Hello, is anybody out there? Am I alone? Options
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#1 Posted : 3/5/2011 11:57:56 PM

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Ok so I've seen some threads about this in the nexus but due to my current status I cannot comment on those posts but have felt the NEED to do so. I am curious to see if anyone else has felt whats going on? I know the whole argument behind synchronicity and coincidences but here lately things seem to really be clicking or happening often for me. Lately I feel as if I'm waiting for something to happen or something is coming. Even the music I listen to is evolving into another level. More connections or loops are happening for me. I have seen a lot of talk around here of the possible "end" or some shift that's happening. Relationships are being redefined. My bf and I have been discussing this very heavily but I wanted to make a post here to see if anyone else had any thoughts. I feel it too but I've just not been able to post.

Sorry for the random area but I was unsure where to post this but needed to get it out. I needed to reach out the all the nexus newbies and see if anyone else was feeling this and maybe was unable to respond like myself.
Safe travels everyone!!!

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#2 Posted : 3/6/2011 12:51:46 AM

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I think I know what you're talking about. I've been having discussions lately with people about higher dimensions and the spirit world, and how it is related to ours. And it seems that other people theroies are eriely similar to my own, even filling in gaps in mine that seem to fit perfectly.

I feel that something is on the horizon, and certain prophecies of native cultures are coming to fruition. As to what exactly is happening? I don't think I can accurately see, but I feel something. I'm just waiting for it to happen, and trying to be prepared for anything.
“Surrender is inner acceptance of what is without any reservations. If you have lived long enough, you will know that things “go wrong” quite often. It is precisely at those times that surrender needs to be practiced if you want to eliminate pain and sorrow from your life.”

Eckhart Tolle
#3 Posted : 3/6/2011 1:25:37 AM
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Synchronicities have been a 24/7 phenomenon in my life for the past couple months, something is carrying us to the sunrise. Many of my group of friends are redefining their relationships and refining themselves as human beings within the blink of an eye (as charlie sheen likes to say) or just a few days even.. or they are slipping, slowly hiding away from themselves until sometimes there is nothing left but a shadow.

But even the ugly is god in disguise I have been coming to find, you just have to know that it's all happening for a reason, stay strong and do your part to help it all work out.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the sunrise is upon our consciousness, we've been in a night our whole lives, and I can't wait to see daylight.
I am.
#4 Posted : 3/6/2011 3:22:26 AM


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boosie wrote:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the sunrise is upon our consciousness, we've been in a night our whole lives, and I can't wait to see daylight.

you are the sunrise, sunshine.
embrace your's all you are...
Minus The H
#5 Posted : 3/6/2011 2:23:37 PM

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boosie wrote:
But even the ugly is god in disguise I have been coming to find, you just have to know that it's all happening for a reason, stay strong and do your part to help it all work out.

And this is the hardest part for me. I'm a HUGE control freak and go out of my way to make sure I have the upper hand on everything. Letting go to the unknown has been hard for me. You words above instantly spoke to me. Thank you for your words of advice.

I don't think a label should be put on any of us at this point. We are not yet supposed to know whats coming and we will in due time. It will be decided for us what our paths and involvement in this will be. I'm just hoping to be apart of it all Very happy

Safe travels everyone!!!

Free yourself from yourself...
#6 Posted : 3/7/2011 3:44:30 PM

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I'm observing a collective feeling of accelerated times and a greater sense of urgency. I suspect this to be a side effect of our technological advances. In ways we've extended our nervous systems via our electronic devices far beyond the limits of our previous selves. information and communication have fast become an instantaneous process that involves less and less effort.

we are a unique generation that has been evolving with the information age...everything has sped up. And now more than ever, it is evident just how hyper-connected all things are.
I like to bring up technology in this kind of cosmic dialog, but I know its just one piece of a very large picture. It is a symptom of our times as well as a catalyst. This talk could go in many directions, its a vast subject that we could speak to in many ways.

something to remember in regards to synchronicity (entrainment)....
beyond ourselves, planet earth too acts as a single unified phenomenon in which we could be likened to cells within this larger body.
And consciousness can be known as the expiriential quality of the life force that permeates everything we come into contact with. Consciousness too is unified as a single phenomenon beyond ourselves. And this consciousness like our own, is ever in a state of expansion.

I don't think even the gods know where this whole creative explosion is going. It is unfolding for the first time and everything today is collectively creating tommarrow.

...or at least it seems so from my perspective
#7 Posted : 3/7/2011 9:28:28 PM

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I've noticed this, and so have my friends. There has been a lot of strange things going on lately.

My senses have become stronger.
More "meaningful" dreams and more often dream recalls.
Everything seems to float in a strange "perfect harmony-ish" pattern. Coincidences. Strong predictions.
Information finds you. Time is acting strangely. A deep connection feeling.
The world is changing. People are changing. Relationships with friends are being redefined.
New parts and roles are coming to play. I feel that a new era is upon us.

but HOW? and WHAT?

I've surrendered to the fact that I have no idea whats going on. And I'm not pretending to know either.

Theories of all kind about everything is important to have. And as long as you have a theory that you feel comfortable with, everything should be fine.

Question things. Try to look at everything from as many perspectives as you can. Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes, don't be afraid to admit you are wrong.
Also don't have too high hopes. Learn from everyone, and learn everyone.
Be active in your interests, do what you like to do.
Do what you are good at…

…just some random thoughts

I would be interested to hear what the "ELDER" members of this forum have to say about this.
Are you feeling something? Any opinions/theories?

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- the six heart virtues
#8 Posted : 3/7/2011 9:42:13 PM
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i kno everything if you have any questions message me. lol jk, or am i?
#9 Posted : 3/7/2011 9:49:37 PM

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So lets say for sure its all related to a global consciousness expansion, 2012 dmt aliens etc... Lets say you guys know it for sure.

Now what? Will that change anything in your life? How does that translate right now, into your day, relationship with others, job/studies etc ?

Or now let's say you find out for sure its all only subjective feelings, self-suggestion, as Robert Anton Wilson said, "The Prover proves what the Thinker thinks", so you started having these ideas and of course the more you start paying attention to these things, the more youre gonna see them. In psychology it could be called perceptive filtering. So in this case you realize there are changes happening, as there always were and always will be. Or its all symbolical, that moment that seems we are waiting for is nothing more nothing less than our death, whenever that may come.

How does that affect your daily life in this case? Will you do anything different if you find this out?
#10 Posted : 3/7/2011 10:23:30 PM

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Perhaps it isn't perceptive filtering, but the 200th monkey?

Does not being aware of entanglement make you any less entangled? I don't know about the whole 2012 thing, it would be interesting, but I am skeptical. People seem to be 'waking up', but who is to say that it is any different than something that happened 240 years ago, or 4000 years ago, or 240,000 years ago? I am unsure, but I cannot bend knee to nihilism, I have no desire to go mad as Nietzsche did, and my own subjective experience tell me otherwise - there is objective and absolute. It is not just a simple mater of A or B.

The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.
#11 Posted : 3/7/2011 10:34:08 PM

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Yeah, "perhaps" a billion things I guess Very happy

Personally though I would say it doesnt matter, the never-ending quest for awareness, health, balance and empowered active citizenship continues, right? Independent of what I may feel in a given moment or ideas regarding of existence that may come to my mind, I wont put my faith on some hypothetical (or actual) event in the future, hoping all the troubles I see in myself and in others are fixed then and there, but rather try to make due right now, and whether something specific happens or not, the day I die I wanna have a clean conscience.

To be honest im a bit affraid that people that start feeling these things will start neglecting their lives, and distance themselves too much from other people who dont fall in the same 'The End is Near' kind of mindset. But if you're still doing your part in daily life, I dont mind, feel free to believe/feel whatever you want Smile
#12 Posted : 3/7/2011 10:37:41 PM

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Location: im still trying to figure that out
I haven't heard any talk of the end here, nor of 2012 dmt aliens (as fun as that would make the story), but as far as global consciousness expansion is concerned this to me is self evident. Because we carry the internet at our fingertips, we have access to more information in this moment than we have at any other time in history. This is most certainly a consciousness expanding movement.

#13 Posted : 3/7/2011 10:45:19 PM

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Yes you're right, sorry if that sounded offensive!

I still really wonder what those who feel there is something happenign have to answer regarding my questions though. How does that change daily life?

Regarding global consciousness expansion, I wonder.. Do you think the internet necessarily makes people more aware? If you look at the main use people have regarding internet, its basically games and porn, cheap entertainment, etc...

Also I dont know what to think worldwide. On one hand I see a lot of people trying to be more conscious, healthy, sustainable. I see people overthrowing dictatorship governments. But then again, I dont know what comes after these dictatorships, I see the western countries with the fake democracies still acting as if everything is under control, corporations just gaining strenght over human beings, I see violence, loads of psychological diseases, new generations that are spoiled, addicted to short-term reward and cant concentrate on anything for too long, etc.

I wish there was some global awareness raising but im not gonna trust that will happen by itself, so I still think education is a very important area to work on to try to make positive changes that last
#14 Posted : 3/7/2011 10:51:42 PM

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Hey endlessness have you heard about the Quero indian prophecy? My mother was watching a video a few days ago of Ian R Crane talking about the Gulf Oil Spill and when he started talking about the Quero prophecy it caught my attention and I started getting chills, very interesting stuff, especially the part about drug overdose (around 6 minutes in) and the best part about this is at about the 11:40 minute mark when he talks about the "portal of evolution".

here's the link to the video:
“Surrender is inner acceptance of what is without any reservations. If you have lived long enough, you will know that things “go wrong” quite often. It is precisely at those times that surrender needs to be practiced if you want to eliminate pain and sorrow from your life.”

Eckhart Tolle
#15 Posted : 3/7/2011 11:00:16 PM

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I'm not offended endless, we actually share the same attitude, "if what?". It makes more sense to engage life as it is in the moment, if we can do that, well than we'll be in the proper space to deal with whatever it is that ends up happening in the future.

I don't really know what its all about...but I'm still very interested.
#16 Posted : 3/8/2011 12:56:45 AM

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endlessness wrote:
How does that change daily life?

I am not necessarily looking to some future event, if some global change suddenly happens, great. I will roll with it and make the best of it. If I had absolute fore knowledge of what was to be, I honestly believe it would be a detriment - walking the path is just as important as completing the journey. This life is a strange thing. I will continue looking for answers and questions.

As you say Endlessness, education is key - as your post on the topic says, the focus should be on how to learn. Education is key not only for myself, but for my children (I have many), and for those who have a hunger and desire to do so; many have no desire to learn and some do not have the compacity, beyond a certain point (We all have our limits).

There is a book I have been meaning to get my hands on and have not yet been able to do so, Volition. I have heard great things about it, perhaps I will get the funds to grab it at some point. Supposedly it is a great model.
The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.
#17 Posted : 3/8/2011 1:09:04 AM
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open'nheart wrote:
I haven't heard any talk of the end here, nor of 2012 dmt aliens (as fun as that would make the story), but as far as global consciousness expansion is concerned this to me is self evident. Because we carry the internet at our fingertips, we have access to more information in this moment than we have at any other time in history. This is most certainly a consciousness expanding movement.


and how does it effect my daily life? well it gets more incredible every day... on top of how incredible it already is.
#18 Posted : 3/8/2011 8:47:03 AM

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Yeah but would your life not get more incredible every day if you realized its just a perceptual phenomenon? Regardless of what I am believing for the future, I can say that at least for me, life is always getting more and more incredible (or im becoming more aware of its 'incredibleness' Razz ) And do you do anything specifically different because of it, that you wouldnt do if you had a different idea?

And what do you think of my questions regarding many signs of things getting worse too, and the internet being used only superficially by most people ?
#19 Posted : 3/8/2011 6:02:25 PM
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endlessness wrote:
Yeah but would your life not get more incredible every day if you realized its just a perceptual phenomenon? Regardless of what I am believing for the future, I can say that at least for me, life is always getting more and more incredible (or im becoming more aware of its 'incredibleness' Razz ) And do you do anything specifically different because of it, that you wouldnt do if you had a different idea?

And what do you think of my questions regarding many signs of things getting worse too, and the internet being used only superficially by most people ?

things are not getting worse, and end is only a new beginning, it is the end of one thing, only for something better to begin. things may seem to be getting worse but it is all good in disguise.

and it kind of is just a perceptual phenomenon, basically your entire experience is dependent on your beliefs, when you start examining and changing your beliefs to ones that are not so limited or better yet the correct belief to go with true nature, then major changes begin to physically take place in reality with relationships and the overall quality of your life. it will not be immediate but if you have a strong mind you will see results which will then reinforce your new beliefs. this phenomenon snowballs until you have nothing but reinforcement all day (synchronicity, positive events and opportunities, good people, and just an over all joy that you never had) you also start to notice how life really is just an illusion, this place is here for you it is nothing but you, and it loves you, its your best friend, and it is showing you the way the whole time. there is nothing here, the fact that we see something is only the illusion, we're information in a vacuum, we just happen to experience it like this. you are a percentage or a frequency in all of the information. when you realize this, you see the lie that is being played out in the world and how bad it has gotten. you clearly see that someone already knew all this a long time ago, knows a lot more, used it against people and still are to this day.. this leads you on a journey for even more answers, but if you seek then you shall find.

and yes i do lots of things different, im constantly doing what i can to be the best person i can be, something i never did before..i was never a bad person but i was totally unmotivated. i know everyones different but i think the average person is at least somewhat confused (meaning doesnt have all the answers for themselves)... i no longer think i have any confusion left, i have done a lot of searching....there is still always more to know but i do think i am no longer confused, you reach a point where you have everything figured out, and you can then take on the responsibility of being a part of the movement and helping those who are still confused.

#20 Posted : 3/8/2011 6:27:22 PM

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I do think that ideally we should try to take every hardship, every difficulty, every pain, and turn it into something that makes us more aware, stronger, like phoenix rising from the fire. Of course its easier said than done but I try to incorporate that in my life as much as I can.

One suggestion, instead of saying "you" and "your" in your paragraph (and in the future), dont you think it would be better to say "I" and "mine" ? I think its better to avoid speaking in a way that projects our experiences onto others. And then it gives a bigger opening for others to relate to things but at the same time to voice their disagreement if they do, and in this way its a humbler way of communicatng.

Nonetheless, I think a lot of what you said makes sense and I would relate to it. Except that for me it still doesnt matter whatever belief or idea I have regarding the future. I think that its related to personal development, and the more you connect things and develop yourself, it snowballs around you.

What I dont necessarily agree with though is this sentence about 'someone that knows more and hides'.. It sounds very conspiracy-theory-like to me. I think a lot of people conspire daily, but I dont think its like one united group that conspires because if someone is conspiring to control, it shows they havent developed themselves enough to 'feel' the consequences of their actions, hence I doubt they can be working as a coherent united collective. They probably have angry wives and annoying kids and troubles keeping their emotions in, being greedy trying to increase their profits, trying to compensate for their low self esteem by buying bigger things, having painful teeth and other problems, trouble eating well and must be conspiring in smaller groups against each other and and and... At least thats how I see it Very happy If there is a coherent movement, then I feel it has to be one constructed by those who are becoming more aware (hint hint: nexus Razz )

As for all those things you do differently, again I feel the same way somehow, except again this isnt related to having expectations about the future but just an ever-stronger desire to be more balanced and aware. Maybe its just a natural consequence of self development, to grow this extra 'shine' in life? Just one thing I want to add, while I know you said there is always more to know, I just want to reinforce a teaching I had several times with entheogens: No matter how much I think I know and got things figured out, Im still a spiritual child, so gotta be humble and know that there is still a long path of self-development in front of me. Hence why I really dont like to divide things into "those who are aware" and "those who arent", because it will just create unnecessary division, "holier-than-thou" feelings, and is imo ironically a sign of lack of awareness. All I can look at is myself and know that I am still not perfect and hence can work a bit more every day towards that, hopefully helping others on the way.

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