Nexus the other day i was doing some research on sacred geometry and i came upon this:
Fruit of life

so the reason why i bring this up is because i have a firm memory if this being an aspect of at least one experience but i can't pin what one exactly and secondly i remember reading some ones post about seeing concentric circles.

anyways the flower of life can be found many places in
EARTH's history
dating back to the Ancient Egyptians and earlier ( i wish i could of found the proper info but i read a while ago about some archeologists finding the FOL carved into a stone temple dating maybe 12,000 years ago or something like that)
Flowers being found on knights templar tombs and on ancient Japanese shrines

and also in
Crop circles not sure if any ones into that kinda thing but here it is

not sure what any ones going to think of this but there you go
you are welcome to do your own research and correct me on anything you find wrong, if so.
so on an end not while i was looking for pictures to make this post i came across this

that i also recognized and also came to the realization that most of my experiences have started with some aspect of the flower of life involved
PS. i went this whole time without actually showing the flower of life complete or not. so here is the fabled
and the completed FOL

don't really know much about the competed flower of life other then its cool if you look at it while slowly scrolling up and down.....