The name of the game is respect with Salvia, as far as I'm concerned. I don't see any harm with stating your intent, as is recommended for ayahuasca ceremonies. Personally I haven't had a full breakthough yet, intentionally though, as I'm still enjoying using it as a meditation enhancer. I can go a long way on a bowl of 5x! With music and a calm approach I can coast along in blissful meditation for an hour, I can get questions answered and dabble a little in the Salvia carnival without getting too lost.
First experience was my most intense though, because I'd tried once before with regular leaf and got nothing, so I tried 5x not expecting much
One toke...
Two tokes
Three tokes and before exhaling I thought...something's different
Oh! Er - no, everything's different
(I likened it to stepping out of the room for a split second and when you come back in someone's rearranged all the furniture)
What do I do now?
*Breathe out
Didn't I do that yet?
Do I know how to do that?
Something pushed against my lungs then, and I was happy to realise I did still know how to do that

My experiences on salvia have had a very strong flavour of 'been there before' which I think is common, something from childhood, I don't know what exactly, it's just tantalisingly out of reach. I 'see' time in discrete pockets (oer there is a different timespace to here) and I 'see' structures around me in 3D, sitting on the bed that time I could see the outline all around me in my minds eye, edges which started bleeding backwards in greem and purple ripples and pulling me back with it. I wasn't ready to go, I didn't know it would be this fast and I'm unprepared. I try to get up off the bed to get help, from someone, I'm scared about how fast and intense it seems to be but something stops me, tells me it's ok, I find myself reciting a chant over and over in an unknown language and there's a maternal presence looking after me.
It's always been ok since, now I know how fast it hits, but I still take it carefully - I have loads and there's no rush. I have my own plant too, which I have the most special affection for - I think the salvia goddess would be satisfied with that

The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer. ~Edward R. Murrow