Getting my feet in the air for the first time. Options
#1 Posted : 4/15/2011 10:56:34 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello all you wonderful people. I've been looking for information, and I've stumbled upon your wonderful little community. It's one I really believe I'd like to become a part of. I'll post what little about myself I feel comfortable talking about in this setting, then get on to badgering you with a ton of questions so that I may benefit from (read: steal) your wisdom.

I'm relatively young, not yet having reached my thirties. I'm an adventurous sort of individual, seeking grand experiences and a good laugh. I fancy myself an intellectual (don't we all?) and I'm somewhat spiritual, but abhor religion. I'm agnostic, but desperately searching for gnosis. I'm determined not to spend my life tip-toeing around danger simply to walk safely into death. There are big, grand questions that I must find answers to.. or at least beat my brain against until it can take no more.

With that said, I'm very interested in DMT. I've had a single, life-altering OOBE and have always had very lucid dreams. I feel very connected with that sort of phenomenon. DMT seems like a method to investigate that sort of radical consciousness shift and I feel like it has been calling to me in much the same way that the skies call to me. I have to do it, I have to experience it.

I know that no one is truly prepared to understand DMT without experiencing it. I've heard that in story after story. I believe that I have a good head for extreme situations and while I may not be prepared fully, I think I have the attitude to cope with whatever comes. I am a licensed skydiver, I've survived a plane crash, I've spent a good deal of time in harm's way in my various careers. I have a head for extreme situations. And much the same way as I approach skydiving, I am approaching DMT. Learn as much as you can, prepare as best you can, be as safe as you can, and do not fear.

As far as drugs go, I'm hardly an expert. I've rarely smoked cannabis, although I've tried several synthetics which I actually prefer. I've had some mild hallucinogenic experiences with DXM. I just have never been that into the whole "drug scene." It's more of the mystical nature of the spice that attracts me, not the "drug" aspect. This said, I have very little to no knowledge of how to properly smoke from most common contraptions. I say this here because I will reference it again in my questions below.

Now, of course. I would never actually make or use the substance. As its, I'm sure you're aware, illegal. But some Idiot i know has procured 500gs of shredded mimosa hostilis root bark in order to make this substance. Since I don't feel like referring to him as Idiot in all future references, I'll simply shorten it to "I". Terms of "me" and "myself" are obviously intended only for grammatical correctness and not to imply that I myself am involved in any way.

So, on behalf of Idiot, I have several questions to pose. I'll do so in bullet format to make it easier on you folks to decide which ones to belittle me for.

* I don't have access to a DMT pipe. Will a glass cannabis pipe work? I've heard "oil burners" (read: meth pipes) will work and are available at some head shops. Anyone having explicit instructions on how to load, apply flame, and smoke correctly from any of these two devices would be greatly appreciated.

* I plan on using Lazyman's tek posted on this site's wiki to extract the DMT crystals. Is this a proven method? I like it's simplicity, particularly because this is my first venture into such things. Will the crystals form merely from the naptha evaporating or does whatevers left over have to be refridgerated afterwards to crystalize (I see refridgeration mention in most teks but not this one).

* Any advice on where one can purchase a scale to weigh out proper dosage, without arousing undue suspicion?

Thank you for any responses. I appreciate the very thoughtful and mature nature of the posts which I've had the pleasure of reading on these boards, and I hope that some of you out there can assuage some of the pressing questions. I'm sure I'll come up with more, and I'll post them here accordingly. Thanks!

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#2 Posted : 4/16/2011 10:21:43 AM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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HighSpeedDirt wrote:
I feel like it has been calling to me in much the same way that the skies call to me. I have to do it, I have to experience it.

i felt the same way so i understand. hope you find all your answers.

HighSpeedDirt wrote:

Learn as much as you can, prepare as best you can, be as safe as you can, and do not fear.

sounds good to me

HighSpeedDirt wrote:

So, on behalf of Idiot, I have several questions to pose. I'll do so in bullet format to make it easier on you folks to decide which ones to belittle me for.

* I don't have access to a DMT pipe. Will a glass cannabis pipe work? I've heard "oil burners" (read: meth pipes) will work and are available at some head shops. Anyone having explicit instructions on how to load, apply flame, and smoke correctly from any of these two devices would be greatly appreciated.

when i started with spice i made my self THE MACHINE and was using that for a while its cheep to make and very efficient. if you have anough funds you can go for GVG it is the best way to smoke spice. you can find lots of post about it on this forum

HighSpeedDirt wrote:

* I plan on using Lazyman's tek posted on this site's wiki to extract the DMT crystals. Is this a proven method? I like it's simplicity, particularly because this is my first venture into such things. Will the crystals form merely from the naptha evaporating or does whatevers left over have to be refridgerated afterwards to crystalize (I see refridgeration mention in most teks but not this one).

look at the tek i attached to this post its in pdf file. this tek is very good but look around , read another posts and you may find another one that will suits you best.

HighSpeedDirt wrote:

* Any advice on where one can purchase a scale to weigh out proper dosage, without arousing undue suspicion?

you can find many scales on ebay or other web sites. make sure its 0.001g scale. i would not think that by purchasing scale you gonna arouse any suspicion.

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#3 Posted : 4/16/2011 4:03:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome to the Nexus!

In my opinion, the oil burner is surpassed in problems only by using a lightbulb, when it comes to the spice. Of course, the GVG is totally the Bentley of smoking DMT. If you don't feel like starting there, I would suggest The Key or The Inspirator mkII.

All of the teks included in the Wiki have been time tested and work very well. You can allow the naptha to evaporate completely, but I would definitely suggest re-Xing if you do. As the DMT crystalizes, it can trap solvents within it making for an unpleasant smoke. It's kind of wasteful to evaporate all of the naptha down, so I would definitely say the freeze precipitation is preferable. Evaporating until the naptha clouds when you breathe on it is a good idea though.

Like smokerx mentions, eBay works for the scale. Also, Amazon was carrying them for a reasonable price.

Be well.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 4/17/2011 2:22:14 AM


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HighSpeedDirt wrote:
It's more of the mystical nature of the spice that attracts me, not the "drug" aspect.

You'll fit right in brother.
Can you tell us more about the plane crash?


β€œRight here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#5 Posted : 4/18/2011 6:02:45 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you all for your answers to those questions. They are very appreciated. I'm just not sure I want to spring $100+ for a device to sample a substance I may immediately despise, if that makes any sense. I guess I'll do a little research into "The Machine".

Xt wrote:
Can you tell us more about the plane crash?

There's not a whole lot I can tell without being too specific, and for anonymity reasons I can't do that. It was a small plane, we lost power after takeoff and crashed in a densely populated downtown area. We impacted several power lines, telephone poles, trees, and eventually a parking lot in a 100+mph gliding decent.

I was sitting in a position to look over the dash, and was able to witness the impact with the power lines and the first pole. I then "blanked out" until I was thrown against the roof when we finally impacted the parking lot. I don't believe I lost consciousness, but as any skydiver can attest, adrenaline can cause partial or even complete amnesia. It's not uncommon for new skydivers to be unable to recall large parts of their jumps due to their mind being fixated on trying to survive.

In this particular situation as we were descending into an area with no landing options, I was certain I was dead. I most definitely did not see my life flash before my eyes as some people claim happens in that scenario. Neither was I scared, not in the slightest. I know that is hard to believe, but there was zero fear. Just an intense and profound disappointment, knowing that it was all over and that I was leaving behind so many people, and so many things left undone. I distinctly remember thinking "This is it" and hoping that it would be painless. I guess luck was just on my side that day.

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