Tengent wrote:Hey guys, first post.

Personally, I do not like smoking. I've never thoroughly enjoyed smoking marijuana because the act of smoking itself has always made me uncomfy (though I have only smoked a hand full of times). I love love love psychedelics like LSD and shrooms because the route of administration is so convenient. And of course I'm very curious about trying DMT. Now, if I was ever to come across some, I would be afraid I would waste it because I might hit it wrong or something (like I did with pot the first few times). Is there a large correlation between the effectiveness of DMT use and frequently smoking other substances? Are there many DMT users who don't smoke pot often or at all? Thanks.
Welcome! DMT is an entirely different beast; there is no comparable psychoactive experience. That being said, I have gleaned no ostensible "correlation" between individual interaction with DMT and Cannabis. Your relationship with bud, however, might reflect latent/deeper personal issues...DMT has the propensity to reflect these intimate qualities/"issues" of your character in radically intense forms. This can be distressing, confusing, terrifying - but it can also be beautiful beyond your wildest imaginations. Obviously, though, I'm not entitled to judge your character or current mindset.
Personally speaking, I have a bittersweet relationship with Cannabis. Unfortunately, I am surrounded by friends who chronically smoke--the temptation is persistently nagging at my mind. My identity has been rather shaky for the majority of my life (building it is a sloooow process), and immoderate Cannabis use surely exacerbates this instability. I find that with reserved usage, it can do wonders for my wellbeing--especially vaporizing (I often don't get that "uncomfy" physical reaction to vaped Cannabis). Finding a balancing point is difficult, though...
Surely, though, you'll find people here who dislike smoking Cannabis or don't smoke at all. Different strokes, my friend

"Tears themselves interest me greatly -- but not the tears of melancholy hindsight and existential despair;
rather the tears of awe you experience when the realization of an ideal suddenly appears before your very eyes or thunders inside your mind;
these tears interest me." - Philip Hallie