Extraction or "boiling" will be necessary for this experience.
With your freebase DMT, if you want to dose orally you will need an oral dose of MAOI also.
Caapi and Rue can both be used as brews, tho Rue has toxic components that i would not advise you to consume (Vasicine, Vasicinone) thus for Rue it is encouraged to extract.
You may eat Raw Rue seeds but it will most likely be a very harsh experience do to the above.
This is not recommended.
With that in mind, you may extract from Rue and consume a dose of roughly 250mg for full Mono amine oxidase inhibition.
Once this (harmala) dose is working you can dissolve your freebase into acidic liquid thus converting it into a salt form (more readily absorbed orally) and drink it. Orange juice works well...
To extract from Rue, there are techniques mentioned in the Nexus wiki, found in my signature.
B. Caapi may also be used in extract form, you know where to find the technique's for this now.
Caapi may also be used as a brew, it does not contain any nastys like Rue so this is perfectly fine.
Gibran i believe ran some tests that show 83% of Caapi alkaloids were extracted after 4 thirty minute boils with fresh water each time.
The dose for a Caapi brew varys between 10-100g vine material. I would recommend starting at about 60-80g for this purpose.
The dose of extracted harmalas from Caapi is the same as rue... approx 250mg for a pharmahuasca experience.
For the DMT dose, some people find 30mg overwhelming, some need over 150mg. Start low.
I would really recommend reading the DMT handbook and wiki for all the information you could need.
Check my signature.
βRight here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.β
β Terence McKenna