hi logic,
nice of you to drop by. Would you care to tell us more about yourself? It's always nice to get to know one-another, and unfortunately we only have these text-boxes to do so for now. So, staying with the theme of this website, what are your experiences with psychedelics? What are your interests regarding them - intentions / beliefs / hopes / specific projects?
Have you tried dmt orally or vaped and if so how did you like it?
Also, what is your outlook on life and how to psychedelics fit in there?
Myself, I'm a big fan of working with entheogens for self-developmental purposes, for psychological self-experiments, and for the evolution of conscousness in general. I see this website and the community behind it as a way to integrate psychedelics not only on a personal level but on an inter-personal and (sub-)cultural level as well. I enjoy trying to contribute to the general awareness and loving; not sure if I always succeed, but well, we'll get there.
So let's hear a bit more from you now
cheers & love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
mushroom-grow-help :::
energy conserving caapi extraction