Been a long time, and I was in for a DOOZY... Options
#1 Posted : 3/14/2011 7:41:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is going to be a LONG one btw, lol...

So this was WAY TOO MUCH, via le' bong, after 8 months of no spice.

And glory behold! I was able to retain a great majority of it! At least the most important parts...

So I close my eyes and I'm inside a rotating cube shaped room. The walls have interlocking sea-shell shapes of purple, green and yellow lines of slithering light.

The sound is an all encompassing tone that makes your jaw drop and your head fall backwards, I am completely consumed by this inescapable tone.

The rotating walls turn inside out on themselves, and I'm in some sort of a smooth blue room, like perfect crystal, but more liquid.

There are multi-colored cylinders that look like mug-sized batteries, and they are endlessly stacking on eachother. There is a humanoid body that appears male that is made up of the same smooth blue crystal as the rest of the room. There is a rotating pattern of layered circles that cover his body, there are no facial features, only these rotating patterns that create the shape of a masculine shaped humanoid.

The feelings from things were instantaneous, specific, and immense. Feeling and perception replaces language as means of communication in this reality.

This place felt completely natural, not like I've been there once before, but like I've always been there, like I have a foot over there and a foot over here, and I'm just usually not aware of my foot over there, even now.

I was spoken to and exchanged with by this fatherly being. I was referred to as: "my son".

And from that point forward, this being responded to each thought I had with great depth and response.

Please take the following as a grain of sand, as this all could be personal manifestation, rather than actuality, though I feel personally that it must be truth, but this is a biased opinion.

So I was told the earth is an example of compromise between the light and the dark.

That all the associations of: Satan, monsters, jerks, liars, all the negative polarity stuff, is our manifestation of conjuring, or bringing fourth a specific type of destructive energy vibration, that then manifests itself accord to specific drives and attitudes, and humans have access to this "bandwidth" and we then enact and manifest it, then we have described our engagements and manifestations with the labels we now give them.

That what humans experience is a microcosm of the polarity struggle of this entire universe.

That this universe is contained, and is but a finite fraction of the larger majority of creation outside of this universe.

That this universe has been allowed to exist, so that darkness may have a contained and monitored playground to practice free-will, and so that the "eternal exploring children" may have a contained and monitored space to engage with darkness and either engage with it or learn to heal it.

And from our perspective, we see this as reality with love and evil, when really this is a heavily monitored polarity "free-will zone" where we can either shine our natural-self, manifested as love, compassion, ect. OR we get persuaded and sucked into betraying our natural-self by enacting in reversed forms of love, manifested as evil, hate, aggression, impatience, ect.

What we see as these thought-forms taking on a life of their own, are actually our ties to the greater macrocosm enacting themselves through us on the "divine chess-board" that is this planet's surface.

That this argument between the light and dark persuasions of energy has been going on for a very long time, though not for all of eternity. Originally, eternity was only the light, darkness was a naturally occurring manifestation when feelings of desire, disdain, jealousy, and lust for control, became a driving force, and to achieve the means and ends of their lusts, love had to be manipulated into its polar opposite, thus darkness was birthed and the associations, persuasions and attitudes became a possible bandwidth.

This is what is meant when Adam and Eve were condemned for eating of the tree of good and evil, it is a natural inevitability to behave resentful, selfish, self-pitiful, the whole wallow of the "negative spectrum", when darkness makes a place for itself in our psyche, it "cuts-off" or creates "dams" that block or divert the natural energies that we're connected with and that are usually attracted to us.

Like a series of lenses getting in-between you and the light, contorting the beam of light into a plethora of manipulations.

That to be convinced that polarity has always been and is all that is, has always been used as one of the many traps to bring down our defenses and become more susceptible to "being played" by exterior pushers.

I was told that human beings are the instrument of healing used in polarity manifestations. That our eyes are the portals to which they may know what happens at all moments of our lives, all of us, at every moment in time, that the right eye is used by benevolent beings and the left eye is used by malevolent beings to know and observe what we know and observe.

But the idea is not to destroy and kill the negative beings, but for the positive beings to empathize with the negative beings, and for the negative beings to "come around" and heal themselves.

That the thoughts and ethical balances that come and go through us, are multi-dimensional "spirits" and/or perspectives flowing through us, as to either substantiate themselves, or genuinely work themselves out, that this can be seen in the complex personalities of stubbornness, aggressiveness, all double-standards, ect.

That human beings are the cross-roads of this occurrence. We knew what we were volunteering for.

That ignorance had to be part of the healing process, so that this process may occur genuinely.

So it's not that you are condemned to hell for being bad, if you are made-up of mostly negative "vibes" then you are compatible with other individual collectives of negative "vibes" and you occupy the same places with eachother according to compatibility.

The same goes for our idea of being good and going to heaven, if you become made-up of resolved considerations, that can absorb whatever surrounds you, and heal it into peace, then you become only compatible with resolved environments of peace.

The idea is that eventually, every portion of polarity will eventually be healed and become responsibly self-managed. And in the mean-time, this contained "battle-field" is a useful training ground to the brave explorers that would explore polarity and quicken its healing.

I was told that the idea is "to return to me," because when I occupy the place where I am with my Cosmic Father, I am my full-potential reached and expressed, for I am and we are an equal expression with the Source from which we all came.

The illusion of hierarchy with an external "God" is another thought trap and virus generated by the resentful beings of our conflict. They were resentful that they had to "live-up" to something to have access to "all the keys to the castle". So a false hierarchy and trap system was enacted to supersede the natural order, thus this universe developed the plethora of false astral realms and false demi-gods, false kings and false kingdoms struggling for dominance with eachother, we see this manifested in our earth microcosm, for they want to "play-god" at whatever their particular level may be, while still holding onto their resentments and polarities.

Thus the "secret-societies" of worshipful masters and their "Lords", are committing themselves through ritual, to becoming part of the polarity pyramid scheme.

Some of these beings want this struggle to go on forever, and as long as there is "fresh meat" to be persuaded, deceived, and convinced, then the polarity struggle can continue its loop of biting its tail.

These are the streams of thoughts and responses I was receiving, it continues...

It was confirmed to me, my notion that all of Earth's religions had been purposely made into controlling dogmas. That the influence of our religions' manipulations extends beyond earth.

That those who were in the position to re-translate, were directly inspired by subtle dark forces, to mis-translate specific words into specific interpretations. That the changes made would embody the "dark forces'" critiques on the process of personal salvation.

That the crucifixion is a dastardly trap intended to prey upon susceptible spirits, leading them into spiritual apathy and follower mentality, rather than becoming Christ-Like and working out their own salvation.

I was reminded that its all about compatibility, that you know you're going to "heaven" if you are only compatible with "heaven".

The reworking of the story of Jesus is like the coute-de-gra for the dark forces. Taking the story of a miraculous healer, very much in touch with his genuine nature and natural divinity, allowing nothing else to impede this nature. To take his story, and re-write it into a story of human sacrifice, into spiritual dependence of a third-party exterior to the self, and worship sent to the opposite side followers think its being sent.

This is why the Vatican seems so sinister, for "behind the scenes" they know exactly where their actual allegiances lay. The same goes for all religions, in different respects.

But this is what always occurs during this process, the level of sophistication is simply upped each time. Its used as a training process to see what we are susceptible to, what exterior crutches will we devote ourselves and what made us behave so desperately, all of this in a monitored and safe enviornment, so that we may refine ourselves for whatever embodiment we choose for the next go around.

I was told about the future to come, about the phrase, "the meek shall inherit the earth". That the earth IS, at some point in time, going to shift into a different context of energies altogether. That all things in this universe go through cycles of "fall" "recover" "best-potential" "suffering" back into "fall" again. That this can be seen in the microcosm of our seasons on earth, in our emotional gestures going through shock-worry-reasoning-relief, even in our breathing is the in-breath of "stressed-recovery" and the out-breath of "comforted-relief".

That for those of us compatible, we're going to hitch a ride on the earth and convert into a different context altogether. What exactly it was is to remain a surprise, but that I was already experiencing what will be experienced on a much larger level, with exponentially increasing occurrence, without the usage of substances.

It was okay I was using a substance, it happens all the time, it is here for us to be used as a bridge, but with all things it has its pro's and con's. I ended up agreeing that the natural progression of slowly being revealed the true nature of things and of alternate realities, is an over-all better way for the experience to stick, and to not overwhelm ones-self, and to not make ones-self open to what may weasel its way into our psyche.

I thought its a shame that things are poised to weasel their way into us, at all levels, at every turn. I was responded to, that: "That is their chosen nature". And how to peacefully deal with them, how to not let my guard down. That there are poised, aggressive presences, and my reaction to them will determine the outcome. They will not impede on our free-will, BUT, there are forces that do whatever they can to lead us down a path where we cause our own demise. This achieves the ends desired by darkness, without spinning the karmic wheel themselves, thus they are immune to the retribution brought upon by their persuasion and our self-destruction.

This spiritual war has been going on a long, loooooong, looooooooooooooooong time, and this universe is the compromise and the playground for the forces to mingle, destroy, and heal.

So if we don't get out of this universe, it's because we're not compatible yet. We must know the "darkness", its subtle ways, how to defend ourselves and how to heal it, make peace with it.

The idea being, once we can handle it all down here, then we can live and explore eternally, responsibly, because we know what not to do, and not be resentful about being responsible, so we don't start a polarity domino effect in the other realms of existence.

It's actually an amazing way to allow free-will for both camps, the peaceful, compassionate, all is equal, loving and joyful camp has their space, as well as the duality, inflated egos and exaggerated emotions and pity camp has their space. Where in the spectrum we find ourselves is our own free-will choice. There is no passed judgment, save your own self-judgment and those ignorant enough to judge others. So it's not a judgment at death that results in our ongoing path, it is what we have made ourselves to be that results in a compatible result.

And there was, of course, an update on my personal status.

It was emphasized to me that there are small details with how I treat myself and certain attitudes I hold that I sheen over and ignore, but they need to be healed and less ignored by me. But this is not uncommon and I'm genuine about it, so I should follow through, maybe just a bit more actively, without the sheen.

I was told I'm stifling myself, and I should be more confident and comfortable with expressing myself, I'm only doing myself a disservice, but that this goes for a great portion of humanity, not only myself.

It's going to be an amazing and beautiful day when we can feel comfortable around eachother and not impede on eachother's expression, that there are many gifts that come along with living according to our true nature, without the impositions of duality mentality, especially the effects our renewed attitudes will trigger in the realms of science and spirituality.

It is going to be a rocky road though, and we have to do it ourselves. Amazing things will reveal themselves to us along the way, but we have to set-up the proper enviornment with the right intentions for this to occur, on personal levels and larger. The fairy tales of our salvation falling into our laps, or being part of the right club, has been part of the trap intended to keep us apathetic and passive in the polarity struggle, rather than standing-up and getting ourselves fully conscious again.

This is what eating of the tree of good and evil has caused, and we're getting to the point in time when we can move on from that mind-set, and see things as unified potential, rather than us vs. them and "this is the way it is, so this is the way it is" mentality.

Like we're growing up from being bratty teenagers into young adults with a renewed appreciation for life.

The most exciting thought that concluded the experience, was for myself and the others in the room, and with anyone who is ready and willing to be genuine, honest, responsible, Christ-Like (minus religion, dependence, and worship) And the thought was, what would you and your friends do if you could go anywhere and do anything?

That is the answer we should begin defining for ourselves and our loved ones, and it will not be contained by this paradigm, this planet.

Yes, we have hurdles, we have distractions, we have disasters, personally and world-wide, and we do have to work it all out ourselves. BUT, there is a most amazing experience awaiting us on the other end of the finish-line, I can tell you that much is true with absolute certainty.

Thank you for reading!

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#2 Posted : 3/14/2011 8:12:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow, thank you for posting this. I like the bratty teenager analogy. It's time for humanity to put on it's big boy pants and accept response-ability for itself. I really enjoyed reading this and I look forward to your future trip reports!

Thanks again!
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#3 Posted : 3/15/2011 2:06:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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beautiful post. absolutely beautiful.

why am i so inclined to sheild my true self from the world? i am not something to be ashamed of.
All post are made by SWIM. I am not SWIM.
#4 Posted : 3/15/2011 5:48:28 AM

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Fucking incredible. That's just awesome man. I'm so glad you received and shared this. It brightened my day.
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
#5 Posted : 3/15/2011 9:25:49 PM

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WOW... awesome reflection and transmition! thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!! Razz

i love the concept of playspace
Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....
#6 Posted : 3/17/2011 1:36:26 AM

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Thank you so much for the post, it's a incredible experience. Im astonished that what you were shown is almost exactly what Ive come to believe through different means so it rings very true personally.

I agree about having to do the work ourselves, and I think it begins by innerwork and being willing to let go of what doesnt serve us anymore (like inflated egos, feelings of unworthiness, hopelessness, impatience, feelings of separation, judgements etc.) Doing it that way then enables joy and love and light.

I think the world is headed into a roller coster ride and its about to get bumpy for our greater good.

Life here sure is a amazing/surprising journey.

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