Who has actually taken LSA? Options
#1 Posted : 3/19/2011 12:36:43 AM

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I keep reading through tons of posts about LSA, HBWR, and Morning Glories and keep seeing a bunch of people give their opinion about it who admit to not even trying it. If you haven't taken morning glories/HBWR or done an LSA extraction, please stop regurgitating extraction teks.

SWIM was wondering if SWIY could post up an extraction tek or suggest a method of ingestion. Please only people who have done this should post. SWIM has eat HBWR seeds and thought it was awesome but hated the stomach problems.

SWIM recently obtained some prescription strength nausea medicine and is excited about trying with that.
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#2 Posted : 3/19/2011 2:08:14 AM

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I've worked extensively with LSA seeds. My CWE attempts were all hit or miss, with HBWR, MG, and Rivea Corymbosa. I've gotten it to work for all of them, but not on a consistent basis. I normally just grind them up, cap them, and eat them. I don't take too many at once, as a rule, so the nausea isn't usually bad. Ginger, Gravol, and a little Cannabis is all I've ever used for the nausea. I've thought about doing a more involved extraction on HBWR seeds like this tek:

Still, have not gotten around to it though.
#3 Posted : 3/19/2011 2:08:21 AM
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I have used LSA (from heavenly blue morning glory seeds) about ten times. It was the first psychedelic I tried. Since I learned to grow mushrooms, I have not used it since, because to me mushrooms are far superior due to less body load and more insights.

I never had a serious problem with nausea, but I didn't like the other symptoms. The main adverse symptom for me was the "hangover" the following day. I would feel quite a bit "off" the next day, like I was still tripping somewhat but not in a pleasant way. Like for example, as I walked outside the next day everything still had an unfamiliar feel to it even though I knew logically things were the same. I would also get muscle cramps early in the trip.

Early in the trips, the mental aspects were good. For example, I once remember being able to "see" my thoughts "stacking". Normally when you think of one thing and then move on to something else, its like you write on a chalkboard, erase it, and then write something else. But under LSA, I experienced what might be described as writing the new thought on the chalkboard without erasing the old one first. I could still feel the "presence" of previous thoughts at a deeper level, and occasionally these thoughts would "come to the surface" in slightly modified form as my mind worked on them. It was like I could see how my thoughts were being processed subconsciously.

Later in the trips, I found that most of the thought weirdness got replaced by mild confusion, which was not particularly pleasant.

Except for a very slight "melting" when staring at objects, I experienced no significant visuals from LSA. I did notice that it shifted color perception towards red, and this was especially evident when looking at magazine pictures where everyone's skin took on an orange-pink hue.

#4 Posted : 3/19/2011 2:16:33 AM

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Thank you both for the replies. SWIM is starting to think that LSA might just be more trouble than it's worth when there is Spice that can be extracted and Golden Teachers to be cultivated. SWIM would much rather have some Spice and Golden Teacher anyway.

By the way,heard that cacao is good for the other body load symptoms... can anyone verify? SWIM has a lot of it.
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#5 Posted : 3/19/2011 2:31:01 AM

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morning glories definatily are awesome. The first time I had them they blew me away. I did a cold water extraction, and then ate the seed pulp as well. It was very very visionary and also extremely mental. I did smoke cannabis with them though..and there was constriction at the onset.

I never tried an actaul LSA extraction though.
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#6 Posted : 3/19/2011 4:10:03 AM

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sounds good, although starting to second guess the whole idea...
still having some hope though
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#7 Posted : 3/19/2011 8:05:46 AM

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LSA is definitely worth a try. Different people react differently to the same seeds, so you might be one of the lucky ones who gets powerful effects from it. I've never tried any extractions, just grind up HBWR, cap them and eat them. But I agree with Dioxippus, don't take all the capsules at once. Usually I will divide my dose (3-6 seeds) into two equal piles and put them into two gel caps. Then take one capsule, wait a half hour, and take the other one. Many of my friends and I have found this practice significantly reduces the nausea and I can comfortably handle doses up to 6 seeds this way.
#8 Posted : 3/20/2011 12:54:53 AM


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LSA can be quite pleasant. Kinda like a slower, wavier and dreamy/sedative LSD-like experience.

LSA is really odd and mysterious. My last (like 10th or something) experience took almost 4 hours to really feel and it was very odd to re-experience it since it was my 3rd psychedelic experience ever then after over 50 experiences coming back to it with comparative eyes it seemed so mild for periods then I would catch myself staring at an object with mouth agape for like a minute. Very long-lasting feeling it well after 8 hours.

There is a *toxic* feel to the experience when compared to most psychedelics and I've never done a large dose only low and medium-low doses (7-10g MG seeds and 6-7 HBWR, tolerances vary though.) Make sure not to consume the pulp, just make it like tea but with cold-water. It can be pleasant and trippy but I've heard stories about terrible experiences on high doses.

Its something to try but I think if I took it as my first psychedelic (instead of mushrooms) I probably would have been much more apprehensive to try others and maybe just chose not to try any. My 3rd experience, LSD was incomparable to the LSA, it was so clear and life-changing. The day I took LSD the first time is positively one of the key points in my lifetime while LSA is not really thought of as important....

Just a story, everyone's experiences may vary.

Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

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#9 Posted : 3/22/2011 5:34:12 PM

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thanks for the replies... q21q21, nice spice teks by the way... thats what I'm really after. Smile
I will reconsider the LSA experience. I have some nausea pills so I might just give it a go and see what I think.
Do you know if it's possible to do an A/B extraction like with spice on some MG seeds? I know with the naphta/everclear tek, you get a gooey substance but i'm wondering if crystals would be possible???
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#10 Posted : 3/23/2011 12:50:41 AM


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I love eating the HBWR seeds, I just scrape all the crap off the outside of the seed and crush up about 10-12.
If you have stomach problems, many suggest the use of ginger. Eat a bunch of it before you ingest your seed, it will help a lot!
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#11 Posted : 3/23/2011 9:40:20 AM

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I really dont like HBWR seeds (never tried morning glory). I took them a few times and while I did have some effects, it wasnt incredible, there was quite a lot of the nausea factor, and it was a bit sedative, not really remarkable in any way.

12 HBWR seeds, depending on potency, will be too much. Start with half of that imo. And yeah scraping outer part and taking ginger is recommended.

Try it if you never did, just to see for yourself what you think. Personally though I dont feel any desire to take these kind of seeds any time soon, I find LSD/Mescaline/Shrooms/DMT-aya-pharma so much more interesting, but each one to their own.

By the way, there is still controversy regarding whether LSA is active at all (at least by itself), it might be other alkaloids in the seeds, or LSA might only be active in a mix with other alkaloids that potentiate it, or etc.. Check this out:
#12 Posted : 3/23/2011 10:29:27 PM

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thanks for the replies, I'll check out that link Endlessness
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#13 Posted : 3/24/2011 12:07:46 AM
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Eternal_LVX wrote:

Do you know if it's possible to do an A/B extraction like with spice on some MG seeds? I know with the naphta/everclear tek, you get a gooey substance but i'm wondering if crystals would be possible???

Usually I just ground up morning glory seeds with a coffee grinder, extracted with distilled water (don't use tap water because it contains chlorine which can destroy LSA), and drank the water.

But here is a more sophisticated extraction. I tried this once, it worked okay, but I think I lost some of the goods as it was weaker than using a water extraction.


#14 Posted : 3/24/2011 12:24:58 AM

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elphologist1 wrote:
Eternal_LVX wrote:

Do you know if it's possible to do an A/B extraction like with spice on some MG seeds? I know with the naphta/everclear tek, you get a gooey substance but i'm wondering if crystals would be possible???

Usually I just ground up morning glory seeds with a coffee grinder, extracted with distilled water (don't use tap water because it contains chlorine which can destroy LSA), and drank the water.

But here is a more sophisticated extraction. I tried this once, it worked okay, but I think I lost some of the goods as it was weaker than using a water extraction.


Thanks! I appreciate hearing about people who have tried this stuff. What did you feel like when you took it? When I drank a half a cup of my extraction, I felt a crazy ass body high. Kinda similar to mushrooms. Like a weird tingling in the head... I hear a lot of people say its mostly a body trip with lite visuals.. then others that say the visuals were awesome.what do you think?
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#15 Posted : 3/24/2011 2:27:50 AM

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The body high is definitely the strongest part of the trip. It's very tingly and sedating, even moreso than shrooms I find. This probably has to do with the vasoconstriction.

The visuals are usually the greatest lacking factor in the trip. I mean, sure, you get walls breathing, pixelated auras off lights, some objects may stretch out or bounce around some, but it's all very minor and predictable compared to mushrooms. However, a lack of sensory distortion doesn't mean the seeds don't induce a strong psychedelic state of mind. The truth is, at least for me, that I get so consumed with the mental changes going on that the relatively minor visuals seem petty and cosmetic, or appear as just a reflection of what's going on inside if that makes sense. Ofcourse with LSA your mileage may vary, as not everyone gets the same effects from the same seeds.
#16 Posted : 3/24/2011 3:34:01 AM

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Pet wrote:
The body high is definitely the strongest part of the trip. It's very tingly and sedating, even moreso than shrooms I find. This probably has to do with the vasoconstriction.

The visuals are usually the greatest lacking factor in the trip. I mean, sure, you get walls breathing, pixelated auras off lights, some objects may stretch out or bounce around some, but it's all very minor and predictable compared to mushrooms. However, a lack of sensory distortion doesn't mean the seeds don't induce a strong psychedelic state of mind. The truth is, at least for me, that I get so consumed with the mental changes going on that the relatively minor visuals seem petty and cosmetic, or appear as just a reflection of what's going on inside if that makes sense. Ofcourse with LSA your mileage may vary, as not everyone gets the same effects from the same seeds.

thanks for the reply. honestly, when I do psychedelics, I'm more interested in the philosophical, mental, and spiritual benefits. you're right, the visuals are kinda superficial. I hear a lot of people talk about the lack of visuals and it makes me think they are doing them for the wrong reasons. Although, there's nothing wrong with them at all Pleased I heard the closed eye visuals were pretty decent with morning glories.

Also, if anyone knows how to limit the vasoconstriction, that'd be cool. I thought I heard something about cacao. And what's this I hear about cacao and ayahuasca?
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