identifying changa herbs correctly? *PICS* =) Options
#1 Posted : 3/25/2011 5:28:45 PM
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OK so i have been reading, and reading, and reading about how to do this. i ordered a few things and got them and i just want to make sure i have the correct herbs. seems that there are ALOT of different places to order the legal stuff from. almost overwhelming when your just trying to find it for a specific purpose. so i guess if you guys can just tell me if i have the right stuff that'd be sweet.








I'm pretty sure i have all the right stuff so far. i was really only concerned with the mullein it looks to me more like a flower than a leave. so if anyone can tell me that i have the right mullein i can start mixin. i even contacted the seller and they told me it was the leave. but my brain keeps telling me otherwise. the more pics i look at the more it seems like it's the flower. so i guess if anyone can just clarify that for me that'd be awesome.



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#2 Posted : 3/25/2011 5:40:24 PM

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The mullein looks ok to me...depending on growing conditions the leaves can have more trichomes/hairs and maybe therefore look more like flowers...but everything looks about right from here. If the vendor's telling you its leaf, it most likely is, there's really no incentive for them to lie about it...and if it did happen to be flower (which I don't think it is) it wouldn't be a big deal or anything to worry about anyways, imo. Hope that helps...happy changafying Wink
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#3 Posted : 3/25/2011 5:45:00 PM


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I'd use the mullein, caapi leaf, and spearmint.
#4 Posted : 3/25/2011 5:46:13 PM
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haha ya your porbably right, my lungs are just trashed so i prefer not to smoke random plants for no reason kno what i mean lol. but ya your right it does look like a leaf its just really white which is what threw me off.

So do i just pick the good pieces out of the mullein and those small hairs wont suck into my throat? cause that would suck Rolling eyes lol one of the other reasons i havent just tried it. most likely OVER ANALYZING this like everything else i do.

Thanks for the help!

EDIT: and to um... symbol guy above me. i will do just that Wink thanks!
#5 Posted : 3/25/2011 7:32:19 PM

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hmmm, yummy

looks good to smokeSmile

if you do get around to using the passionflower, id sujest getting rid of all them twigs, they taste like burned bush. But with the caapi leaf there is no reason to be using the pf, but hey, you gotta find what works best for you.

enjoy the blendsSmile

caapi leaf is all thats needed imo.
#6 Posted : 3/25/2011 7:50:23 PM


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See that Pau d'arco... looks like wood doesn't it. Feels like wood no doubt. Have you ever tried smoking wood?
Its nice to brew as a tea, but i wouldn't wish anyone to try smoking it. I have no idea where this idea came from but i think its a bit weird.

Passiflora Incarnata is what is generally meant by Passion flower. Tho there are many species.

That mullein looks wonderful. I bought some and it was no where near the quality of what you have there. Mine had a lot more stems and whatnot.

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#7 Posted : 3/25/2011 9:44:38 PM

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Pau d'arco is the first herb mentioned on the wiki/changa page ( ).
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#8 Posted : 3/25/2011 9:46:00 PM

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borispuplis wrote:
So do i just pick the good pieces out of the mullein and those small hairs wont suck into my throat? cause that would suck

No the hairs will burn before it can reach your throat. It is actually used for lung cleansing. Don't know if it's scientifically proven though.

Some info about mullein:
Herbs for the Lungs

Mullein, Verbascum thapsus

Mullein is a fine medicinal for the lungs, even when you smoke it. It soothes inflamed or infected lungs, and prevents coughing until infection or inflammation is broken. Then it aids in expectoration, helping to break up congestion and promote "effective" coughing. It was smoked to stop the coughing of tuberculosis years ago. It is wonderful for any kind of lung cleansing. Very gentle and non-toxic, you can use it anytime. If you are a smoker, and you are sick and can't stop coughing from a cold, you can smoke some Mullein instead of Tobacco. It may help you to stop coughing, and you will have smoked one less cigarette. If you are not a smoker, stick with tincture (extract) or Mullein tea. After all, there's no need to smoke when you're sick in your lungs.
It also has almost no flavor and is a very light smoke. I have never seen anyone become addicted to smoking Mullein, as after a while it is very unsatisfying. The average smoker would feel as if they're smoking air.

Crispy dried crushed Mullein is a lousy smoke. Be sure to keep it ever so slightly moist. Dried Mullein should be rubbed for the best results. It will become very fluffy and puffy. This fuzzy rubbed Mullein will burn evenly when smoked in a paper or pipe. It will hold other herbs that are in the form of small pieces and powder, and keep them evenly distributed. And it has no flavor! Ideal for a smoking base; I use it in almost every smoking mixture.

I like the light green baby leaves found in the center of the first year basal rosette, but it's a matter of personal choice. Any leaf will work.

source: ttp://
#9 Posted : 3/25/2011 10:51:09 PM
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ya the Pau d'arco does look and feel like wood, havent smoked any yet so i'll find out soon

thanks for all the info everyone hopefully this works properly. im going to pick through everything tonight and mix something up with pics.

any suggestions on a way to get a good tasting changa from what i have? or if i were to need a few new herbs to blend in that no problem let me kno what to get

thanks again everyone i appreciate it! Very happy
#10 Posted : 3/25/2011 11:08:40 PM

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It all looks good to me!

I think Calea is a bit of a harsh smoke and doesn't seem to add much to be worth it IMO.
Pau d'arco might look like wood but I kinda like the flavor it adds.
I never buy mullein it grows everywhere in my region of the world, so I just pick it. Very happy I also perfer the little green top leaves. I've heard it called "velvet tobacco".

I would also recommend Blue Lilly or "Blue Lotus". Its a nice relaxing smoke and works well in mixes or as a tea.
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#11 Posted : 3/26/2011 12:49:43 AM

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Gammagore's definitely right, start off with spice and caapi (maybe add a little mint for flavor). Personally, pau d'arco is my second favorite changa herb after caapi and I put it in every blend... but you should try spice+caapi before you branch out.

Be careful with the calea, that can do weird things in changa sometimes o.O


#12 Posted : 3/26/2011 12:57:16 AM

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BananaForeskin wrote:
Be careful with the calea, that can do weird things in changa sometimes o.O

Have you tried it? In what ways does it get weird?

I tried smoking it a couple years ago after trying the tea, and barely noticed any effects, awake or while sleeping. I've been debating wither or not to buy some more for changa experiments.
“Surrender is inner acceptance of what is without any reservations. If you have lived long enough, you will know that things “go wrong” quite often. It is precisely at those times that surrender needs to be practiced if you want to eliminate pain and sorrow from your life.”

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