Newbie Looking at Acacia podalyriifolia!!!! Options
#1 Posted : 3/6/2011 5:35:48 AM


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Hey everyone! I am new to the DMT Nexus and to DMT in general... but I am really loving everything I am learning. It is amazing that after studying biology and medicine for nearly 7 years now I am just discovering this amazing chemical!!!

Anyways... my discovery timing seems perfect as I am located in Queensland Australia... home of basically every Acacia species!!!! I took come photos off the internet and went for a walk around the neighborhood... and I think I might have three Acacia podalyriifolia right out my front door!

The problem is I am not the greatest at identifying these and it is currently not flowering and has no seed pods at the moment. Nearly all the pictures online have the yellow ball flowers all over. The pictures I find look nearly identical to the tree (minus flowers and seed pods) with the soft felt leaves that are about 30 cm in length and it has budding flower branches that look exactly like some other pictures... However, everything I find online is a bush... this is a tree... and it is further made difficult with 2 different vine species covering the trees. I also can not find pictures of the Acacia podalyriifolia root/bark.

I am hoping that someone can help me out. I can either put a bunch of photos of the tree online or someone can simply say that no other tree exists in Queensland with 30 cm soft felt leaves of silver gray color so it has to be Acacia podalyriifolia Smile Lol...

Hope someone can help point me in the right direction! ~Jez
Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!

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#2 Posted : 3/6/2011 7:02:32 AM

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hello jez i m currently trying an extraction with this acacia. i m in indian ocean for the info.the yellow balls seems to appear only around july here (we re on a tropical island). so there aren t many trees like this with leaves looking grey white. the trees i see here don t have yellow the flowers at the moment but they had last year.
my interrogation is a little different than yours though : i wonder if the article on wikipedia about the % of dmt stated for this plant is real (it says 0.5 to 2% dmt which is quite much!) anyway i ll post if i encounter any success with my extraction.

#3 Posted : 3/6/2011 7:21:49 AM


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Thanks MIC! I just moved to this location... so I am not sure if the tree flowers. It looks like it though. And yea... 2%!!!! Definitely let me know the outcome!
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#4 Posted : 3/8/2011 2:23:47 AM


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I believe there are other Acacias in Queensland that look very similar to Acacia podalyriifolia. if your worried about it just do an extraction on a little bit of your bark/phyllodes and see what comes out, or post some pics.Smile

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#5 Posted : 3/9/2011 11:37:57 AM


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Thanks for that nn-DreemTreeMaster Smile That is what I was afraid of though... look alikes Wut? I've posted some pictures but the though of an extraction occurred to me as well... but how can you tell that the alkaloids that extract is actually DMT? I am using Q21Q21 TEK 2. (used it before with amazing success on previously brewed viridis leaves!) Would such an acid/base extraction only remove DMT? I am guessing it would take out any alkaloid...

I'll do an extraction and let you know! In the mean time... comment on the pictures would be awesome!
Jez attached the following image(s):
IMG_2288.JPG (1,537kb) downloaded 186 time(s).
IMG_2290.JPG (1,626kb) downloaded 186 time(s).
IMG_2293.JPG (1,647kb) downloaded 186 time(s).
Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!
#6 Posted : 3/9/2011 11:59:52 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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Looks like it, if you want to be 100% sure you can wait till it blooms which shouldnt be to long from now.

And if you live in australia it shouldnt be to hard to find other acacia species also.
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— Terence McKenna

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#7 Posted : 3/9/2011 11:44:04 PM


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So I am agreeing with the general concensus thus far that this is Acacia podalyriifolia... so I gently stripped 50 grams of bark to test an extraction! Here is the bark drying Smile

So... is there anyone out there that has extracted from a tree they were not 100% sure about? I guess my worst fear is the extract is full of cyanide or some other chemical that will kill me! That would be bad... I've read that you can use a cheap thermometer and if the crystals melt at around 120 degrees F then you have DMT Smile Anyone else know of an easy way to know if an Acid/Base/Naptha/Freezer extraction gets only DMT?

Thanks again! Hoping the pictures help. Would be great to confirm this tree for everyone else out there!
Jez attached the following image(s):
IMG_2310.JPG (98kb) downloaded 169 time(s).
IMG_2311.JPG (117kb) downloaded 170 time(s).
Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!
#8 Posted : 3/10/2011 1:27:27 AM

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any reason you chose to test bark instead of phyllodes?
#9 Posted : 3/10/2011 1:46:57 AM


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Sorry Biopsylo... What are the phyllodes? Most sources I have noted also claim that the DMT is in the root bark only? This is why I chose the bark... I may be wrong though Sad
Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!
#10 Posted : 3/10/2011 11:14:23 PM

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not saying you are wrong at all. just if the alks are in the young tips and leaves, then it would be much more sustainable to harvest.

i attempted an a/b on what i thought was the same acacia using young new growth. i got a tiny amount yellow goo, and never tested it.
good luck.
#11 Posted : 3/14/2011 7:50:03 AM


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Just to let you all know!!! The extraction pulled a huge amount of waxy white residue... looks alot like the last extraction... from 50 grams of bark. I am going with the upward amount of nearly 500mg!!! I am trying soon and will let you all know if it is any good. Will be complimenting it with 4 grams of Syrian Rue Smile
Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!
#12 Posted : 3/14/2011 8:00:50 AM

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Before you try, got a pic? What does the extract smell like? Solubility? Behaviour when heated/melted? How about recrystallizing?
4 g rue is high - not overkill, but 3g does a fine job for oral administration.
IMHO measure your dose and smoke 5-10 mg to test for threshold activity before diving into hours potentiated w/ rue.
If taking orally, freebase will mess with your stomach quite a bit - you'll want the salt.
Be safe,
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
#13 Posted : 3/15/2011 3:24:18 AM


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Hey LJ Smile

So the extract smells like nothing at all. Not too sure on the solubility. If you are talking about water... non I think? It appears to melt at room temperature (30 degrees C) by turning a clear semi liquid and when placed into the freezer is waxy white. I have never recrystalized. I am not 100% sure how to and to this point I have just been messing around, so the yeilds have been very small and would be hard to collect.

At this stage I have been simply evaporating the remaining hydrocarbon after I do a pour off straight from the freezer and adding pickle juice (Acetic Acid) to create an acetate salt Smile Straight from the tek basically. The extract appears to be 100 % soluble in about 15 mL of pickle juice. Probably less... I just did 3 washes of the extract jar into a shot glass to ensure I got everything. When placed in a cold refrigerator nothing precipitates.

Anyways... here are some pictures! Thanks for the advice. I'll keep you updated!

Picture 1 - Pull of 50 Grams of material from 500 mL pyrex.
Picture 2 - Hydrocarbon (Shellite) from 3 pulls.
Picture 3 - Jar fresh from freezer
Picture 4 - Precipitate after 24hr in freezer from 3 pulls

Jez attached the following image(s):
IMG_2316.JPG (68kb) downloaded 134 time(s).
IMG_2322.JPG (59kb) downloaded 132 time(s).
IMG_2324.JPG (45kb) downloaded 133 time(s).
IMG_2326.JPG (89kb) downloaded 131 time(s).
Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!
#14 Posted : 3/15/2011 6:39:16 AM

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You are an exp;orer!
SWIM isn't familiar with Q21q21's tek, just STBs.
You might try evaping the np solvent (Shellite) down a bit, then freeze preciping for 24+ hours... if DMT freebase is present, it will form crystals/slush and you can decant the solvent and dry the goods.
Re-Xing is easy, check the Wiki.
Don't know much about acetates. She presumes you want to take the product orally w/MAOIs? Salts are not smokeable.
The freebase DMT should smell slightly floral/warm straw-ish. This is the typical smell of many indoles.
Good luck, keep us posted.
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
#15 Posted : 3/15/2011 7:04:42 AM


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Just a quick update... So on the 4th 24 hour pull it got a decent amount and I poured off the NP solvent (Shelitte) and then let the remaining dry. I have only done 2 extraction and both have turned out like slush... no crystals really. When I realized scrapping was pointless I tossed in enough Damiana for 1 cig, added shelitte, and swished for about 5 minutes. I placed this in the afternoon sun for about 2 hours to dry and then commenced rolling up the dried material.

Now, as a side note... I am just guessing, but there might have been 100-200 mg worth of precipitate in the jar originally and I am not sure if it was pure DMT. I am still waiting on my mg scale... damn slow Chinese international shipping :-p

So I lit the cigarette and took about 4 good hard hits off it... holding my breath for 10-15 seconds each... exhaling... and then immediately taking another hit. I have never smoked DMT before (so yes, the DMT salt is to be used orally with MAOI's). The 4th hit I coughed so hard it made me nearly vomit and then it hit me! It wasn't anything like oral... but very spacy and the buzzing sounds of the acacia bugs are all I could hear over tool Smile It lasted a good 10 minutes and then died down... but even an hour later I still felt euphoric!

Anyways... this was the test run... and I am sure it is definitely DMT. I am doing the oral later tonight and will let you know the story! Wish me luck on my journey!!!
Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!
#16 Posted : 3/15/2011 7:33:28 AM

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Good luck!
She has got to try that Damiana changa...
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
#17 Posted : 3/16/2011 2:14:50 AM


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Complete!!! I am posting this experience as a new post as well Smile

So I took nearly all the "DMT" that came out of the extraction from the unknown Acacia podalyriifolia. Still no scale so I am guessing ~300 mg??? I also used 4 grams of Syrian Rue before the DMT. I weigh 85 kg. Here is my expereince Smile

At 8pm I ground up 4 grams of Syrian Rue, mixed with pineapple/orange juice, and drank it all down.

20 minutes later the Syrian Rue began to kick in... begin sipping Chamomile & Peppermint Tea (yum) Smile

35 minutes later I took the shot glass that had ~15 mL of pickle juice mixed with the ~300 mg unknown "DMT"

At this point everything started to kick in and I seriously lost track of time... so I will just let you know my experience without time log Smile

I finished sipping my tea and by that point open eyed visuals had started. I was just messing around online until this point. I then moved to my room where it was quiet, dark, and cool. I layed down as nausea was creeping in. Definitely dizzy and walking was not 100%. I am certain this is mainly from the Rue though.

The waves started to come over and over. Each time I would go back to myself... then start getting nausea... then the next wave would just blow me away. It was very ADD as the focus would just go everywhere and not stay on one thought. Closed eye visuals were there. I could see "hyperspace" but couldn't quite reach it. Each wave would bring me closer... but then drop me back into my bed.

I must add that it was very gentle... not scary... and enjoyable.

The nausea started to get overwhelming and each round I got more and more anticipation like I wanted to get up out of bed. Not really anxiety... just like I wanted to do something other than lye down... I then had the bright idea that a peanut butter sandwich would help the nausea... plus I rad that fatty foods help bring the DMT out of the liver.

So I walked to the kitchen... got the bread... PB... Jelly... and in all that the motion sickness got to me! There were open eye visuals everywhere and I could not walk properly at all. I literally got a piece of bread out when I burped and it started to come up... I forced it back down and tried to tell myself to just breath deep and keep it together... when it just simply projectiled out!!! And projectile was an understatement!!! I made it to the sink and had the biggest purge of my life! There was shit coming out that I didn't even know I put inside of me!!! Plus the Juice & rue seeds Sad

Anyways... after returning to the sink multiple time, even though I didn't think anything could possibly be left, I commenced clean up. The major trip was now gone and I was just left with an after effect. Still good but no longer intense. I cleaned up the kitchen and myself and went back to bed thinking I wasted the experience with the purge. Again... time was not existant so I have no idea how long this was. But after lying down for a little bit the Rue started to kick back in again!!! Then it hit! The DMT hyperspace came! It was amazing... Still very ADD and unfocused at first. But after a little bit I started navigating it. I initially was flying through trees with amazing colorful birds everywhere. Then I needed to break through and I saw myself standing at the edge of a corn field with woods in the ar distance. Above the woods was storm clouds. I was being told that I needed to get across the field to reach my place and that it wasn't going to be easy. I then saw myself sprinting through the corn to a huge tree at the edge of the woods. I made it just as the rain started! When the rain finished I left the tree and went into the woods to continue the adventure!

I came to around 11pm and most the effect had subsided. I got up and finally ate the PB & J sandwich and got some water. I noted the time was almost midnight... so 4 hours had passed. I laid back down in bed and after about another half hour the DMT kicked in for another round!!! For how long... I am unsure of. I woke up this morning very pleased Smile

So... this is what this unknown source of "DMT" offered. I didn't expect anything... but it worked amazing. The best thing is that all I have to do is go out my front door to get it! I hope this helps other seek and adventure like I did to discover things in both reality and inside your head Smile

Thanks for listening!

Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!
#18 Posted : 3/25/2011 12:25:55 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Great stuff! thanks Jez for the info, not to mention great courage.
Mate i've never done DMT before, purely casue of the customs laws, i wont risk it.
Wattles are abundant around here. So the news of your success is welcoming.
I know nothing of extractions.
can you direct me to the most simplistic recipe /ingestive technique you have used.
I Also would like to know what kitchen utensils i.e measuring tools, spoons, pots, comtainer
would i need to purhcase, for preparation.
Cheers Mate
#19 Posted : 6/14/2011 1:34:13 PM


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UPDATE... I believe my previous extractions may have had leftover spice from reused Shellite that created the effect that this species contains DMT. This is my update since...

Hey Guy! I realize this is an old post, but I kept finding it when I was researching this misleading Acacia species. The wiki is completely wrong about this tree containing DMT. Acacia Podalyriifolia contains NO DMT. I have 2 trees right out in front of my house and 3 more down the road in which I have sampled bark and leaves and done both an acid/base extract with HCL/NaOH and a dry extract with white vinegar/CaOH on all 5 samples and nothing comes out. I have used both these extraction methods successfully with Acacia Confusa and MHRB, so I know they work. The last extraction I stripped the poor trees inner bark by about 3 cm for nearly 500 grams... Still nothing.

So to save resources, trees, and peoples time... I am trying to find all the Acacia Podalyriifolia posts online and put and end to this hopeful but misleading idea that it contains up to 2% DMT. Sorry guys. Glad to have some one refute me though and prove me wrong because I'd kiss them! But if you do please provide details as to how you did the extracts... don't just say "I got some".

Oh, and I know for a fact they are the Acacia Podalyriifolia species because it identically matches descriptions and started to flower 2 weeks ago... exactly when it is suppose to with exact matching flowers... which triggered me to give it one last final attempt. I've also posted pictures in the Nexus and it was confirmed by other members.

Thanks everyone!

Singularity already exists inside each of us. It isn't biology that is striving to singularity... but singularity that harnesses biology to live a life of greatness in the physical world. The secret is to find what your singularity wants and create it. This is what psychedelics show you!
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