I discovered the Nexus about half a year ago. I could tell immediately that it was different from other forums that discuss psychoactive substances. On other forums I would have to sift through pages of false information to find the one factual bit that i was looking for. Ill stop talking about why I like the Nexus because I'm sure everyone here already knows what I would say.
I recently turned 18 and decided that it was time that I started to contribute to this site that has taught me so much. First I want to get out of the way that I do still live with my parents and will continue to until i move out in the fall and start studying chemistry at a university in the western US. I know the fact that I live with my parents is frowned upon but i felt that i need start off honestly. My parents are aware of my drug use and are accepting of it. I share my experiences and what i have learned with them. They trust my knowledge and my decision making.
Most of my life I have suffered from depression. Only since I began self therapy with the use of MDMA, Mushrooms, DMT, LSD, and Mescaline have i seen release from my numbing depression. MDMA taught me that I could be social, which was extremely important. It's hard not to be depressed when you cannot communicate with your fellow man. Mushrooms taught me that everyone has problems and that problems should not be hidden but excepted and then worked out. DMT taught me that " I am god, Thou art god." and if everyone and everything is god then everything is too be loved. DMT also taught me how wonderful the afterlife will be and that suffering in this world isn't all that bad when i know that an eternity of bliss follows. Lsd taught me that I am important and that it is all right to get what I want, that I don't have to always worry about others neglecting myself. Mescaline, my personal favorite, has reconnected me with the earth and her other inhabitants. Mescaline has enabled me to talk and share experiences with earths other children, and has given me a special fondness for crows
. I am a much happier person, the first step to improving the world is improving self.
Drugs have improved my relationships with my friends and parents(especially my parents I could not understand them and as a result could not stand them until i saw them as people instead of as "mom" and "dad"
. For most of my life i planned on becoming an artist because i was a failure in school and saw no other option. My release from depression has enabled me to embrace my intelligence. Im currently at the top of all my classes and respected by my teachers where before i was just a disturbance. I still practice art and enjoy it greatly but now wish to pursue a career in chemistry.
I have a great respect for drugs, certain ones anyway, and the people that use them appropriately. That is why i want to become part of this community. I have a lot to learn and this forum seems like the best community for me to do that in. I dont feel that I have much to contribute at this point but i will do my best to be a good member of the community and in time im sure i will be able offer some helpful information.
I want to thank all of you for the help you have already unknowingly offered me.