youbeezy wrote:I've been trying to find DMT for such a long time, but whenever I was looking, nobody even knew what it was. Today I successfully purchased about 75 mg. (By the way: how much should this have cost? Just making sure I didn't get ripped off.) The only thing is, I was expecting it to be a yellow substance, but it's more of a white powder, or VERY fine crystals.. is this normal? I've heard white DMT is more pure than the yellow; can someone clarify this?
I don't have a meth pipe, so I'm assuming the light bulb vaporizer is the next best thing. I want to make sure I do everything exactly how I'm supposed to, so step-by-steps would be extremely helpful.

I've never vaporized before & I'll be disappointed if I don't have a breakthrough.
The 75 mg is split into 3 tiny bags (25 mg per bag) how much should I load in for my first time?
Thanks in advance everyone

I read this and I think to myself, why? why have you not done atleast the tinyest bit of research?
1- we dont talk about buying or selling drugs here at the Nexus, check the PM you were sent
2- do some reading, it works better this way, so YOU understand what you are doing
3- dont ever use a lightbulb
4- a DMT "breakthrough" will rip apart everything that you though you knew about shit, alot of people just arent readuy for a breakthrough, might be best to start low!
5- extract your own DMT and this way you can be sure of what you are smoking.
6- check the attitude, FAQ and WIKI links at the top of this page
Welcome to the Nexus btw.