hey blushifter,
pleased to meet you. I hope your extraction is fruitful and returns some beautiful white xtals!
So, what is it you seek out in psychedelics? Do you have specific motivations or is it more a general curiosity?
I ask because this is the introduction thread and it#s where we are supposed to make first contact with one another. So it's nice to hear a bit more from people introducing themselves. Not an autobiography, but something more about the essence of your being, what brings you here other than the information - because that you could have gotten without posting. How have psychedelics affected you in your life so far, how do you intend to continue to work with them? What have you experienced so far? Do you find the experiences more spiritual, recreational, introspective/psychological, or just simply fascinating? Or something else?
Do you like to use them in groups, ceremonies, or alone?
plenty of things you could tell us about yourself. Feel free to not answer any of these questions but speak about something else as well. I'm just putting up suggestions to immerse you better into this wonderful community. There's plenty of love to go around, so feel free to tap into it whenever you're ready
cheers & love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
mushroom-grow-help :::
energy conserving caapi extraction