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I have been reading up frequently about the DMT knowledge and experiences mentioned on this site. I have informed a friend of as much of the sites information as I could verbally (as this person doesn't have an internet connection) because he wants to try DMT. He has recently purchased 1 Pound of MHRB Powder, 2 kg of NaOH (Lye from a Soap Store), and Escort Naptha (he lives in Canada and because I saw a respected member post that Canadian Tire sells and it would be ok to use, I advised him to get it). He also purchased a GVG today. I have shown him some of the Teks, and at this point he was thinking of going with the Noman Tek, and maybe possibly the Q21 tek if he can find some lime. Although I am fairly confident in his abilities to follow the Tek and perform the procedure I figure that maybe someone may have some thoughts or insight on his situation - maybe for his safety or also for his experience.
He is also very interested in the ayahuasca experience. He has read up a fair amount on this and is thinking about trying this sometime too. Again, he would be very appreciative if anyone has any thoughts or ideas for him, and he would doubly be impressed with me for doing this all on his behalf.
Cheers guys,
with both our thanks,
 DMT-Nexus member
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It sounds like you have done a lot to inform your friend to the best of your abilities, and your friend has made some great investments, especially with the GVG. Go through the GVG thread and look into how to make the screen/scrubby/liquid pad... and remember thicker is not better. My friend had great results with Noman's tek and followed it to a tee (with the exception of the ammonia wash... My friend would strongly recommend the sodium carbonate wash via Vovin's tek [easy to find in pool/spa section of a hardware store] as it seems to almost ensure a cleaner product, and in my friends experience, it will be pure white) As for the experience itself, my friend would recommend taking all of your dose in one to two hits. It's simply a matter of courage and commitment. If your friend's gonna do it, he may as well do it right. It is better to "get there" completely as sub-breakthrough experiences are unpredictable and, for some, far harder to take. Aside from those few notes, have your friend get comfortable in a fitting set/setting... remind him that he will soon experience true and complete boundary dissolution and that he need only Let go. I heard a Rick Strassman interview in which he spoke on the subject of the "fear/anxiety" that can accompany ego dissolution. He suggested that this is often interpreted as death by the egoic mind, and that rather than fear whether or not you are dying; to simply accept that yes, you may have died... but isn't it interesting? I wonder what happens next? This has helped my friend, and don't worry, your friend will remember that the effects are quite temporary and that he hasn't really died... it's just a mental strategy to consider and have in the toolbox. BTW: This is all IMHO. As I'm sure you know, there's a wealth of information on this board and plenty of folks far more experienced and eloquent than my friend. Good luck. Peace There exists precious little outside that in which you believe, and thus choose to see. ~SlippyJ

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 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 57 Joined: 11-Mar-2011 Last visit: 21-Jun-2011 Location: Here
SlippyJ wrote:It sounds like you have done a lot to inform your friend to the best of your abilities, and your friend has made some great investments, especially with the GVG.
Go through the GVG thread and look into how to make the screen/scrubby/liquid pad... and remember thicker is not better.
My friend had great results with Noman's tek and followed it to a tee (with the exception of the ammonia wash... My friend would strongly recommend the sodium carbonate wash via Vovin's tek [easy to find in pool/spa section of a hardware store] as it seems to almost ensure a cleaner product, and in my friends experience, it will be pure white)
As for the experience itself, my friend would recommend taking all of your dose in one to two hits. It's simply a matter of courage and commitment. If your friend's gonna do it, he may as well do it right. It is better to "get there" completely as sub-breakthrough experiences are unpredictable and, for some, far harder to take.
Aside from those few notes, have your friend get comfortable in a fitting set/setting... remind him that he will soon experience true and complete boundary dissolution and that he need only Let go.
I heard a Rick Strassman interview in which he spoke on the subject of the "fear/anxiety" that can accompany ego dissolution. He suggested that this is often interpreted as death by the egoic mind, and that rather than fear whether or not you are dying; to simply accept that yes, you may have died... but isn't it interesting? I wonder what happens next? This has helped my friend, and don't worry, your friend will remember that the effects are quite temporary and that he hasn't really died... it's just a mental strategy to consider and have in the toolbox.
BTW: This is all IMHO. As I'm sure you know, there's a wealth of information on this board and plenty of folks far more experienced and eloquent than my friend. Good luck. Peace
Thanks for the reply SlippyJ. I have had a look at the GVG thread and advised my friend to purchase a copper scrub. Also, I appreciate your suggestion with the sodium carbonate. I advised my friend not to produce DMT but i'm curious about the re-crystallization part. Do you have any experience with that? Also, my friend says he is pretty sure he is going for the breakthrough. He doesn't like to do things 'half assed' - he does things well or not at all. I think any experience with DMT would be a breakthrough for him but he wants to experience the truth of DMT and to experience the effects. He advised me that he is prepared to experience what comes with DMT - the death of the ego (which is spoken so highly of in Buddhism and by Eckhart Tolle, so he's not to worried about that, although when it happened to him on mushrooms many years ago he was quite scared). He's more scared of real death as he is no chemist (and some other people may not be either) and napatha and NaOH are not exactly "health superfoods". My thanks also go to the poster below who provided the diagrams. I am quite confident with my knowledge of the procedure as I have been looking at a lot of posts, but it is very nice summed up in one large, easy to find and follow diagrams. Again, my real concern for my friend is to make sure that the procedure doesn't cause death of his being, and not just death of his ego. My thanks again, and my friend's, Namaste
 DMT-Nexus member
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Never used DMT and even bought a GVG? That's what I call dedication! Wish him good luck! Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 57 Joined: 11-Mar-2011 Last visit: 21-Jun-2011 Location: Here
Mad Professor wrote:Never used DMT and even bought a GVG? That's what I call dedication! Wish him good luck! For Sure!!! I will pass it on. Thanks MP
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 57 Joined: 11-Mar-2011 Last visit: 21-Jun-2011 Location: Here
I looked into that and thought the same, but also at the same time it looks so "druggy". It's not really something I would want around my house or to even look at.
 I Eat Plant Magic
Posts: 1099 Joined: 30-Jan-2010 Last visit: 28-Mar-2013 Location: The Wilds of Wales
Here's a few things: #1 You can use lye in Q21Q21's tek, simply not the same amount. Basify with a lye solution until it turns black and gets a little crusty, more or less. #2 If you friend is seriously worried about chemical safety, he should be using lime and d-limonene instead of lye and naptha. However, most of the teks are very straightforward and unless you are sincerely stupid no harm will come to you. ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
 DMT-Nexus member
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BananaForeskin wrote:Here's a few things:
#1 You can use lye in Q21Q21's tek, simply not the same amount. Basify with a lye solution until it turns black and gets a little crusty, more or less.
#2 If you friend is seriously worried about chemical safety, he should be using lime and d-limonene instead of lye and naptha. However, most of the teks are very straightforward and unless you are sincerely stupid no harm will come to you. Hey BF, Great, I will pass the info on. I was thinking that the lime and d-limonene may be a better one for that reason and may recommend it once my friend has his experience with Noman's tek. curious1 wrote:I agree with you on the 'druggy' look of the machine.
Ultimately unless you are a tobacco enthusiast any smoking implement lying around looks a bit druggy.
The machine has started to bother me for that very reason when using spice - so I am keen to make changa to use a conventional pipe and also to benefit from the MAOI effect. Touche, Good Luck, let me know how it goes. Napp
 John Murdoch IV
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napp wrote:
He's more scared of real death as he is no chemist (and some other people may not be either) and napatha and NaOH are not exactly "health superfoods".
Just tell your friend to clean the spice after extracting and he should not have to worry about lye contamination. Also lye is not poisonous, just very caustic. And I always let the solvent evaporate for a long time. I usually give it 2-3 extra days after I'm quite sure it has all evaporated. When the DMT has no smell of solvent I leave it to dry for extra 2-3 days, that's what I mean. Well good luck to your friend  ––––––
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction. I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!
 DMT-Nexus member
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hey, welcome to the nexus and make sure that escort naptha does not have rust inhibators in it( I have seen some that does). I have used naptha from canadian tire many times, but I always had the ronsonal stuff in the yellow bottle. Good luck!  Long live the unwoke.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 57 Joined: 11-Mar-2011 Last visit: 21-Jun-2011 Location: Here
DMTripper wrote:napp wrote:
He's more scared of real death as he is no chemist (and some other people may not be either) and napatha and NaOH are not exactly "health superfoods".
Just tell your friend to clean the spice after extracting and he should not have to worry about lye contamination. Also lye is not poisonous, just very caustic. And I always let the solvent evaporate for a long time. I usually give it 2-3 extra days after I'm quite sure it has all evaporated. When the DMT has no smell of solvent I leave it to dry for extra 2-3 days, that's what I mean. Well good luck to your friend  Thanks, Just out of curiosity, is there any difference that an extra few days of evaporating makes - either by your ability to notice it, or chemically? fractal enchantment wrote:[quote=napp]
hey, welcome to the nexus and make sure that escort naptha does not have rust inhibators in it( I have seen some that does). I have used naptha from canadian tire many times, but I always had the ronsonal stuff in the yellow bottle. Good luck! Hey Fractal, Funny thing you mention ronsonal because i've seen most posts advising people not to use ronsonal unless there is nothing else... Napp
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 57 Joined: 11-Mar-2011 Last visit: 21-Jun-2011 Location: Here
Just did a search on escort fuel (just to double check my info) and have seen that q21 has recommended it as well as escort - escort being lower priced. Im pretty sure that I have seen somewhere on the forum someone recommending against it...