Hi folks,
Two or three threads in the fabric of life have brought me here.
This is my introduction essay.
The first thread is spirituality. I could write a book (and probably should someday) about my spiritual journey, but for the sake of brevity: After having been raised a Christian and forsaking The Church during adolescence I became a seeker. At the age of 30 I had an epiphany after meeting an enlightened being. I had a "peek over the fence", as Ramesh Balsekar would put it. For an instant I shed the ego and became my true self: an infinite being. My ultimate quest is to "wake up" and permanently shed the ego.
I want to die before the body dies. Apparently, however, I am not yet ready for such a leap and my journey continues.
The second thread of convergence regards drugs. [I guess I have to choose my words carefully here] I came of age in the 1970s, and everyone around me was doing just about every conceivable drug, but I remained totally straight. I tried cannabis in high school and had a horrific panic/ anxiety attack. That one experience at the age of 16 frightened me so much I stayed totally clean until the age of 40. By 40 I was doing drugs (legally and pharmaceutically) and realized I was dependent. During three hospital stays I was IV'ed Demerol, Morphine, and Dilaudid. I have an incredible tolerance now. I take opiates by prescription daily. Also, after my epiphany at 30, I struggled with panic attacks for an entire decade. My "self" would start to fade (ego death) and it fought back with a vengeance! Eventually I got tired of the struggle and being anxiety ridden almost constantly, so I turned to benzodiazapines by prescription. At 40 I figured since I was already on opiates and benzos I might as well experiment with other stuff, so I did. The only thing (besides stimulants) I haven't tried are hallucinogenics.
Just recently DMT found me. I didn't look for it. It just almost literally fell into my lap. I have not yet tried it. I am waiting for the right set and setting. If my calculations are correct, I have enough for at least 80 trips.
The third thread which now converges regards aliens. I read all of Whitley Streiber's books, and was aware of the abduction phenomenon throughout the 1980s. I may or may not have been an abductee; I don't know. I DO KNOW that I have communicated with alien intelligence while meditating. There are so many physical species of beings out there it's just mind boggling! We are currently being protected and observed. We, as a species, are a product of panspermia. We have such a long history of interaction with other beings for millennia, and most of it has been erased from our current version of "history". I am eager to experience the non-physical realms and multi-dimensional space I have seen at times while meditating. Time is just another dimension through which we are constantly traveling. And there are even more dimensions... in the "4th" dimension it is possible to see INSIDE OF our ordinary three dimensional shapes. It is very difficult to "hold" onto this with the human brain, but I have been there while meditating. I actually have a headache right now while I'm trying to remember and visualize these things again.
I suppose that's enough of an introduction. I probably sound pretty strange. I don't usually tell other people this part of myself and my experience.
Greetings, I come in peace. (and Love!)
I want to die before the body dies