DMT and suboxone. IS this bad mixture?(bad experience) Options
#1 Posted : 3/14/2011 3:23:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I try this at few weeks ago.

I Iv. DMT 15mg (extracted MHRB(May have contaminant)) with suboxone 4mg.

Suboxone contains naloxone and bubrenorphine.

I Fix the DMT freebace to citric acid to dilute in water and i have fixed suboxone and filtrated solution and i mix those two things together in the syringe.
I look in syringe and i dont see any dirty or any solids in there and then i put needle in on my vain and push the plunger down and then the hell breaks loose.

First minute was okay, I see plenty wonderful patterns and visions and suddenly it´s stops rising and all is coming down and never reach hyperspace.
but then i notise that something is going wrong and i notice my body is on fire and on hard pain.
I think im gonna die!!!

My body felt it´s on fire and pain was unbearable. Bones was aching and it´s hard to breath.
I have to think all the time to breath or it stops.

I have to lie on the bed 1,5 hours before i can stand. Then the pain gets milder and berable and burning on my skin starts to go away.
Over two hours goes when pain and skin burning stops totaly but I still feel sick and time to time i allmost puke.

I still see patterns and distorted view over 30 minutes.But not like then you on dmt.

So i ask is the naloxone and dmt bad combination or dmt and bubrenorphine OR ALL TOGETHER?

I think the after hallusinations when you come on hyperspace travel was prolonget and after efects was stronger but i never entered in hyperspace.
Colors was very dull and almost back&white and dark green. I think that pain was efected my mood, So i see so dull colours.

Why is that? I think it´s intensce after efects but don´t let you fly on hyperspace.

Is there documented research of dmt and naloxone synergy???

I hope no body try this at home!
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#2 Posted : 3/14/2011 3:44:41 PM

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I Just like to know how that feels Smile
I try and it´s was a last time to try combination of those or anything in my vains.
King of things
#3 Posted : 3/14/2011 3:44:50 PM

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This worries me on many levels

1st- Injecting a potential impure product
2nd- Doing it by yourself (maybe hurting yourself with the needle)

Check the FAQ what we feel about this


3rd- mixing of opioids and DMT. There are a lot of former opioid users and people working to quit them, but this community is definitely not one to recommend opioid use. In fact, we strongly discourage it, as its specifically written in our Attitude page

Attitude page wrote:

โ€ข Talk about addictive substances like opioid's and alcohol is discouraged. You are free however to talk about it in a positive setting, like asking for or giving help about quitting the use of these substances.

Why are you using opiates in the first place?

What was your intention to mix this with dmt?

I think the message of your experience was pretty clear there, please reconsider your actions!
#4 Posted : 3/14/2011 4:09:50 PM

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I try warn others of bad side effect and like to know is there somebody have mutual efects.

Im not courage anybody to use opioid or any drugs at all!!!

Im get my suboxone for my opioid dependence. I AM ADDICT. So i just try is there something stonger or bad side efect because i read reseach where dmt and naloxone is given to mouses and the naloxone intences reactions and the side efects.

I have been over four years off needle and clean of other drugs . Now i try it for education of my self and other. So I think i don´t harm anybody but my self on this experince and telling here it.

I have seen if I have used sublingualy suboxone then I don´t get the best effects if smoking dmt right after tablets and few hours after.

ANd there are people who are in suboxone rehab and tryin dmt. So i inform you, don´t combined those together in the same time. You maybe get sick!
AND NOT get real efects of dmt!!

I think it was pure product because i recrystal it 3 times and do verry cereful all steps.

I don´t do it never again !!!
King of things
#5 Posted : 3/14/2011 4:17:47 PM

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Thank you for the answer.

I think its good that you decide to share the experience and this serve as a warning.

I think if you read a research where it is shown to intensify side effects in rats, that should show at least caution is necessary, and now with your experience seems to confirm this pretty well.

Good that you are working towards quitting negative drug use and becoming more conscious about it.

What is your plan regarding your addiction treatment, if I may ask? Any professional follow-up? Have you researched well into alternatives, any plans on reducing/quitting the suboxone use? I hope you are finding the network of support in your daily life to help you overcoming the addictions. As I said, there are plenty of people here in the Nexus that have gone down this path too, so you can find people with experience to discuss this, find good strategies as well as the emotional support

Check the health and safety subforum too Smile
#6 Posted : 3/14/2011 4:55:25 PM

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Yes it was rats not mouses Smile

Yes i have regular follow-up. I se my rehabnurse everyweek (where i get my medicine) and doctors few times in half year.

Im starting reduce in summer, But not fast. few mils in 6 months.

My girlfriend who lives in the same house with me is a worker of rehabilitation center. She never uses drugs and she helps me to come around. She is the reason why i have get along. My parents are good help and i go every week fishing with my father.

I see people who are in a NA program and i self have do NA 12 steps.

Im now learning to be a restaurant cook In the adultschool.

I think im doing pretty good now. Im trying to learn real life. ANd come an normal citizen Smile


Im wonder that IVin it´s was down side in my rehabilitatio, but i can´t turn clock back time Sad

Still feels like im falling. But i try to pick up my pieces.
King of things
#7 Posted : 3/14/2011 4:59:22 PM


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im just wondering why you would want to iv them both at the same time, and why you would be iv'ing suboxone if your an addict to begin with. suboxone is the last thing id think an addict would want to try to iv.( i explain in later para)
i take methodone for the same reasons you take subies, but im only on like 1ml per day now as ive reduced it each week over the past year. the only thing ive noticed is that unless ive taken more meth than i need then after doing dmt i get the chills an sweats a bit like im in slight withdrawel but this goes away after a 5 mins. i found salvia seems to have a similar effect aswell but it makes the experience for me horrible on salvia and almost painful.(not in a withdrawal way though)
my partner was on meth aswell up until 2 weeks ago then she just cut it out completely as she was a lil ahead of me. she too got chills etc but since yesterday the chills have stopped and she doesnt feel them anymore when smoking her changa blends. so it seems somehow dmt or another alkaloid that was extracted seems to interact with opiate/opiod withdrawel to some extent.

suboxone contains that naloxone and that is probably wots giving you negative effects especially if you iv it as suboxone is buprenorphine which has naloxone added to it to prevent addicts iv' ing the stuff as it produces immediate withdrawel when iv'd in people addicted to opiates already. maybe you should just not inject your suboxone if your gonna inject those kinds of drugs you should really only be iv'ing subutex as it contains no naloxone and shouldnt give you any negative effects when injected, but i still would not recommend iv'ing either of them personally. its that habit you need to break away from if you really want to get clean.
unless your using naloxone just to get high off and your not actually an opiate addict, as it will do that if your not already addicted to opiates and would be the only reason i can see that anyone would iv suboxone to begin with. but you say your an addict if so then stop iving suboxone as it will put you into withdrawal, well its supposed to anyway(its wots given to you when you OD as it reverses all opiates effects) id assume you would already have known this though as this bit of info is usually drilled into the addicts head before they are given a script for it.

i also found with lower doses smoked i would see all the colours for a min then be sucked back out an the bright beautiful colours and shapes would just dampen down to dark colours and more hellish shapes. i pretty sure this is only cos of the low dose giving only very slight CEV's that are just dull weird gross shapes that i would expect to see on a visit to hell, not scary at all though, just weird an leaves me thinking were did all the colour go.
maybe you should try a higher dose of dmt without any suboxone, id recommend trying a 25mg dose smoked and see how that goes, if you really have to iv it then go from 15mg to 20mg and if thats not good enough go up in very small amounts. until you get where you wanna be.
PROHIBITION?? - just say NO!!
#8 Posted : 3/14/2011 5:06:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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And who thinks i met my girlfrien in my rehab center.
That never happend! We never broke patient and worker relationship. Or what that called??
I met her in my friend house. Smile
King of things
#9 Posted : 3/14/2011 5:19:27 PM

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Do you read what i post before you?
I don´t iv suboxone or subutex they dont give me nothing(Only keep me cured).
I was a curious how the synergy of suboxone and DMT bacause i read text of rats and naloxone.
But yes i know it´s final thing to do IVing anything in this situation. BAD CALL!!!

I don´t try to get high on suboxone! i can´t get high of bubrenorphine or naloxone Smile
I know i can get high dmt but i try to tell if you have just use suboxone you don´t get that good vibes.

AND additional comment i have been almost 15 years opiates. Morphine,heroin,metadone,oxys And allkind of downers and uppers, but now 4 years on suboxone.
AND nothing else but dmt, harmaline and sometimes shrooms Pleased

AND the pain and burning what experienced don´t resemble withdrawals at all!!!

King of things
#10 Posted : 3/14/2011 6:10:02 PM


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hi, soz bud if i come across a wrong.
so did you iv the suboxone when you iv'd the dmt or not? cos thats where im confused it seems you iv'd it this once. if iv'd then that would be your problem, if not then i must have misread your first post as it seemed to imply you iv'd it that once at least. i think maybe your last comment above mine was put on while i was typing, im not too sure, but yea i didnt mean to imply you were iving it regularly i cant imagine youd be doing that anyway.
as i said naloxone is wot probably didnt mix especially if you did iv the suboxone this one time. have you tried it with just subutex? because if youve been clean for 4 years you probably dont need to be taking the naloxone anyway.

PROHIBITION?? - just say NO!!
corpus callosum
#11 Posted : 3/14/2011 6:48:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Suboxone tablets have a number of ingredients over and above naloxone and buprenorphine HCL and these are not suitable for IV injection.Check this link for its other ingredients:

Your symptoms of burning suggest a reaction to any of the excipients which are added to the tablet.

Im a little surprised at people injecting this; at a push I can understand some injecting SUBUTEX but again the user is at risk of a reaction to the other incidental ingredients.The only buprenorphine pill prep which is vaguely suitable for injecting is TEMGESIC, a prep containing bupe with no antagonist and is designed for sublingual dosing.It too has fillers but less than subutex and suboxone.

As an afficionado of the poppy, you should be aware that bupe is only a partial agonist at the mu receptor and in terms of opiate euphoria in one who is opioid-tolerant its a pretty poor tool.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#12 Posted : 3/15/2011 7:10:22 PM

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corpus callosum wrote:
Suboxone tablets have a number of ingredients over and above naloxone and buprenorphine HCL and these are not suitable for IV injection.Check this link for its other ingredients:

Your symptoms of burning suggest a reaction to any of the excipients which are added to the tablet.

Im a little surprised at people injecting this; at a push I can understand some injecting SUBUTEX but again the user is at risk of a reaction to the other incidental ingredients.The only buprenorphine pill prep which is vaguely suitable for injecting is TEMGESIC, a prep containing bupe with no antagonist and is designed for sublingual dosing.It too has fillers but less than subutex and suboxone.

As an afficionado of the poppy, you should be aware that bupe is only a partial agonist at the mu receptor and in terms of opiate euphoria in one who is opioid-tolerant its a pretty poor tool.

Your are wrong!!!

Suboxone and subutex is here in finland what kids are iv. and it´s most famous drug(subutex) in here after speed. (Or most used)

Is usual drug because here are little heroin in the market. Suboxone don´t give burning sensation. I Know. I have used it before by IV. Because there are naloxone you dont get that high what you can get temgesic and subutex.

but if you don´t have opioid tolerant you can get droopy, nodds and euphoria.
Somebodys use filter to clean insolube ingredients off but that is what they don´t do usualy! .

I try to tell people if you use suboxone and DMT in intravascularly you can get verry SICK!!

If you don´t have firs hand information i suggest to get rigt information firs.

If the peole in your country don´t use it wrong by IV. Or otherways wrong, Im verry surpriced !?!?!

I know there are ingredients what aren´t good for you but they use it and don´t get sick of it.
But in the long term your vains hardens and chalks up and your eyesight gets poor because ingredients goes for your retinal.
There are bloodclot proplems too long term use.

SO it´s bad for you like any hard drugs!!!
Allmost same fillers are used some bad cutted heroin or speed. Chalk and cornstarch.
I think there are worse thing you can inject in body.

I don´t like to speak this subject anymore.

I want to get out of this drug world. where im now Sad
King of things
corpus callosum
#13 Posted : 3/15/2011 7:29:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Just because the Finnish kids do it doesnt make it right!And just because many have injected it without problems before, can you be certain that the other ingredients will never provoke an adverse reaction?

Why inject an opioid with an opioid antagonist?Sounds self-defeating to me.I cannot comment on the effects of suboxone IV with DMT but I still say injecting suboxone is a poor substitute for those compounds which can really give you the desired opioid effects.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#14 Posted : 3/15/2011 7:44:38 PM

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have you tried subutex or suboxone by IV. If you have tried you know why it used!!!

You can compare to morphine.

I don´t never hear something bad happened enybody when they have IV. subutex,temgesic or suboxone.

But then i have heard and self experienced if have heroin,morphine and methadone in our blood system then suboxone gives you hellish time. Wihtdrawls and another nice things.

Because it´s opioid antagonist that doen´t say you can´t get high for it!

It´s stronger off most painkillers in market.

But i don´t say it´s good for enybody. Drugs are bad!!!

AND i know it wasn´t side effect of suboxone when i compined dmt and xone. It was naloxone and dmt synergy.
Not allergic reaction of suboxone!!!
King of things
#15 Posted : 3/15/2011 7:55:41 PM

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corpus callosum
#16 Posted : 3/15/2011 8:10:45 PM

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No I havent ever had to resort to injecting tablets fortunately but I have injected pharm grade morphine and diacetylmorphine before and I have tried subutex and temgesic.If you are not opiate tolerant at all then buprenorphine will feel mighty pleasant but should you ever sample either morphine or diacetylmorphine, you will be more impressed.

You are right when you say it depends on what other drugs (opiates) are in your system and your level of tolerance/dependence as to whether or not you will have a hellish time if you inject suboxone.Im aware its done but it surprises me how people will resort to something like this in pursuit of the buzz but then again I may have been spoilt in this regard.I have seen people who have destroyed their veins by injecting tablets including those with buprenorphine in them and this is due to the fillers which are not meant to be processed by the body directly IV.

Buprenorphine is not the strongest painkiller out there-this place is reserved for fentanyl and related compounds.

I recall a study which looked at the effect of naloxone with DMT in rats and if I remember correctly the effects were different at different doses of naloxone.Clearly its hard to tell how 'tripped out' rats may be and the study observed some behavioural parameters.I dont know if these effects have been measured in humans.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#17 Posted : 3/15/2011 8:22:57 PM

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ChampionPuffa wrote:
hi, soz bud if i come across a wrong.
so did you iv the suboxone when you iv'd the dmt or not? cos thats where im confused it seems you iv'd it this once. if iv'd then that would be your problem, if not then i must have misread your first post as it seemed to imply you iv'd it that once at least. i think maybe your last comment above mine was put on while i was typing, im not too sure, but yea i didnt mean to imply you were iving it regularly i cant imagine youd be doing that anyway.
as i said naloxone is wot probably didnt mix especially if you did iv the suboxone this one time. have you tried it with just subutex? because if youve been clean for 4 years you probably dont need to be taking the naloxone anyway.

Yes i mix suboxone and dmt in same syringe. I get suboxone my meds and subutex is not available for opioid dependensis treatment in finland.
It was silly thing to do. I have only tried with suboxone and i don´t think i never try anything by IV. Smoking DMT it´s the way
King of things
#18 Posted : 3/15/2011 8:49:58 PM

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corpus callosum wrote:
No I havent ever had to resort to injecting tablets fortunately but I have injected pharm grade morphine and diacetylmorphine before and I have tried subutex and temgesic.If you are not opiate tolerant at all then buprenorphine will feel mighty pleasant but should you ever sample either morphine or diacetylmorphine, you will be more impressed.

You are right when you say it depends on what other drugs (opiates) are in your system and your level of tolerance/dependence as to whether or not you will have a hellish time if you inject suboxone.Im aware its done but it surprises me how people will resort to something like this in pursuit of the buzz but then again I may have been spoilt in this regard.I have seen people who have destroyed their veins by injecting tablets including those with buprenorphine in them and this is due to the fillers which are not meant to be processed by the body directly IV.

Buprenorphine is not the strongest painkiller out there-this place is reserved for fentanyl and related compounds.

I recall a study which looked at the effect of naloxone with DMT in rats and if I remember correctly the effects were different at different doses of naloxone.Clearly its hard to tell how 'tripped out' rats may be and the study observed some behavioural parameters.I dont know if these effects have been measured in humans.

Okay. I don´t like to argue this subject. I know what i speak. I have used heroin,morphine by IV, Almost half my life. I know isn,t near heroin but i can compare to morphine. When my suply run out i have to settle next best thing and it was bubrenorphine. ANd if you filter subutex you get clear liquid. Same as water. So little ingredients to harden your vains. I dont have any good vain in my body. But i think that is not only reason bacause subs. Because i have pierce all my vains with needle!

ANd mixing subutex with strong Benzodiazepine and another strong painkiller is equal low dose of heroin or sronger. I know how to get ultimate euforia and nods of opiates and other analgesics.

I know somebody is hard to understand why IV subutex, But if you are ADDICT you almost put anything in your vains to get our high.

Here in finland subutex had replace heroin so it´s hard to get it here! So i ask why is this? If subutex is semidrug why this happened here? Heroin market has diminished almost to nothing!!! Subutex rules here??? I think the demand if those drugs determine what is on market. now is the bubrenorphine!

Yes there are stronger paikillers in market. Like fentanyl where I O.D. and wake up in hospital. 3-4 min flatline so i told.
But fuck the drugs. It´s hard to stay clean inside my mind.

Now this goes in the wrong way totally!!!
King of things
#19 Posted : 3/15/2011 8:52:11 PM

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Now i got that feeling!!!Confused
King of things
corpus callosum
#20 Posted : 3/15/2011 9:10:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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eSINe69- you are right; there really is no need to argue over such matters and I apologise if you feel this thread has descended to such a level.I will say that I like several other Nexians have had addiction problems with opiates so I understand what you say so emphatically.I hope you manage to get yourself cured when you are readySmile
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

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