What to expect from caapi? Options
#1 Posted : 3/10/2011 4:18:26 PM

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Yesterday I finished boiling my caapi (caupuri, they were out of red vine). This is my first time so last night I tested the water with 25g.

Now, stop me if I'm wrong here but soon after, I felt like there was someone else in the room, and tbh got a bit scared. I had a slightly sicky feeling in my belly, but no purge. Eventually fell asleep, and from what (little) I remember, haad some pretty vivid dreams.

This morning I woke up, and tried again with 50g. I had not even water in my belly. This time the 'presence' is not here, and I am not sure whether the slightly strange feeling I have is placebo or not.

What point exactly should I be getting to, with the aim to eventually add some light?
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#2 Posted : 3/10/2011 4:47:55 PM

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Ergh scratch that... I think it just started working!!!
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#3 Posted : 3/11/2011 2:38:19 AM


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I dont think theres any specific point you should try to get to with it, dont expect fireworks! you should get used to cappi on its own and get over any anxiety that brings, maybe get used to strong expereinces that can be had with cappi alone paying attention to what its saying, then get to know the potency of your cappi brew and gradually add the light plants. I very rarely purge and a lot of people dont it seems, also if you wake up on an empty stomcah its going to be a lot stronger, a friend of mines woke up and drank after fasting the day before and had a strong experience. He felt quite weak during the expereince, then ate and it brought on a second strong wave. Theres a lot of factors to consider with aya, but most people always say work with cappi get comfortable then go with the light and its true it builds the relationship and ritual in my experience.
#4 Posted : 3/11/2011 2:51:07 AM

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jdubs wrote:
Ergh scratch that... I think it just started working!!!


To answer your original question however, I like to have a dose of caapi strong enough to give me obvious visual tracers. Then to that in future doses I use a small amount of admixture, then work up from there.
#5 Posted : 3/11/2011 4:51:14 AM

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OK, I had some toast with butter (the first thing I ate) and things got very heavy. Had some strange visions of people i wasnt expecting. Also now know why this is referred to as 'the force' - seemed to fill the whole room. Felt very comfortable, and fell asleep. When i woke up, felt very strange with strong tracers, that soon went - sadly think I must have slept through most of it. Really loved it though, like nothing Ive ever experienced!

Think next time, will add a small amount of light, maybe just a spoonful at a time, until something happens. Think my caapi brew is nice nd effective at 50g, which is more than i was expecting to be honest and great news! Very happy

And thanks for the guidance guys, this site is very supportive Smile
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#6 Posted : 3/11/2011 6:48:45 AM

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If I may add a question to this thread, how long does the caapi-only experience last?
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#7 Posted : 3/11/2011 7:01:38 PM

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Sounds good jdubs! Adding some dmt admixture gradually and slowly sounds good. Keep us posted! Just make sure to take care of set and setting Smile

Shayku, last time I took it I must say it lasted some 4 hours for a quite strong dose.

I had quite some tracers, light hurt the eye, was hard to focus on anything, so I kept my eyes shut most of the time. Had some closed eye dream-like visions, very different than the edgy/fractal/hyperspacial dmt visions, much more subtle and mixed with the thoughts, oniric. There was very peculiar strong headspace, like feeling like the brain/consciousness is floating, or like the head is empty, I dont know how to describe it.

I was glued to my position couldnt (and didnt want to) walk, until at some point I just really had to take a piss and stumbled over to the bathroom and came back for another round of just laying with eyes closed Very happy . So in a way sedative but also with a strong power to it, like existence shinning with a beauty.
#8 Posted : 3/11/2011 7:12:20 PM

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Not only the "brain" is floating, but it's attached to the rest of the world you see all around you. This world floats with you in some kind of invisible might also feel a very soft but high frequency vibration, like said invisible ocean would vibrate. Everything looks very "clear" ...and you smell this very slowly.
#9 Posted : 3/11/2011 7:15:15 PM

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Very true I've definitely experienced this vibration!
#10 Posted : 3/11/2011 10:57:31 PM

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so what can I expect from the light? is it safe to redose if i dont take enough at first? i have had a small amoun t of experience of spice, is it going to be like that for 4 hours? if so im going to start slow... but do still want an 1.5g gonna do it ya think?
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#11 Posted : 3/12/2011 8:43:13 AM

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1.5g what? mimosa? chacruna? chaliponga? I guess mimosa? If so, yeah, sounds ok.. Or a bit more, but dont do more than 3g (at first... find out your dosage slowly)

Yeah I guess you could redose with the dmt-containing plant, since harmalas should be in place for a couple of hours, so if in one hour and a half of consuming the light you dont feel anything significant, you could try adding a bit more. But as with any drug, taking it all at once is always more effective than taking it spread out, so it would be more accurate to know your ideal dosage if you take it all at once together (or just after) the caapi.

Another option is, if you dont get where you want, to have your pipe loaded with DMT so you can smoke it on top of of your caapi experience, and this will certainly bring you very far.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes!

#12 Posted : 3/12/2011 10:57:08 AM

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I havent got round to extracting yet unfortunately, but will start at 3g and see how that goes!!

many thanks endlessness!
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#13 Posted : 3/12/2011 1:04:54 PM

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and everyone else of course!
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#14 Posted : 3/12/2011 2:45:22 PM

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OK, so I think I have had a better plan. Please stop me if this is stupid...

I only have 150g worth of capi left. So, was thinking of maybe splitting it in two. SO that means later today I will be drinking 75g, with 3g of mimosa. Is this going to seriously blow my top off or will it be manageable?

"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#15 Posted : 3/12/2011 3:27:47 PM

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That sounds like a good effective dose for me but not "off the map". You seem to be getting solid advice from endlessness so I would defer to him if he comes back on.
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#16 Posted : 3/12/2011 4:04:29 PM

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Lol well I may just take the plunge... was it Terence Mckenna that said 'if in doubt, double the dose'? Very happy
"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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#17 Posted : 3/13/2011 1:49:41 PM

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Took the plunge.

SO glad I did. At the risk of sounding melodramatic I feel reborn. The light was quite panicky at first, but just until I felt the need to purge. Tried, dry retched once, then sipped some water and laid down. BLISS is the only word to describe what happened from then on. Like soul-rejuvination.

Had probably one of the most wonderful sleeps Ive ever had after too!

Think Ive found my sweet spot, thanks you guys for walking me through it. Got there in the end!

"Mama matrix most mysterious." James Joyce

"The next great step toward a planetary holism is the partial merging of the technologically transformed human world with the Archaic matrix of vegetable intelligence that is the Transcendent Other." Terence McKenna

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