All of them will work, so its up to you. Personally I seriously dislike xylene and toluene, and would def go for limonene, since the first two are quite more toxic, smell horribly (and will call neighbour's attention if you have any), plus they are petrochemicals which I preffer to avoid using, while limonene is even used as food supplement and will just make your house smell of oranges.
Limonene can't be clean evapped, will leave too much residues, you need to salt out the DMT from the solvent, so check out BLAB tek for explanations. Xylene and toluene would evap but they might leave a final product which is gooey (so-called "jungle"

. Also there might be traces of the solvent trapped in that goo so I suggest using some alcohol/acetone to redissolve it a bit and re-evap to help getting rid of xylene/toluene traces.