//Lovely cactus\\ Options
#1 Posted : 4/9/2011 3:34:17 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM wants me to post this to show what has worked well for him, and he would also like some help with identification of his 2 bigger cactus cuttings. the big 9 spined monster was sold to him as a Bidgesii x Peruvian torch (is it?), the babies however have 7 (big one) and 8 spines. are the number of spines indicative of anything, will thier babies get less and less spines also? The other big one is something of a mystery. i really love its shape, the 7 spines are very wide and flat, and im starting to wonder whether i planted it the wrong way up. cause i dug it up the other day to check if it was actually growing roots or not and discovered a tiny bright white baby sprouting from the tip of the base underneath the soil(spikes pointing upwards currently, maybe have to be down like the other one). Any help with the ID of these would be greatly appreciated.

You will also see that I attached a photo of the soil SWIM is using for his cactus. it is local river sand and tends to retain some moisture within the dust/grit, yet provides awesome drainage.
and photo of my caapi plant, she is so sexy, is 1.5yrs old and loves to climb. When it was raining solid here for a couple of weeks it grew 3 foot.
but half of them new shoots died off when the sun+heat came back (45C here in summer) having gone through one summer here hopefully it will gain some hardness and really start to grow since the weather is starting to cool off the end of summer.
Czepa attached the following image(s):
0409110947-00.jpg (555kb) downloaded 209 time(s).
0409110948-00.jpg (435kb) downloaded 204 time(s).
0409110950-00.jpg (479kb) downloaded 206 time(s).
0409110950-02.jpg (551kb) downloaded 207 time(s).
0409110953-01.jpg (553kb) downloaded 201 time(s).
0409110952-00.jpg (594kb) downloaded 200 time(s).
0409110954-00.jpg (512kb) downloaded 201 time(s).
Sir Terrence McKenna: "and what is real: is you, and your friends, and your associations, your highs, your orgasms your hopes your plans your fears... and were told. no. we're unimportant, we're peripherial. get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that. and then your a player, (but) you dont even want to play that game? (well) you want to re-claim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers: who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash thats being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world. ¿where is that at?"

"But now technology throws a curve. and the curve is that we live so long, that we figure out what a scam this is. we figure out that what your supposed to work for isn't worth having, we figure out that our politicians are buffoons, we figure out that professional scientists are reputation building gravitating weasels. we discover that all organizations are corrupted by ambition. we figure. it. out... and as you come to see that you are alienated you realise that culture is not your friend."

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 4/9/2011 4:14:27 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Cacti expert

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the ID seems possible. they both look peruvianoid-ish to me

the younger growth is putting out less spines because it isn't getting as much sun as it once was.

the soil looks ok for normal cacti, but thrichos need rich soil
used MJ soil with extra lime, and slow release ferts have worked well for me
#3 Posted : 4/10/2011 10:26:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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i put some slow release fertilizers on it today and mixed in some potassium nitrate to the water i was pouring on them. and moved them into the sun. middle of the yard 100% sun Razz
Sir Terrence McKenna: "and what is real: is you, and your friends, and your associations, your highs, your orgasms your hopes your plans your fears... and were told. no. we're unimportant, we're peripherial. get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that. and then your a player, (but) you dont even want to play that game? (well) you want to re-claim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers: who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash thats being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world. ¿where is that at?"

"But now technology throws a curve. and the curve is that we live so long, that we figure out what a scam this is. we figure out that what your supposed to work for isn't worth having, we figure out that our politicians are buffoons, we figure out that professional scientists are reputation building gravitating weasels. we discover that all organizations are corrupted by ambition. we figure. it. out... and as you come to see that you are alienated you realise that culture is not your friend."
#4 Posted : 4/10/2011 1:40:26 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Cacti expert

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beware, cacti can sun burn, if they've been shaded, introduce them to full sun slowly
#5 Posted : 4/10/2011 3:23:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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they've been in partial sun through 45C sun and now its cooling down to under 30's so i think they should be fine
Sir Terrence McKenna: "and what is real: is you, and your friends, and your associations, your highs, your orgasms your hopes your plans your fears... and were told. no. we're unimportant, we're peripherial. get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that. and then your a player, (but) you dont even want to play that game? (well) you want to re-claim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers: who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash thats being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world. ¿where is that at?"

"But now technology throws a curve. and the curve is that we live so long, that we figure out what a scam this is. we figure out that what your supposed to work for isn't worth having, we figure out that our politicians are buffoons, we figure out that professional scientists are reputation building gravitating weasels. we discover that all organizations are corrupted by ambition. we figure. it. out... and as you come to see that you are alienated you realise that culture is not your friend."
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