nice work tequila! although it seems like a lot of Naphtha is being wasted due to using excessive volumes and having to evap before freeze precip'ing.. why not try a more appropriate volume and reuse solvents? (mind you this may cause slight yellowing of final product after a few uses of the same solvent)
So a second take on this procedure was attempted changing a few variables...
1) mix 100 g MHRB with 250 mls vinegar, warm in water bath for 1 hour (bath at approx 40 C, down 10 C from last attempt)
2) mix 100 g lye with 500 ml water, let disolve, mix with bark/vinegar solution, add another 1250 ml water (to give a total of 20 ml water / 1 g bark...this was all that was needed to allow for distinct separation of bark solution and NP solvent), let stand for 10 min
**One didnt bother to use the pH meter as he doesnt think its working right anyways, just went with what was customary, but one believes the pH wasnt high enough as nasty emulsions formed when NP was mixed in... these went away for the 4/5 pulls after 30% more lye was added***
3) mix 1 ml Naphtha / 1 g bark (100 ml) in solution, mix for 15 let sit for 5.. separate...repeat once
**Note even with water bath emulsions took forever to settle after pouring into the sep funnel**
4) mix 0.5 ml Naphtha / 1 g bark (50 ml), mix for 15, let sit for 5, separate
5) prepare 25 ml water with a pinch of sodium carbonate.. warm.. mix with naphtha, separate
6) mix 25 ml warm water with naphtha, separate. repeat once more
7) place in freezer and wait...

after 24 hrs in freezer 0.4% very slightly yellow goodies were collected from the NP solvent
9) 2 more NP pulls were preformed after solution was allowed to sit for 24 hrs, using 0.5 ml / g of bark (50 ml).. (nasty emulsions still formed when separating NP solvent so an additional 30% lye was added (for a total of 1.3 lye : 1 g bark) and this quelled the emulsion problem)... and washed as above.. frozen and yielded an additional 0.52%, again, very slightly yellow goodies.. for a total of 0.92% from 100 g bark..
Conclusions- 20 mls water / 1 g of PRE POWDERED bark (compared to 15 ml/g in first attempt) allowed for distinct separation of layers when NP solvent was mixed.. tho more might perhaps quell emulsions?? IDK
- 1 g lye : 1 g bark ratio didnt seem to be enough (one should have used the pH meter to give a rough estimate but didnt) to convert most to freebase immediately (as when 2.5 lye g : 1 g bark most of the gooides came out in the first 2 pulls, 1.28%. Compared to 0.4% for the first 3 pulls when a 1:1 ratio was used) but this was solved by performing 2 more pulls 24 hrs later, easily solved but not preferred... The 1:1 ratio also didnt seem to be enough in the sense that there were nasty emulsions upon attempted separation of the NP from the bark solution, this was solved by adding 30% more lye for the 4/5 pulls for a total of 1.3 g lye to 1 g bark.. Next time one will try 1.5 : 1 ratio in an attempt to reduce emulsions from the beginning
- reducing the temp of the water bath from 50 C (first attempt) to 40 C (second attempt) significantly reduced the "yellowness" of the final goodies..
Questions- would more water help reduce emulsions? or is this a pH problem (exact pH was not known)?
- what is the optimal temperature for the water bath to be?... if there is such a thing
THANKS in advance for any advice, its much appreciated!! (and sorry for the lengthy post)
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