After the drying of the crystals, some of the naphta is locked inside the crystal structure of the spice, making it look waxy.
What I mostly do is this:
1. With a razor blade I will stroke over the waxy crystals and spread them out over the evap dish, this will release a lot of the solvent trapped inside, you will see a hardening happen almost instantly.
2. After leaving the crystals to dry for a few hours I scrape them up and redissolve them in IPA (or acetone) this will get the rest of the trapped naphta out. Immediately after the redissolving I will pour the mix onto the evap dish again to dry.
3. After drying I will chop up the crystals with the blade. You will notice that the spice got pretty hard already! Chop them up until you have a very fine powder.
4. Spread that powder out over the dish and let that dry for two days, chopping them up again once a while during that time.
This gives me very dry powder that smells just right.

Kind regards,
The Traveler