How does one spread conciousness? Options
#21 Posted : 3/28/2011 3:31:27 AM


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Just to add, i am not really sure where the whole DMT thing fits in here. I have taken Ayahuasca and had experiences that fall in line with the above, and also had experiences that were totally alien. Entity's, alternate dimensions and such. Ive had messages that relate to the real world shown to me by apparent alternate dimension based light beings... its a mystery.
Slightly off topic, but i felt it needed mentioning due to the above.

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#22 Posted : 3/28/2011 4:28:39 AM

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if we are all one consciousness and there is no need to spread consciousness, then why are we searching so hard for it? I dont know if anybody else feels the same way as me, but for the most part i feel so incredibly stupid and in the dark its not even funny.

I am actually a decently smart person, i got good grades in school and i know how to take care of myself and take care of responsibilities when i need to. I also do plenty of reading and know how to have an intellectual conversation with others just fine, but honestly i still feel so incredibly dumb and confused about life its really frustrating and heartbreaking for me. I am desperately seeking answers and wisdom in this world but i cant seem to find it Confused
#23 Posted : 3/28/2011 4:33:18 AM

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What sort of consciousness?

I find language a good tool. It generally consists of an analogy between symbols such as word shape or word sound and a subjective experience.
The trick is to create an isomorphism between these symbols. That's just common ground from shared or similar experiences. From there, it's the dialog that counts.

All that is may be one but only to the extent that we make it so.
Let's say I want to relate my experience with someone. Cool. It's easy if they speak the same language and are willing to listen. A lot harder if they don't speak the same language. That doesn't mean it's impossible but there are some basics of common ground that need to be learned in order to create a meaningful isomorphism. Sometimes a picture can help. Pictures are cool. They can be anywhere from real photographs to cartoons to abstract shapes. The same is true for sound. You can have a recording of something specific like ocean waves. Anyone who has or hasn't heard ocean waves before will become conscious of what they sound like after hearing a recording of them. You can sing something -- the words may fall meaninglessly on a foreign ear yet perhaps the voice will be just as evocative.

It would be great to be able to communicate in pure psi. Just directly manifesting a thought for someone else to pick up on but so far as I know, there is no message without a medium and we've just got to do our best to get our internal models of reality to sync effectively with external reality and this includes the internal models of reality that make up reality for others.

Going even deeper, I have a guess as to what it is that's being sensed intuitively in that "all consciousness is one consciousness" vibe that gets picked up by many. I wonder if perhaps on another level that is so alien to everyday experience, all energy/matter has intrinsic meaning in a sort of animistic sense. Every bit of energy/matter has the ability to communicate with everything else by way of physical interaction. These reactions propagate through the known universe and make up a sort of communication system. Similarly, a brain and body, an intrinsic piece of a mind is composed of lots of little guys (I mean cells, yo) all sending messages to each other by way of their interactions.

TheFly wrote:
I was wondering with out the use of any mind altering substance how does one go about spreading conciousness?

All are one while one is many?
Perhaps...or maybe the answer is just 42.
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#24 Posted : 3/28/2011 10:00:57 AM

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I think it's dangerous to suggest consciousness does not need development just because Bill Hicks was of the opinion that we are all one mind or something of this manner.

Firstly, development or evolution towards higher orders seems to be a very natural phenomenon, and so it looks as though this going to happen one way or the other.

Secondly it just seems odd to me to disregard the potential improvements we could be making to ourselves and the world around us on the basis that reality is subjective and we are all connected. I mean I guess it depends on what you believe the purpose of life in the cosmos is - for me it has to do with experience and transformations and fulfilling a certain potential concerning these two - as in experiencing, and thereby touching as much as possible, transforming as much as possible of the cosmos with this energy-complex that is the self. The more evolved the self - and this is just my theory - the more you can touch and transform, thus better fulfil your purpose and potential.

In addition to that there is the question of survival and sustainability in the long-term perspective, and I think humanity would greatly profit from and increase its chances to survive higher evolved members or even a higher evolved collective. It's hard to make predictions of course, but I would say with a higher degree of consciousness also comes a higher ability to adapt and make decisions for the benefit of self- and collective-perpetuation.

And finally, increasing the level or degree of awareness/consciousness IMO might also, step by step decrease the unnecessary suffering we see around us.

Now certainly we could argue that it's all just an elaborate dream, or a ride, as Bill Hicks would say - but where is the benefit in seeing it like that, other than comfortably being able to turn away from the various challenges we face and saying it doesn't matter. It sounds like a form of denial to me. I don't think this is a good standpoint at all. We have been equipped with the ability to change ourselves and our surroundings, and the ability to reason and question and even to some degree understand the world around us, so in combination we can co-create a world of higher self-realization and progressive properties.
I don't subscribe to life-negating or life-is-just-a-dream ideas. I don't think we can turn away from the process of this cosmos of which we are a part of. I don't think we should. Even if it turns out to be just a dream, it seems to me it would still make sense to progress it, actively seeking to become more involved rather than less - because really, it's all we have.

That being said, I apologize for coming over a bit strong in my previous post. It was not my intention to disrespect anyone's opinion. I was just confused as to the relevance of several posts, seemingly derailing a very good thread.
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#25 Posted : 3/28/2011 11:59:35 AM


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How does one spread conciousness?
First one must work on himself to realize what is consciousness?...
To figure this out one could,
-Feed people and serve people (Remember to do it for the fun rather than the money)
-Go to school
-Stop being addicted to unproductive things in our life
-Read peoples threads on the nexus
-Trip balls
-Live your life
Smile Smile

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#26 Posted : 3/28/2011 5:54:03 PM

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Okay so I think I am finally ready to post. Seen this a couple days ago and was shocked I could not come up with a good definition for consciousness. Probably still cant but after some reflection and meditation I think I can finally post.

To the most basic of its definition anything that is living and breathing is conscious. That plant lives and breaths it has consciousness, your dog lives and breathes so it has consciousness, you are a living breathing entity so yes you are conscious.

Now their are varying levels of consciousness, and this stems from how we understand and relate our consciousness to our lives.

I guess I am still unaware how a plant or animal could raise their level of consciousness, have read that since our souls go threw this whole cycle that we were once life experiencing itself as a plant we progressed to an animal by being a good plant, and progressed to be a human by being a good animal, and who knows maybe being a good human will progress us to be one of those alien or elf entities every always sees. Although I believe being a good human leads us back to the heart of the master dreamer.

Yes I am one of the dreamers. Although I do not see why believing that this is all one dreamers dream means that our level of consciousness does not matter. Everyone and thing is just an extension of the dream, a separate dream within the dream, and over the eons these dreams have become complex. And they have also got out of the dreamers control in some aspect. And I think inherently we are all trying to get back on track with the master dream.

But back on track on the raising and spreading of consciousness without entheogens as the question was posed. As I was getting to we raise our consciousness by varies ways and methods others have touched on. By contemplating our existence and how we relate to this world, by using our actions/thoughts/words to spread love and goodness, by the conscious effort to rid our bodies of pollution(evil thoughts/actions, hateful thoughts/actions, bad stuff!).

Meditation, study, and devotion is an easy, but sometimes timely, manner to discover we are conscious beings and then trying to raise our consciousness. By implementing devotion, dedication, study, and love in our lives along with meditation to calm and center ourselves is an easy way to achieve higher states of consciousness.

I believe entheogens are tools to help, speed up, and facilitate this process, but without such things it is still very possible.

Hope this provides some additional insight. Smile

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#27 Posted : 3/28/2011 7:46:27 PM

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Well, that's fine if you think believing we are all one divine consciousness is dangerous, I'm not sure I see the danger in it though. Just to clarify, I wasn't saying that human beings don't need to develop. I just don't think consciousness needs to be spread because I believe it is in everything already.

Removing our ignorance of our own divine nature is what I think you are getting at when you are talking about evolution. I'm not sure I agree with your perception of everyone as being a heirarchy, like some people are more evolved or conscious than others. I feel this creates more separation that is the cause of ignorance.

No one really knows what consciousness is really, so any talk about it is all arbitrary and hypothetical anyway. Even if you showed me a degree in advanced quantum physics, I would still tell you this is all arbitrary and you'd probably agree.

As far as life being dream-like, I wasn't presenting a philosophy of escapism. Trust me, I've been through that phase of my life and I realize it's not the way to go. Buddha tried to run away to the forest and forget life but then later realized that there was a middle road to be taken. Spreading consciousness might just be a way the original poster was trying to explain improvement and development but that's not what they said. So I was just commenting on their original post.

All in all, I think what we have here is a misunderstanding. Let's try to figure out what the poster was originally trying to realize. Forget quotes, forget opinionated hypothesis... Everyone's beliefs are different.

This is how I look at this situation(maybe this is something we can both agree on):

We are like a garden. In order to have an abundant harvest, we must first cultivate the land. Dig up the weeds, clear out the trash. Then, once the land is ready, you can sow the seeds (maybe this is what is meant by spreading consciousness?). Once you plant the seeds, they need light. You have to water it and take care of it until it is ready to be harvested (development).
Is that better?
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#28 Posted : 3/28/2011 7:56:14 PM

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unclesyd wrote:
Seen this a couple days ago and was shocked I could not come up with a good definition for consciousness. Probably still cant but after some reflection and meditation I think I can finally post.

I gave a presentation on the subject for a university class a few years ago and most of it focused on this very thing -- people use the term all the time with absolutely no idea what exactly 'consciousness' is and how to define it.

So, whenever someone uses the word I always start the conversation with "What exactly is consciousness?"

In this age of "Let's raise our consciousness/2012 is going to bring a new consciousness/etc." we need to begin with this very important question.
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#29 Posted : 3/28/2011 8:08:02 PM

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I tried to get a definition of awareness down here:
maybe the discussion there can help elucidate this question or inspire a nexus-definition of consciousness so we can better work with the term. I'm all for it. I'm not sure if I make a distinction between awareness and consciousness in this context. Off the top of my head I would say they are the same.
Higher consciousness to me means a higher reflective capability i.e. a higher understanding of the universe and its principles, which include all physical phenomena and the there-of arising biological, psychological and spiritual properties as well.
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#30 Posted : 3/28/2011 8:31:18 PM

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Many thanks for linking that discussion, Enoon. This subject is one of my interests and I completely missed that thread.

The problem I have with saying higher consciousness is a higher reflective capability is that it is not all-encompassing. The physicist has a higher reflective capability on the laws of nature than the biologist. The biologist has a higher reflective capability on the inner workings of the body. Would we say one is more conscious than the other? Or, would we just say each has consciousness/awareness of a particular part of nature? The physicist of physics and the biologist of biology.

The ONLY thing I can say about about a person with a 'higher consciousness/awareness' is that someone else has judged him to have this. HIgher than what? The person next to him? Who is to say person A is more conscious than person B? More conscious than what?

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#31 Posted : 3/28/2011 8:42:38 PM

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a1pha wrote:

The problem I have with saying higher consciousness is a higher reflective capability is that it is not all-encompassing. The physicist has a higher reflective capability on the laws of nature than the biologist. The biologist has a higher reflective capability on the inner workings of the body. Would we say one is more conscious than the other? Or, would we just say each has consciousness/awareness of a particular part of nature? The physicist of physics and the biologist of biology.

My initial answer is the physicist has a higher consciousnes... Razz

both have the same capability. This reflective capability is not about information that you've acquired but about, say, the complexity of interrelations that you can understand. Whether it be biology, physics, psychology, sociology or basket weaving doesn't matter. The higher your consciousness, in this hypothesis, the more interrelations you will be able to see, no matter what area of existence.
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#32 Posted : 3/28/2011 9:01:27 PM

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The ONLY thing I can say about about a person with a 'higher consciousness/awareness' is that someone else has judged him to have this. HIgher than what? The person next to him? Who is to say person A is more conscious than person B? More conscious than what?

I'm with you on this. I appreciate what Enoon is trying to say. I've been practicing yoga and meditation for a few years now and I agree that there is a certain cultivation that takes one to another level than before. Development is a part of it. I'm not gonna crack on Enoon for this anymore, I know what you're trying to get across and I resonate with self improvement and development.
All statements by Eternal_LVX are fictional and completely insane and should not be taken seriously. Do not attempt any of these procedures without the supervision of your own eternally divine soul.

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