But I'm gone before having chance to have a 3rd hit. I prefer to get in one hit.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
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#3 Posted : 4/18/2011 1:30:56 AM

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1 hit's the best. Nothing worse than fumbling around with your lighter as you enter hyperspace.

I get better breakthroughs with 1 hit also.
#4 Posted : 4/18/2011 1:09:58 PM


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i am way too psyched after the first hit to think of anything else but the experience , so i prefer the 1 hit technique for now , maybe with experience this might change for me , not much experienced with the molecule however i am on my journey ,,,,
i like the fact that traditional psychadelics i mean the longer acting ones gradually come to the peak but i love the fact that molecule takes you there and beyond instantly , however its a little weird to think of the 2nd hit after that for me (maybe after 1/2 an hour or so Very happy )
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#5 Posted : 4/18/2011 1:56:25 PM

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It is very essential, to get the biggest possible hit first. There are two reasons for this:

1.You have a very small timeframe. Freebase spice will start to render you "inoperative" as quickly as 30 seconds. It's getting harder to operate a lighter and you might also experience psychological barriers or hear voices telling you to lie down and close you eyes. With Changa, you have propably double that time but there is also more smoke for you to take in...

2.Like with mushrooms, the first dose sets the space. If your first hit isn't big, chances are, you'll have troubles reaching a certain level. But still, dosage isn't everythiung, but certainly central.

In conclusion, i'd say that 3 hits "mckenna style" is fine for beginners starting to explore. But if you can handle the smoke, try one big can still go at more if possible. Still, in my experience, a huge hit hits you so hard, you won't be able to do anything. You WILL collapse on you bed or chair and it won't matter what you want to do in this reality. It will be overturned.
#6 Posted : 4/18/2011 4:36:18 PM


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I am an advocate for the third hit.

Peering into the rabbit hole is fun and all, but please don't be confused... a look into the tunnel isn't wonderland.

obliguhl wrote:
a huge hit hits you so hard, you won't be able to do anything. You WILL collapse on you bed or chair and it won't matter what you want to do in this reality. It will be overturned.

good start... Now take two more of those and you are there Shocked
it's not easy; but it is the part that really counts...

remember Terence advocated heroism in dosing Wink
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#7 Posted : 4/18/2011 5:38:44 PM

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dreamer042 wrote:
obliguhl wrote:
a huge hit hits you so hard, you won't be able to do anything. You WILL collapse on you bed or chair and it won't matter what you want to do in this reality. It will be overturned.

good start... Now take two more of those and you are there Shocked
it's not easy; but it is the part that really counts...

remember Terence advocated heroism in dosing Wink

A dose of any size taken in one hit will often produce qualitatively different effects than the same size dose taken in more than one hit. For example, 30mg taken in a single hit will produce a much more "intense" experience than three 10mg hits taken in succession.

Those of us who advocate taking one hit aren’t suggesting that one should only take a dose 1/3 the size of what one would take with three hits, but rather that one take in a single hit the same amount of DMT one would otherwise take in three hits.
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#8 Posted : 4/18/2011 6:10:20 PM


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gibran2 wrote:

A dose of any size taken in one hit will often produce qualitatively different effects than the same size dose taken in more than one hit. For example, 30mg taken in a single hit will produce a much more "intense" experience than three 10mg hits taken in succession.

Those of us who advocate taking one hit aren’t suggesting that one should only take a dose 1/3 the size of what one would take with three hits, but rather that one take in a single hit the same amount of DMT one would otherwise take in three hits.

If you can finish it all in one go then you didn't put enough in. Load moar! Very happy
(personally 50mg gets me 3+ huge rips every time with proper vaporization technique, even in the all hallowed vapor genie)

As an example: do you take just one huge rip of ganja, then claim that gets you higher than finishing the blunt would? Of course not!

Now let's don't be silly here. Wink

As an aside:


Fun Fact # 14693 - Terence always put 150mg in that little glass pipe he used to send people and made them take the third hit... No wonder they got elves Laughing

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#9 Posted : 4/18/2011 6:18:52 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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dreamer042 wrote:

If you can finish it all in one go then you didn't put enough in. Load moar! Very happy

As an example: do you take just one huge rip of ganja, then claim that gets you higher than finishing the blunt would? Of course not!

Now let's don't be silly here. Wink

if you put 30mg in GVG and inhale it all in one go what other hits can you get out of it ? its easy to take 30-40mg of spice in one go. when i do it i make sure there is nothing left. i would not even get to second hit anyway Smile
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
corpus callosum
#10 Posted : 4/18/2011 6:31:45 PM

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I think that one hit is all you need if the dose is right and vaporisation technique is optimised.30-40mg can easily be cleared in one toke with the GVG and this is what makes this tool so suited to vaporising DMT; I reckon if you get these 2 aspects right, you would probably be incapable of taking another inhalation.

Undoubtedly, the one hit approach will get you so much further than the same dose taken in greater than one inhalation.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#11 Posted : 4/18/2011 6:31:59 PM

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dreamer042 wrote:
If you can finish it all in one go then you didn't put enough in. Load moar! Very happy

As an example: do you take just one huge rip of ganja, then claim that gets you higher than finishing the blunt would? Of course not!

Now let's don't be silly here. Wink

I assume you’re joking (but it’s not very funny). Confused

Different substances are metabolized at different rates. THC is metabolized relatively slowly. DMT is metabolized very quickly. Comparing the two when comparing methods of administration is meaningless due to the radical difference in metabolic breakdown rate.

Here’s an extreme example I’ve given before:

Suppose you vaporize 30mg of DMT one milligram at a time – you take 30 very small hits. If you hold each hit for let’s say 10 seconds, add a few more seconds to take the hit and take an extra breath now and then, then it will take about 10 minutes or longer to consume the whole dose. Chances are you’ll never feel any effects at all.

If that same 30mg is efficiently vaporized in a few seconds (easily doable with a GVG), the effects will likely be very intense.

More hits does not equal a more intense experience. In fact, for any given amount of DMT without an MAOI, more hits generally equals a less intense experience. What determines the intensity/depth of experience (with respect to dose and all other factors being equal) is the rate at which the dose is consumed/absorbed into the blood stream.

Based on your McKenna remark (please provide a source), I take it that you never measure a dose?
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#12 Posted : 4/18/2011 6:57:54 PM


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My dose is 50mg no more no less. Admittedly I used a classic vapor genie and a bit of mullein as a base it did not all clear in one.

I understand your point if you can smoke the whole thing in one dose as opposed to several then yes its more effective. However the lungs can only hold so much smoke or vapor, so if you can take 3 doses (lung capacity) you are going a lot further than you will with only one. That's what I'm trying to express.

As for a source, he states 150mg in one of his recorded lecture workshops. I thought it was a lot too, but remember he was all about heroic dosing. I'm afraid I don't know which one exactly off the top of my head but I will track it down for you when I can.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#13 Posted : 4/18/2011 7:01:38 PM

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when i inhale 50mg dmt with the VG in one hit (it is possible)- i am DONE...

but i commend those who strive to push their limits (with safety in mind, of course) Very happy

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#14 Posted : 4/19/2011 12:32:30 AM

John Murdoch IV

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How can I make my lungs bigger.
I'm having trouble breaking through because I can't get a really big hit. I always need to take 2-3 hits and I need to breath a little between them. Otherwise I'm breathing heavily on my way to hyperspace grasping for oxygen.
But sometimes when well rested and relaxed it's easier to break through and I need much less spice. Then it can be easy with 2 hits.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#15 Posted : 4/21/2011 9:17:42 AM
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I have found that BY FAR the best way for me is to use a small glass bong (no water) with a small amount of herb in the bowl (much less than you would normally smoke, just enough to act as a screen/coal). I sprinkle 50-60mg onto the herb and start by taking a little puff to get the dmt melted in. With the lighter held just close enough to vaporize the mixture, I chamber a good size hit and clear it in one inhale. It's important not to go too big on the first one or you might irritate your lungs for the second. Hold the first hit in only as long as it's comfortable, knowing that you will want to hold in your next hit longer. Second hit is just like the first except I try to take in as much as possible (a little more lighter) without irritating my lungs since I'll be holding this hit in as long as possible. By the time I exhale this one I'm already closing my eyes and blasting off. I've only seen one person take a third hit with this method. Let's just say he had a major breakthrough.


I know many of you vaporize directly off a glass pipe and I'm sure that it's cleaner and more efficient, but it's much more comfortable for me to use a smoking method that is not only easy, but very familiar while ascending to a higher plane. Also, it's good for those who have overcome addictions to negative substances to stay away from anything resembling a "glass vaporizer" especially while going into a psychedelic trip. I've found that the bong specifically, is a tool that lends itself perfectly to spice. You can get a visual estimate of your hit, inhale it very quickly, and in rapid succession if you're so inclined. The herb even acts like a coal and helps vaporize everything quickly, and if you can't or don't want to use MJ (drugs tests or whatever) there dozens of other spices you could use. Changa is my next step Pleased
#16 Posted : 4/21/2011 5:28:25 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Methinks you should take a dose in one hit IF POSSIBLE, but I understand that it takes a lot of practice to pull off. I've never thought of it as a "which one is better", it was generally a matter of current skill. Vaping 50mgs is vaping 50mgs, whether done in one or in three tokes.

The portal hearkens
as the child cries;
in one or three?
Two sides of the infinite,
a prophet sleeps
on his launch pad.


#17 Posted : 4/21/2011 7:31:32 PM

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dreamer042 wrote:
My dose is 50mg no more no less. Admittedly I used a classic vapor genie and a bit of mullein as a base it did not all clear in one.

I understand your point if you can smoke the whole thing in one dose as opposed to several then yes its more effective. However the lungs can only hold so much smoke or vapor, so if you can take 3 doses (lung capacity) you are going a lot further than you will with only one. That's what I'm trying to express.

As for a source, he states 150mg in one of his recorded lecture workshops. I thought it was a lot too, but remember he was all about heroic dosing. I'm afraid I don't know which one exactly off the top of my head but I will track it down for you when I can.

I have listened to hundreds of hours of Terence at this point because I really enjoy hearing him expound on things. While you are correct he does advocate (at least for himself) the "heroic dose" it is almost always in reference to Mushrooms when he mentions that phrase, typically the 5 dried grams of Cubensis. I'm sure you might be right that he may have referenced 150mg in a speech, though I can't remember, but one thing I have come to conclude based on his talks is this:

The community has come a long way in terms of administering DMT. All these toys we have available like the GVG were not around for these old timers to use. Terence frequently in his talks mentions the smell of burning plastic and a very harsh gross tasting smoke that is really annoying to inhale. So that leads me to conclude that at least for some period of time people were poorly vaporizing the stuff thus wasting a lot of actives. I seriously doubt that if Terence were around today and had a GVG that he would say that 150mg was his recommended "heroic dose". It seems to me that that would be either 1) way to difficult to get all that down since the GVG is so effective and you would be far gone before you got it all vaped and 2) if it was possible to vape it all it would probably just lead to some blackout type experience that you wouldn't remember anyway. I never get the impression from him that heroic = potentially reckless (which I am sure you get the same feeling if you have listened to him talk).

Eating 5 grams of P. Cubensis is still the same as it was in 1975, but Vaporizing DMT is not Razz I would personally say that in regards to vaporized DMT that ANY dose that is big enough to elicit a Breakthrough experience IS a heroic dose in Terence's definition. Even the great positive experiences can be challenging on that psychological/existential and are heroic in a similar way to a closed eye 5 grams of P Cubensis.
#18 Posted : 4/21/2011 8:26:29 PM

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@ Malaclypse: I agree completely. The technology and refinements to DMT preparation and consumption have come a long way.

Back in McKenna’s day, they were using impure (synthesized?) DMT (often referred to as orange in color) and were heating it in a way that almost guaranteed burned spice. There are many references to the harshness of the smoke, the need for multiple hits, the difficulty of holding a hit in, the smell, etc.

Also, just because 150mg is loaded into a smoking device doesn’t mean that anywhere near 150mg will get consumed by a single individual, multiple hits or not.

@ BananaForeskin: It’s technically true that vaping 30mg in one hit or three is still vaping 30mg, but timing is everything! I’m sure you’d agree that vaping 30mg in one hit will not produce the same effects as vaping 10mg every 24 hours over the course of 3 days even though in both cases 30mg is being vaporized. Smile
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#19 Posted : 4/22/2011 3:23:36 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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@ BananaForeskin: It’s technically true that vaping 30mg in one hit or three is still vaping 30mg, but timing is everything! I’m sure you’d agree that vaping 30mg in one hit will not produce the same effects as vaping 10mg every 24 hours over the course of 3 days even though in both cases 30mg is being vaporized. Smile

Yes, I certainly agree with you! And I do feel like one single hit is more effective than three in quick succession. But the argument seems a trifle odd, as long as all parties are having the desired experiences.


#20 Posted : 4/22/2011 5:38:06 PM

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I personally am a fan of the 3 hit method. I use the GVG, but somehow it seems physically impossible to get vaporize everything into one hit. I find that taking 3 large hits can usually take me to where I'm looking to go. I think I may have screwed up my filter months ago, and perhaps that's the issue. I've also become a huge fan of filling way more than I can clear and then after my lungs stop spasming and the burn stops after holding it in for 3 seconds or so, I then proceed to clear the rest without exhaling first. This is almost always instantly accompanied by insta-visuals.
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