i have a gram of dmt idk what way to take it i have never done any befor Options
#1 Posted : 3/16/2011 6:26:45 AM

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HI.I have recently obtained a gram of dmt and i want to take it in one very large dose, probably .5- a gram at once. Because it will be the only dmt i will probably ever have I want it to count. I am still deciding on how to injest it but am considering smoking, pharmahuasca, or injection. Which of these methods would be the best way to injest such a large dose without wasting it all? I am experienced with other psychedelics, mainly LSD, but am seeking a much stronger spiritual experience. I have a friend with a really nice vaporizor that I would smoke it out of if you guys think thats the best method.

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#2 Posted : 3/16/2011 7:42:43 AM

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You cannot ingest a half a gram of DMT at once without wasting it all; it's simply not possible.

As to the route of administration, I'd say either vaporize or take it orally (pharmahuasca) depending on what you're looking for. It sounds like you'd want to go the oral route as it's less abrupt (Ginsberg's description of vaporized DMT as "noetic lightning" is an apt description).

I'd recommend you read the FAQ before proceeding. And I'll emphasize again: You do not want to take a half a gram of DMT at once; doing that would give you a whole lot less of what you're looking for than taking a good hefty dose within the realm of reason.
#3 Posted : 3/16/2011 7:47:56 AM

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if i do it oraly how much should i put in and why not an extreamly large dose??
and how badly will i purge i hate throwing up with a passion
#4 Posted : 3/16/2011 7:59:30 AM

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I'll emphasize again: You do not want to take a half a gram of DMT at once; doing that would give you a whole lot less of what you're looking for

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"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
The Traveler
#5 Posted : 3/16/2011 8:35:02 AM

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lsdfan99 wrote:
if i do it oraly how much should i put in and why not an extreamly large dose??
and how badly will i purge i hate throwing up with a passion

Your answers are just a quick search away. Pleased

On the DMT-Nexus we expect our members to do their research before asking questions. Your questions are rather basic and by reading the site, the FAQ and using the search you will find these answers within an hour.

Do your research before taking DMT, it's not a game.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#6 Posted : 3/16/2011 9:27:39 AM


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dude, a gram should last you quit a long time, i can get at least 20 decent breaktrough doses of 50mg(smoked/vaped) from a 1g of freebase dmt.
personally id recommend vaping a dose of 25mg first and if you like it and want more then increase dosage up to around 50mg but in small increments, if the experience is not long enough for you you can then look at other methods of administration like pharma or vaping with harmalas/changa
you really dont want to take more than 100/200mg orally or it will be a waste, you can always top up orally or when smoking changa but you cant take away some from a dose thats was too big or recover wot would be wasted if you do too much, once its gone its gone. a gram should be more than enough to experiment and see which method you like best, and you should still have some left over by the time youve finished. aswell.
dmt really is not something i would want to take orally for a first experience, fuck that for fun a games, imo its much better to familiarise yourself with dmt a little bit first before making the leap to oral doses.
best of luck to ya.
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#7 Posted : 3/16/2011 12:32:28 PM

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Agreed, don't run before you can walk. Or it will kick you in the ass, and you are very unlikely to like it!
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#8 Posted : 3/16/2011 1:15:44 PM

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lsdfan99 wrote:
if i do it oraly how much should i put in and why not an extreamly large dose??
and how badly will i purge i hate throwing up with a passion

There are two reasons not to do an extremely large dose:

1) You will probably black out and have no memory of the experience at all.


2) The experience will be extremely unpleasant – unpleasant to the point where you will most definitely never want to do DMT again.

A very strong dose of properly vaporized DMT is about 0.4mg/kg. If you weigh 70kg, that’s a dose of about 28mg. My deepest, most spiritual DMT experiences have all been had with 28mg or less. With DMT, more does not equal better.
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#9 Posted : 3/16/2011 1:50:43 PM

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thank u people all been very helpfull Very happy
#10 Posted : 3/16/2011 2:50:46 PM


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I am very displeased with whoever gave you that gram of dmt. You don't just give someone something so powerful without at least telling them how to use it safely. Fail!

Anyway welcome to the nexus; do your research, kick your friend in the head, and enjoy your travels SAFELY Pleased
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#11 Posted : 3/16/2011 3:00:13 PM

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dreamer042 wrote:
I am very displeased with whoever gave you that gram of dmt. You don't just give someone something so powerful without at least telling them how to use it safely. Fail!

Anyway welcome to the nexus; do your research, kick your friend in the head, and enjoy your travels SAFELY Pleased

I agree.

Here's a question: Do you have a scale? Can you confirm the weight of what your friend gave you? Spend a little $ on a mg scale if you don't have one.
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#12 Posted : 3/16/2011 4:53:33 PM

random root

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hey man,

dont be dumb! you have no idea of what your fucking with.

good luck... i think your sanity will need it...

befor you partake i say read the dmt vault at
then come back here and fine tune..
then i would say with the proper sitter you should be good to go...

if u made it this far you are a champ, and although we may never meet you are also my friend.
#13 Posted : 3/16/2011 6:25:49 PM

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I'll be honest, alarm bells went off when I read this post...I just wanna repeat what has already been said, DMT is not a toy, please do your research, don't rush into it, it sounds to me like you have no idea what you are dealing with. Mark my words DMT is a very, very different beast to LSD, it makes this substance look like a "lazy summer walk in the park" to quote someone, somewhere (can't remember who or where!) And more is not always better man, if you don't acknowledge this, I'm sure you will get to experience why this is so for yourself.

#14 Posted : 3/16/2011 6:33:51 PM


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Read the first link in my signature.

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#15 Posted : 3/16/2011 7:42:22 PM

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^ and then please re-read it again and again...
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#16 Posted : 3/16/2011 8:16:16 PM

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ya it is a gram i weiged it out and no i do not have a milligram scale
and they told me to start low and my other friend said go balls to the wall
other then weighing what is a good amount ive herd end of an eraser size is good???
#17 Posted : 3/16/2011 9:22:22 PM

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lsdfan99 wrote:
ya it is a gram i weiged it out and no i do not have a milligram scale
and they told me to start low and my other friend said go balls to the wall
other then weighing what is a good amount ive herd end of an eraser size is good???

ok bro your first friend is right and you need to slap the second.

Here's a good method if you don't have scales.

1. grab a bowl(bong or regular, doesn't matter)
2. slap a decent layer of herb in it
3. take a pea-sized amount of dmt and put it on that layer
4. put another layer of herb on top, making sure you see -no- dmt
5. LIGHTLY torch it by fanning the lighter back and forth
6. toke away!

this is not an accurate method by any means, but it has always given me good results in about 4 hits.
*We are now at a phase of human development where we have accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge through scientific research in the material world. This is very important knowledge, but it must be integrated. -Hoffman
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#18 Posted : 3/16/2011 9:31:43 PM

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lsdfan99 wrote:
ive herd end of an eraser size is good???

Please stop the "I've herd (sic)..." stuff.
Please realize you are setting off alarm bells here, and take some time to read up. If you ain't got a couple of hours to become more informed, DMT is not for you.
As for "balls to the wall", G2 told you, 28 mg will do it.
And have a talk with your friend.
And please post an introductory essay - it is a nice way to share with the community your experience, what you hope to gain, things you may feel you can contribute, your view on the road ahead...

stevowitz' method above will probably put your balls through the wall. I would recommend an inactive herb or ash - mj tends to cloud the experience and will last longer than the spice journey. IMHO, coming back crystal clear aids recall, lets you bring back more treasure!
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
#19 Posted : 3/16/2011 9:32:18 PM

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Slow down. Breathe. Stop!

Okay, take a deep breath. And exhale . . . .

Welcome to the DMT-Nexus lsdfan99. I am the resident "old lady nag" and I wanna talk with you in chat soon. I am a DMT chat addict. Please join me in chat so we can talk.

Having said that, please, please, please, take your time. There is no need to rush this. I know you feel like you have this one restricted source of this molecule but as Dr. Shulgin says in TIHKAL, "DMT is Everywhere," and this site has recipes (teks) that show you how to safely extract your own DMT from the plant teachers that offer this molecule to us.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and presume you are not 80 years old or something. Thus, it is safe for me to say - You have a lot of time. Take your time. Do your research.

DMT is a BIG DEAL. Read the warning in the Health and Safety section - https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...s_Wiki:Health_and_Safety

That warning is no joke. I wish folks would read it and meditate upon it deeply multiple times before taking that first hit. DMT is MORE than the hype. The reason it is beyond description is because it feels so spiritual and hyperspatial. It can separate you from your body, make you think without a doubt that you have OD'd and died. It stimulates a fear response. Letting go, surrender and preparation with intentionality are paramount BEFORE taking that first hit or sip in my humble opinion.

A good, stiff dose of DMT (50 mgs, NOT 500 mgs) in many users induces a complete launch/dissociation from the body - users launch and trip out of body. This is an utterly convincing (MORE real than real)and immersive, inescapable (better let go and fully surrender, you have NO control once you choose to consume the dose)3D (or 4D or more . . .) experience. People come back shaken. They didn't realize that their perceptions were so fragile. They thought they understood what was real. DMT can exacerbate mental illness. It will not create it in a healthy mind, but if that mind is going to go down that path, DMT is an excellent accelerator.

My DMT use taught me to be more open minded while simultaneously being more skeptical than ever before in all areas of my life.

Having said THAT, I want to very strongly urge you with my "old lady" voice to skip that next eighth of pot or 10-strip of 'cid and buy a mg scale. YOu can get a mg scale from Amazon or eBay for under $40.

One gram is 1,000 milligrams.

10 milligrams smoked or vaporized should give you a DMT handshake

50 milligrams smoked or vaporized should approach or produce profound or so-called "Breakthrough" effects.

If you are not careful and respectful, it is all too easy to have a Terror Trip with DMT. Trust/Believe me. Please. I know.

Having said THAT, I want to stress that eyeballing doses is NOT a good tactic for a new DMT user. Many of us old farts, experienced heads and burnouts just load our Glass Vaporgenie (GVG) and take hits. Works for us. For new users, ALWAYS WEIGH YOUR DOSE. ALWAYS.

If I waited 23 years (and I DID) to try DMT, you can wait a few days/weeks/months to do the research and get the scale and ensure proper set and setting, etc. such that when you do this you do it right. Doing it right means being as prepared as possible - mentally, physically, health wise, paraphenelia/kit wise and technique wise.

This is gonna be a "trip" like no other. If you were gonna take a trip to the Amazon what would you do? You would research and prepare if you're smart. You would do things in advance not to offend the natives of the place you are going to visit, if you were smart.

You should prepare for DMT in a similar way, by making your body and mind ready, then taking a pre-measured dose for that first taste.

This is just one woman's opinion. Hope to see you in chat.

Welcome to the Nexus!
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#20 Posted : 3/16/2011 10:21:09 PM

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Definitely, please, listen to Pandora, and those that are saying similar, you need a milligram scale. I was pretty gunho at first to, but I heeded the advice such as that. You have no idea, be easy, be respectful, and be cautious. I am not one hundred percent sure but, I am a leaning towards this molecule as causing both an internal and external experience. Thus far from what I have experienced, spice will bring things to the surface, or revel things about who and what you are that you may not be ready to deal with, I would recommend 15mg, the first go, that way the curtain isn't just flung open all the way. It will probably seem like it is anyway, it is much like life itself amazing and terrible. If you are simply seeking a visual experience I would stick with shrooms. If you are truly on a spiritual or internal quest then proceed slowly, I don't think spice is going anywhere.
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