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#21 Posted : 3/8/2011 7:48:25 PM
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i totally feel where you are coming from, i have ran into people who take my opinions as holier than thou, but it is not my intention and usually people can see that when im not ranting on the internet Smile. lol

but as far as conspiracy goes....i think people really need to wake up to that fact... its called a psychopath, they dont care about other people, they have the ability to not care, unlike you and me, this allows them to live without as much consequence as the average person. now normally these type of people would be dealt with by god, which should be us, the good people, but they have so carefully designed this world centuries in the making and controlled people to such a level that it is hard to for the average person to see and accept this fact in their life....which allows evil people to operate, because people like you think they dont exist, therefore doing nothing about it to stop them. you should be doing everything you can to tell people about this without sounding crazy or pushing people away (which can be impossible sometimes so you have to pick your battles and be delicate)

basically this place is for young souls to learn to harness and express their indistinguishable energy with limitations since they are not fully developed yet. they are ignorant souls. souls that are developed enough to move on are to come back an help the ones who are still developing. what has happened is that evil souls have come back for greedy reasons. they know how to come back in the same family, the have it figured out, they have stayed in the family for centuries, they want this whole world for themselves, they want all the young souls out of here....the reason why is because they are psychopaths, hiding parts of themselves from themselves until their is nothing left but a shadow. it might be hard to believe until you meet a shadow in real life but most of us have, maybe you just haven't recognized them yet because they hide it so well. remember they can act totally normal on the surface. for some it can hard to admit that this is the truth because that means admitting that possibility deep within yourself because we are all each other but you really have to. its part of the whole process, taking the good with the bad. this is the reality we are living in, the reason we are all collectively waking up is because the jig is up.

every probable reality goes through phases, they knew this, so they used the knowledge of the phases against us.. there is so much more but anyway ill stop rambling. they are trying very hard right now to maintain their power, but it is falling apart at the seems all around us and it is beautiful, we just need to keep going.

sorry for going off topic.

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#22 Posted : 3/8/2011 8:08:12 PM

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I feel ya boosie, that was very well put.
“Surrender is inner acceptance of what is without any reservations. If you have lived long enough, you will know that things “go wrong” quite often. It is precisely at those times that surrender needs to be practiced if you want to eliminate pain and sorrow from your life.”

Eckhart Tolle
I am.
#23 Posted : 3/9/2011 11:52:51 PM


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boosie wrote:

the reason we are all collectively waking up is because the jig is up.

sorry for going off topic.

YUP. the trip is over. time to pack up. board the plane. go home.

there is no sense of elitism. at all. you have to realize that everything has a higher purpose. so if something seems negative to you, that's just the ego.

let's say that even if people claiming to "feel this" claimed elitism. but their message is pure love. that everything comes and goes in cycles (i think we can all agree thus far). say you're not "meant to make it". are you afraid that you will go to hell or somewhere bad? the belief (i believe) of the people feeling this awakeningis is that EVERYONE will, at some point, evolve. even if the ones "feling it" are above those who aren't "feeling it", they had to evolve, too. so, for arguments sake, what does it matter if PERSON A "feels it" and "makes it" and PERSON B doesn't "feel it" and doesn't "make it"? they will "make it" at some point, will they not? if they can't evolve because they didn't "make it", then where'd they go? hell? come on now. they'll just need the class again. i doubt any beings get everything the first go round.

so...under that premise...those "feeling it" aren't any better than those not "feeling it"...just further evolved. and what's wrong with being further evolved? it would be egoic to be upset at someone for being further evolved, would it not? are you offended that the aliens, ET, fairies, trolls and the countless other beings we've all encountered along our journeys are more evolved or ahead of you?

that being should stop focusing on some label or title and instead focus on growing...evolving. maybe...just maybe...then they themselves could evolve. kinda like a stop feeling left out and you won't be left out kinda thing. i mean...this is love we're talking about!!! who would love leave out?

this is all a hypothetical scenerio, mind you nexus. not saying it's my views or anyone's. just saying put yourself there and then think...

it would be egoic to be upset that MAYBE....JUST MAYBE someone is feeling something that you're not and it's REAL. how could YOU be left out? that's just wrong. EGO...

here's what i FEEL: if you think you know something, you're wrong. i truley feel that our minds can't really handle the literally can't comprehend. i don't think we're supposed to understand some things...maybe not even most things. i think we as a species have become obsessed with our own accomplishments and gotten sucked into the whole ego stroke of being "knowledgable" and "understanding". it's always been my belief that once you "know" it won't matter anymore.

in the end...what does it matter? just have fun. enjoy yourself and don't let your self-enjoyment harm anyone else. there is no evil...only ego...that is what truly separates us from Him...

embrace your's all you are...
#24 Posted : 3/10/2011 12:20:02 AM
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I wouldn't say that there is no evil, just no evil greater than the eternal love of All That Is. Evil is like a bad dream, and we only do it to ourselves. Our plane of existence has necessary evils, which the higher dimensional being(s?) that created us were very aware of when it created this world. They may be ignorant shadows but they are very real. They survive off of our own ignorance, but their arrogance is what pushes us to wake up from the nightmare.

Darkness is simply the absence of light. We (as the light) should be illuminating the darkness (the shadows, psychopaths).
I am.
#25 Posted : 3/10/2011 12:31:38 AM


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i'm a final product kinda guy, boosie. iyou are right, evil exists, but like we both only exists becuase of us...our ego. in the will all work to His will, ergo, in the end, there is no evil...only hiccups.

you are 1100% correct...we need to be lighting up the world! whether you "feel it" or not, you need to be lighting up the world. making it a better place. even the smallest things help. it's all about energy. we can all sit around and talk about how things in the world are getting ugly, and/or how we need to be positive and integrate and use it to better lives or we can do it.

don't be a radio and talk about a tv and show me. it's time for LOVE.
embrace your's all you are...
Minus The H
#26 Posted : 3/10/2011 12:56:47 AM

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I am. wrote:
don't be a radio and talk about a tv and show me. it's time for LOVE.

Very well put Smile People tend to be quick to criticize because they dont understand.
Safe travels everyone!!!

Free yourself from yourself...
#27 Posted : 3/12/2011 11:52:38 AM

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boosie wrote:

but as far as conspiracy goes....i think people really need to wake up to that fact... its called a psychopath, they dont care about other people, they have the ability to not care, unlike you and me, this allows them to live without as much consequence as the average person. now normally these type of people would be dealt with by god, which should be us, the good people, but they have so carefully designed this world centuries in the making and controlled people to such a level that it is hard to for the average person to see and accept this fact in their life....which allows evil people to operate, because people like you think they dont exist, therefore doing nothing about it to stop them. you should be doing everything you can to tell people about this without sounding crazy or pushing people away (which can be impossible sometimes so you have to pick your battles and be delicate)

Yeah I remember studying about psychopaths in psychopathology classes, and definitely meeting people who could fit that definition one way or another. But one characteristic which is very peculiar to psychopaths, is that they are ruthlessly and selfishly working towards that power or position they want, but being able to maintain a certain persona that can be quite deceiving. They will relate to others only (or mostly) insofar as it leads them closer to their selfish goal. This type of person doesnt feel this remorse of conscience or awareness about consequences of actions, somehow blocks it.

So, of course there are many psychopaths 'conspiring', but to say they are working coherently in a major group (aka the illuminati) contradicts the major characteristic of selfishness and self-directed actions at all costs. I understand that for example heads of companies which are psychopaths can pact on price raises and things like this, but they will also have conspiracies against each other of all kinds, and schisms, always with this greed.

I think that capitalism in general generates this obsessive objective of money and power, which can lead to a lot of different attempts to control, power, brainwash, mislead others. I mean, advertisement is to me a clear example of very obvious manipulation that somehow people still find 'cool' and rationalize a justificaiton to what is actually a complete absurdity! So yeah I definitely agree that there are attempts to control and that we have to try to free ourselves as much as possible from conditioning and to try to be autonomous, aware.

But I think that is a process, that takes our whole lives. Everything that is around us influences us. No matter how 'free' one thinks he is, I think everything influences us, from the information we receive through all the senses, to things we ingest and breathe, our experiences in general. So since these experiences are forever changing, to achieve this dynamic state of awareness takes an eternal effort to reach, and I feel we are also always falling back into sleep as a general tendency (but maybe as a spiral, back and forwards but generally upwards Very happy) . I think psychedelics can be tools that help us 'awaken' to some extent, but the effort in daily life still needs to be there. Also I think there seem to be different fluctuating levels of awareness, more fluid, not a very clear-cut thing

If we consider the impressions received through the senses as some kind of soul food too, then I think it seems logical that people who want to be more aware would strategically try to be in places that would ultimately serve for this person's growth, dont you agree? So maybe trying to be in good environments, whether that is nature or soothing architectures and indoor places, around people who are also aware. But then again maybe some conscious 'dives' into the madness and unharmonious (whatever that means) environments could have their purpouses, right? So even if someone is doing something that seems "bad" externally, maybe in this person's specific development that could be serving for his growth.

I am. wrote:

YUP. the trip is over. time to pack up. board the plane. go home.

there is no sense of elitism. at all. you have to realize that everything has a higher purpose. so if something seems negative to you, that's just the ego.

let's say that even if people claiming to "feel this" claimed elitism. but their message is pure love. that everything comes and goes in cycles (i think we can all agree thus far). say you're not "meant to make it". are you afraid that you will go to hell or somewhere bad? the belief (i believe) of the people feeling this awakeningis is that EVERYONE will, at some point, evolve. even if the ones "feling it" are above those who aren't "feeling it", they had to evolve, too. so, for arguments sake, what does it matter if PERSON A "feels it" and "makes it" and PERSON B doesn't "feel it" and doesn't "make it"? they will "make it" at some point, will they not? if they can't evolve because they didn't "make it", then where'd they go? hell? come on now. they'll just need the class again. i doubt any beings get everything the first go round.

so...under that premise...those "feeling it" aren't any better than those not "feeling it"...just further evolved. and what's wrong with being further evolved? it would be egoic to be upset at someone for being further evolved, would it not? are you offended that the aliens, ET, fairies, trolls and the countless other beings we've all encountered along our journeys are more evolved or ahead of you?

that being should stop focusing on some label or title and instead focus on growing...evolving. maybe...just maybe...then they themselves could evolve. kinda like a stop feeling left out and you won't be left out kinda thing. i mean...this is love we're talking about!!! who would love leave out?

this is all a hypothetical scenerio, mind you nexus. not saying it's my views or anyone's. just saying put yourself there and then think...

it would be egoic to be upset that MAYBE....JUST MAYBE someone is feeling something that you're not and it's REAL. how could YOU be left out? that's just wrong. EGO...

here's what i FEEL: if you think you know something, you're wrong. i truley feel that our minds can't really handle the literally can't comprehend. i don't think we're supposed to understand some things...maybe not even most things. i think we as a species have become obsessed with our own accomplishments and gotten sucked into the whole ego stroke of being "knowledgable" and "understanding". it's always been my belief that once you "know" it won't matter anymore.

in the end...what does it matter? just have fun. enjoy yourself and don't let your self-enjoyment harm anyone else. there is no evil...only ego...that is what truly separates us from Him...

I am. Is this "feeling" or "having the light on" and not having it a black and white thing? Or are there levels of it? How can you tell if a person has it or not, is it just about saying "I have it" and believing it? How does 'believing it' translate into actions? Can someone who 'has it' be unsustainable, not recycle his garbage, eat bad food? What about meat eating, is there a consensus between those who 'have it'? And psychedelics, do all use or even agree with its use? What about 2012, do all who 'have it' think something will happen?

(I ask these questions seriously, not trying to be sarcastic or condescending! )

I am.
#28 Posted : 3/12/2011 4:50:25 PM


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as for meat eating...i think we were meant to eat meat. every vegetarian/vegan i know talks about not eating meat cuz it has life or some shit. that's hog wash to me. EVERYTHING has life! even that piece of lettuce you're munching on. who are we to assign more value to something that has a heart beat as opposed to some plant? that plant is just as important as that cow.

we have incisors for tearing meat. if we were meant to eat only vegetables, we wouldn't have sharp teeth for shredding. we only have a select few teeth (up front) for tearing meat because it would be tricky trying to eat with a mouth full of razor blades so of course we have way more molars than incisors. this is just my belief, though. none of us really know if we were/weren't meant to eat meat. i myself think we are.

we crack into mother earth to get oil when we don't really NEED to but we can't crack into a nice chicken or cow if we feel like it? come on...who are we to determine the value of life?
embrace your's all you are...
#29 Posted : 3/12/2011 8:33:44 PM

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I am. wrote:
as for meat eating...i think we were meant to eat meat. every vegetarian/vegan i know talks about not eating meat cuz it has life or some shit. that's hog wash to me. EVERYTHING has life! even that piece of lettuce you're munching on. who are we to assign more value to something that has a heart beat as opposed to some plant? that plant is just as important as that cow.

we have incisors for tearing meat. if we were meant to eat only vegetables, we wouldn't have sharp teeth for shredding. we only have a select few teeth (up front) for tearing meat because it would be tricky trying to eat with a mouth full of razor blades so of course we have way more molars than incisors. this is just my belief, though. none of us really know if we were/weren't meant to eat meat. i myself think we are.

we crack into mother earth to get oil when we don't really NEED to but we can't crack into a nice chicken or cow if we feel like it? come on...who are we to determine the value of life?

Is that your opinion or the consensus opinion of all of those who "get it" ?

I was wondering if there was some correlation, in your opinion, between 'having the light' and a certain kind of diet, but I guess from your answer I can deduce it's still more like personal choice.

Regarding meat eating, no definitely thats not the only or necessarily main reason why vegetarians don't eat meat, and its certainly not my reason for it. Every thing has life, plants too, but depending how we grow/raise the food, there will be more or less suffering, and some things are more or less sustainable.. Generally meat is a pretty inneficient food source in terms of resources needed per weight (apparently insects would be a more efficient meat source).

I know that just being alive and moving about the world, I already create a weight on earth, but personally I believe in trying to diminish it as much as I can, and to me one of these ways is through diet choices, not eating unsustainably-sourced food. But thats just my opinion on it too Smile
I am.
#30 Posted : 3/12/2011 9:30:03 PM


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i don't eat meat for the dietary value...i eat it cuz it tastes awesome! i love chewing on a big hunk of meat.

fast...i eat mine medium rare...tastes great!!!
embrace your's all you are...
#31 Posted : 3/15/2011 1:18:56 AM
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endlessness wrote:
Yeah I remember studying about psychopaths in psychopathology classes, and definitely meeting people who could fit that definition one way or another. But one characteristic which is very peculiar to psychopaths, is that they are ruthlessly and selfishly working towards that power or position they want, but being able to maintain a certain persona that can be quite deceiving. They will relate to others only (or mostly) insofar as it leads them closer to their selfish goal. This type of person doesnt feel this remorse of conscience or awareness about consequences of actions, somehow blocks it.

So, of course there are many psychopaths 'conspiring', but to say they are working coherently in a major group (aka the illuminati) contradicts the major characteristic of selfishness and self-directed actions at all costs. I understand that for example heads of companies which are psychopaths can pact on price raises and things like this, but they will also have conspiracies against each other of all kinds, and schisms, always with this greed.

I think that capitalism in general generates this obsessive objective of money and power, which can lead to a lot of different attempts to control, power, brainwash, mislead others. I mean, advertisement is to me a clear example of very obvious manipulation that somehow people still find 'cool' and rationalize a justificaiton to what is actually a complete absurdity! So yeah I definitely agree that there are attempts to control and that we have to try to free ourselves as much as possible from conditioning and to try to be autonomous, aware.

But I think that is a process, that takes our whole lives. Everything that is around us influences us. No matter how 'free' one thinks he is, I think everything influences us, from the information we receive through all the senses, to things we ingest and breathe, our experiences in general. So since these experiences are forever changing, to achieve this dynamic state of awareness takes an eternal effort to reach, and I feel we are also always falling back into sleep as a general tendency (but maybe as a spiral, back and forwards but generally upwards Very happy) . I think psychedelics can be tools that help us 'awaken' to some extent, but the effort in daily life still needs to be there. Also I think there seem to be different fluctuating levels of awareness, more fluid, not a very clear-cut thing

If we consider the impressions received through the senses as some kind of soul food too, then I think it seems logical that people who want to be more aware would strategically try to be in places that would ultimately serve for this person's growth, dont you agree? So maybe trying to be in good environments, whether that is nature or soothing architectures and indoor places, around people who are also aware. But then again maybe some conscious 'dives' into the madness and unharmonious (whatever that means) environments could have their purpouses, right? So even if someone is doing something that seems "bad" externally, maybe in this person's specific development that could be serving for his growth.

No offense but I think this is a sort of passive attitude, realities are complex dramas like nothing you have ever seen in a movie. There is definitely a lot more going on than meets the eye. I agree that we are all moving to gods rythum no matter what and that we are the medium through which god expresses and learns about itself but I do think that the path we are on right now is not the right one. And I think that many if not most in the world have been tricked by a form of sorcery that most could never imagine, some more than others depending on varrying degrees, but many people in the world in order for it to operate in the way that it does take on insane or psychopathic qualities, im talking most, and you literally would never see it because thats how smart psychopaths are, you cant tell because they cant tell, they dont even know who they are. like i said there are many varrying degrees and types but there are many. the most brutal ones being at the top. its time to wake up people.
#32 Posted : 3/15/2011 1:02:37 PM

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What is a passive attitude? Im talking about gaining autonomy through a long term work on self-development and education, im talking about people empowering themselves (ourselves) instead of falling into a black hole of de-responsabilization and putting themselves in a victim position, rather looking at how each one contributes or impedes the propper development of the psyche and society in general.

And yeah I know realities are complex dramas, I am immersed in these dramas my whole life so I know its not like a movie, and I never said there isnt more than meets the eye. All I was saying is that at any given moment there are hundreds of conspiracies happening, some which might be completely opposite and mutually exclusive in their objectives, but its all happening, because of human greed and lack of conscience, and hence this is what I think we should work on. At least thats my take on it Smile
#33 Posted : 3/15/2011 1:41:07 PM
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endlessness wrote:
What is a passive attitude? Im talking about gaining autonomy through a long term work on self-development and education, im talking about people empowering themselves (ourselves) instead of falling into a black hole of de-responsabilization and putting themselves in a victim position, rather looking at how each one contributes or impedes the propper development of the psyche and society in general.

And yeah I know realities are complex dramas, I am immersed in these dramas my whole life so I know its not like a movie, and I never said there isnt more than meets the eye. All I was saying is that at any given moment there are hundreds of conspiracies happening, some which might be completely opposite and mutually exclusive in their objectives, but its all happening, because of human greed and lack of conscience, and hence this is what I think we should work on. At least thats my take on it Smile

I agree with that, I guess I misunderstood what you meant. I thought you you meant that we should ignore the larger conspiracies becuase we can't do anything about them, but that would be passive because we can, not that we should only put our energy into such things but I think we should at least be aware of them, and educating who we can... this does not mean just anyone or everyone, you already know who will lsten and who wont. no reason to waste your time making yourself look crazy. I think that is one of the ways that we could really work on the issue.
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