Holy shit! I just got my mimosa! Options
#1 Posted : 3/29/2011 11:35:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow, I can't believe it's here! I'm excited...
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#2 Posted : 3/30/2011 7:07:31 AM

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Why does this matter? There is no customs problem in the USA, I thought this was about the UK where customs officers are seizing mimosa.
#3 Posted : 3/30/2011 7:09:15 AM

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He's just excited and wanted to share Wink .
Be cool, be safe, journey well,
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#4 Posted : 3/30/2011 7:10:01 AM

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I believe that he is just excited to get started with some extractions not that he is surprised that it arrived!

Have fun with the extraction and be safe!
#5 Posted : 3/30/2011 7:41:32 AM

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Eternal_LVX - Congrats mate! It's a good feeling isn't it? Be sure to do some small batches and see how they turn out prior to doing larger amounts. I'm assuming this will be your first extraction (but maybe I'm entirely wrong), in which case you will learn leaps and bounds with every new extraction you do.

Keep us posted on your progress!!

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…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
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#6 Posted : 3/30/2011 8:41:54 AM

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I remember when I first got some mimosa... wonder what happened to that guy Smile
#7 Posted : 3/30/2011 10:52:51 PM

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Best of luck with extractions and travels!
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The third lesson: Keep your eyes closed.
#8 Posted : 3/31/2011 6:15:10 AM

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Safe travels lvx may the force be with you.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
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"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#9 Posted : 3/31/2011 7:52:08 AM

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