Complete!!! I am posting this experience as a new post as well

So I took nearly all the "DMT" that came out of the extraction from the unknown Acacia podalyriifolia. Still no scale so I am guessing ~300 mg??? I also used 4 grams of Syrian Rue before the DMT. I weigh 85 kg. Here is my expereince

At 8pm I ground up 4 grams of Syrian Rue, mixed with pineapple/orange juice, and drank it all down.
20 minutes later the Syrian Rue began to kick in... begin sipping Chamomile & Peppermint Tea (yum)

35 minutes later I took the shot glass that had ~15 mL of pickle juice mixed with the ~300 mg unknown "DMT"
At this point everything started to kick in and I seriously lost track of time... so I will just let you know my experience without time log

I finished sipping my tea and by that point open eyed visuals had started. I was just messing around online until this point. I then moved to my room where it was quiet, dark, and cool. I layed down as nausea was creeping in. Definitely dizzy and walking was not 100%. I am certain this is mainly from the Rue though.
The waves started to come over and over. Each time I would go back to myself... then start getting nausea... then the next wave would just blow me away. It was very ADD as the focus would just go everywhere and not stay on one thought. Closed eye visuals were there. I could see "hyperspace" but couldn't quite reach it. Each wave would bring me closer... but then drop me back into my bed.
I must add that it was very gentle... not scary... and enjoyable.
The nausea started to get overwhelming and each round I got more and more anticipation like I wanted to get up out of bed. Not really anxiety... just like I wanted to do something other than lye down... I then had the bright idea that a peanut butter sandwich would help the nausea... plus I rad that fatty foods help bring the DMT out of the liver.
So I walked to the kitchen... got the bread... PB... Jelly... and in all that the motion sickness got to me! There were open eye visuals everywhere and I could not walk properly at all. I literally got a piece of bread out when I burped and it started to come up... I forced it back down and tried to tell myself to just breath deep and keep it together... when it just simply projectiled out!!! And projectile was an understatement!!! I made it to the sink and had the biggest purge of my life! There was shit coming out that I didn't even know I put inside of me!!! Plus the Juice & rue seeds
Anyways... after returning to the sink multiple time, even though I didn't think anything could possibly be left, I commenced clean up. The major trip was now gone and I was just left with an after effect. Still good but no longer intense. I cleaned up the kitchen and myself and went back to bed thinking I wasted the experience with the purge. Again... time was not existant so I have no idea how long this was. But after lying down for a little bit the Rue started to kick back in again!!! Then it hit! The DMT hyperspace came! It was amazing... Still very ADD and unfocused at first. But after a little bit I started navigating it. I initially was flying through trees with amazing colorful birds everywhere. Then I needed to break through and I saw myself standing at the edge of a corn field with woods in the ar distance. Above the woods was storm clouds. I was being told that I needed to get across the field to reach my place and that it wasn't going to be easy. I then saw myself sprinting through the corn to a huge tree at the edge of the woods. I made it just as the rain started! When the rain finished I left the tree and went into the woods to continue the adventure!
I came to around 11pm and most the effect had subsided. I got up and finally ate the PB & J sandwich and got some water. I noted the time was almost midnight... so 4 hours had passed. I laid back down in bed and after about another half hour the DMT kicked in for another round!!! For how long... I am unsure of. I woke up this morning very pleased
So... this is what this unknown source of "DMT" offered. I didn't expect anything... but it worked amazing. The best thing is that all I have to do is go out my front door to get it! I hope this helps other seek and adventure like I did to discover things in both reality and inside your head
Thanks for listening!
Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!