Dmt on the mainstream Options
#1 Posted : 3/1/2011 9:03:55 AM


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Hey guys. Id love to hear you're guyses percepective on what would happen if dmt hit the mainstream. Would it be accepted? would the DEA be cracking doing on it? What social implications would it have?

I personally have no idea. this is why I try to keep DMT lo-key. I only talk about it with people who already know about it; I won't try to preach it on anybody. However, id love to see a world where psychedelics and DMT are socially acceptable, but I don't see that happening in my lifetime and I dont even know the steps to such a goal.

so what do you guys think?
I am a saltydawg using my master's computer posting fictional posts for another saltydawg that lives in a different country.

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#2 Posted : 3/1/2011 9:22:04 AM


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Is it not as mainstream as it gets when this something is inside everyone, everywhere?
O, but most have no idea-
Just watch, sometimes you'll see stuff:
Search google for: bulgaria government (and then you will see [admits contact with aliens]) +click that and read some stuff..
I always thought that had N,N- written all over it.^

The western lands do not tolerate the supplementation of endogenous neurotryptamines.

#3 Posted : 3/1/2011 2:52:26 PM


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I would argue that dmt is going mainstream.

In just the past 5 years there has been a huge evolution in in the understanding and use of dmt. The story is beautifully illustrated in the creation and rise of the nexus up to its current place as one of the most popular entheogen forums on the web now boasting nearly 10,000 members. Remember just 5 years ago this site didn't exist there were only a few teks on the web and even fewer people knowledgeable enough to discuss them. Look now at all the information, forums, documentaries, discussion, research, ect... going on around dmt and ayahuasca.

I assume as the growth continues to spread and more people discover it eventually the powers that be are going to have to stop turning a blind eye to what's happening here. I figure they'll attempt to outlaw mimosa bark and maybe cruna and chaliponga, but at this point it's too late. DMT is everywhere, now thanks to the members of this website, anyone can get the supplies needed to extract at their local grocer. Pandora's box is now open and it's going to be exciting to watch the repercussions play out.
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Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
Perceptual Reality
#4 Posted : 3/1/2011 5:13:45 PM

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People like us have Rick Strassman to thank for even knowing about DMT. He reopened scientific research on psychedelics, the first time in almost 50 years! In the past 10 years there has been an explosion of psychedelic cultures. Thank you Dr. Strassman Smile
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#5 Posted : 3/1/2011 6:48:53 PM


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I try to shout DMT to those that would listen (and even some that don't). There is no way to stop that which is us, and surrounds us at all times. Try to ban herbs, and I'll move to local plants (plenty of phalaris grass hereVery happy). Ban chems used in extracting and I'll use water. Let them try and stop me!!!!!!!

sm0alk m0aR DMT!!!!
#6 Posted : 3/1/2011 7:11:52 PM

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There's no reason the public wouldn't view DMT the same way they view any other psychedelic..... which is not good at the moment. I think it's very important to speak of the legitimacy of psychedelics in general. Mushrooms are being spoken of very positively in the media lately (though I'm sure the public doesn't know that the active in mushrooms is a form of dmt). I believe it does a dis-service to dmt and all psychedelics to speak of dmt as if it the king of all holy substances, or some kind of gateway to another dimension. This is why I believe The Spirit Molecule does more harm than good. It will just polarize people. Those who disagree will only think people like us are that much MORE insane. And since people who either don't like psychedelics or don't care one way or another, outnumber us by far, we lose. What percentage of the population actually uses psychedelics? 10% at a stretch? The general public does not tend to see things that minorities see. When the legitimacy of all psychedelics is accepted, dmt will be up there too. Until then, dmt, like all tryptamine psychedelics, will remain illegal, and the people shunned.

dreamer042 wrote:
I assume as the growth continues to spread and more people discover it eventually the powers that be are going to have to stop turning a blind eye to what's happening here. I figure they'll attempt to outlaw mimosa bark and maybe cruna and chaliponga, but at this point it's too late. DMT is everywhere, now thanks to the members of this website, anyone can get the supplies needed to extract at their local grocer. Pandora's box is now open and it's going to be exciting to watch the repercussions play out.

I don't share your enthusiasm for the future. However, I agree that too much is known, and alternative sources far too wide spread. Even if they ban mimosa and a whole bunch of other known containing plants, there's too many naturally containing plants that are too widespread. They'll find another way around the plant bans, guaranteed. But you know what, I don't think governments really care if their efforts are futile or not. The proposed ban on salvia in Canada made me realize that. They'll just tell the public they've banned salvia, and the public will cheer and be under the impression that somehow the world is a safer place, even though it isn't. All that matters is that the government push their agenda, to either remain in power, or gain support from an ignorant public, otherwise, they don't care if their plan actually works. They would basically have to devote all the money on earth to stop people from from getting dmt. Would they do that? I don't know.... maybe. When crazy people get ideas in their head, maybe someone will decide that war is profitable and so they'll support the war even if it's insane. They'll just go on telling people that drugs and users are the enemy and fight their "war on drugs/people" as if they're helping anyone, and the public buys it! Isn't that what's already being done? Apparently, people seem to believe that the moral profit of feeling like you're doing a good thing by wrecking users lives.... that moral superiority is very profitable, and it has been for centuries for those who want to persecute anyone different from them.

Currently, the Canadian government is proposing massive prison expansion reform, and Canada is experiencing greater numbers of people in prison, while crime rates have been falling for decades. Does that not suggest that the government is starting to criminalize non criminals? It defies logic, and it defies morality. And for what? Sometimes I think it's just to give them something to do. They can make their living by knocking other people down..... just like tribes have been doing for thousands of years. I hope people someday wake up and realize it's better to get along than to keep fighting each other.
#7 Posted : 3/1/2011 7:37:46 PM

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Mushrooms aren't a form of DMT any more than beer is a form of ethane gas.

But I agree, the spirit molecule probably doesn't do much for DMT. Psychedelics need a major PR facelift, and I'm not convinced Strassman's work helps with that.
#8 Posted : 3/1/2011 7:43:04 PM

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Entropymancer wrote:
Mushrooms aren't a form of DMT any more than beer is a form of ethane gas.

But I agree, the spirit molecule probably doesn't do much for DMT. Psychedelics need a major PR facelift, and I'm not convinced Strassman's work helps with that.

I changed my comment before you posted. I imagined you reading it, and realized it had to be changed.
Perceptual Reality
#9 Posted : 3/1/2011 8:14:14 PM

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Entropymancer wrote:
Mushrooms aren't a form of DMT any more than beer is a form of ethane gas.

But I agree, the spirit molecule probably doesn't do much for DMT. Psychedelics need a major PR facelift, and I'm not convinced Strassman's work helps with that.

I agree strassman doesn't help with the "image" of psychedelics such as DMT, but he did atleast acknowledge it. And for this, many people are now aware of this spirit molecule. That is where i thank him!
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#10 Posted : 3/1/2011 8:26:21 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Perceptual Reality wrote:
Entropymancer wrote:
Mushrooms aren't a form of DMT any more than beer is a form of ethane gas.

But I agree, the spirit molecule probably doesn't do much for DMT. Psychedelics need a major PR facelift, and I'm not convinced Strassman's work helps with that.

I agree strassman doesn't help with the "image" of psychedelics such as DMT, but he did atleast acknowledge it. And for this, many people are now aware of this spirit molecule. That is where i thank him!

Unfortunately, many people are also now aware of dmt "facts" that are not true as the result of Strassman's research. I don't think there's merit to Strassman's relative popularization of dmt...personally I don't think the Spirit Molecule makes for a good introduction to DMT (especially not with the manner in which Strassman presents his speculations amidst his actual research/experiments). However, this seems to have become the pop literature on DMT.

The most valuable aspect of TSM, at least in my impression of reading it, was the fact that the first ~110 pages give a decent blueprint on how to/what hoops to expect to jump through if you are trying to get schedule 1 substance research approved.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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#11 Posted : 3/1/2011 9:23:00 PM

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You guy's are way to hard on Rick. Look the guy did some ground breaking research on DMT. Sure he wrote a book called the spirit molecule to make some profit form his work.

However he NEVER said DMT is produced in the pineal. He theorized that it could be. I'm tired of hearing people slam him for it. It's not Ricks' fault. It's the idiots reading his work that drop key words like 'theory'...and then just replace them mentally as though it is a fact.

Personally I think what Rick has done for DMT is GREAT. It could just as easily have been some DEA supporting researcher that did the work and published that DMT was all kinds of bad.

Enough of bashing Rick already. I do hope that the majority of you can at least realize that Rick has done more for this movement than the vast majority of you ever will. Flat out.

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
Perceptual Reality
#12 Posted : 3/1/2011 9:41:15 PM

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joedirt wrote:
You guy's are way to hard on Rick. Look the guy did some ground breaking research on DMT. Sure he wrote a book called the spirit molecule to make some profit form his work.

However he NEVER said DMT is produced in the pineal. He theorized that it could be. I'm tired of hearing people slam him for it. It's not Ricks' fault. It's the idiots reading his work that drop key words like 'theory'...and then just replace them mentally as though it is a fact.

Personally I think what Rick has done for DMT is GREAT. It could just as easily have been some DEA supporting researcher that did the work and published that DMT was all kinds of bad.

Enough of bashing Rick already. I do hope that the majority of you can at least realize that Rick has done more for this movement than the vast majority of you ever will. Flat out.

I completely agree with you joe, he has done more for DMT than anyone has. Personally, I like the Spirit Molecule(DVD). If it wasn't for strassman, no one would have known about DMT. At least, not the way we know it today.
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#13 Posted : 3/1/2011 9:43:10 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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joedirt wrote:
However he NEVER said DMT is produced in the pineal. He theorized that it could be. I'm tired of hearing people slam him for it. It's not Ricks' fault. It's the idiots reading his work that drop key words like 'theory'...and then just replace them mentally as though it is a fact.

While he may have never said that DMT was, without a doubt, conclusively produced in the pineal. He makes several arguments as to why it was a good candidate and coupled his scientific arguments with wild speculation from various mystical groups (i.e. pineal gland forming at 49 days in the fetus, soul entering fetus at 49 days, first in-vitro DMT rush and his pineal theory) and inserted these odd smorgasboards en masse amidst his actual research notes and observations, rather than clearly distinguishing between the two. This is my issue with Strassman's theories.

Obviously, had the INMT/pineal papers been published prior to his book that would have been an issue. As they were published afterwards, it merely discounted his theory. I take issue with the manner in which he presented his theories because he was not as clear as he could have been and as such, I have read other scholarly works in which people with lesser understandings of physiology cited his various theories as foundations for arguments they would go on to make. However, when his speculations came crashing down, their's did as well. Clearly it's on them for not reading/understanding his meanings well enough, but at the same time, imo, he could have made his speculations considerably more clear as such.

And aside from establishing dose/response data and a blueprint of how he got DEA Sched I research approved...what exactly has Strassman done for the movement other than charge people $100 for 30min trip-report discussions? I don't mean to be rude, and maybe I'm missing some big piece here, but he really hasn't done anything groundbreaking as far as I gathered from reading his book/studying his research. I don't think that popularizing dmt or making it more known amongst humanity necessarily qualifies as doing something beneficial for the cause (cue Leary debate), but hey, that's just me.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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Perceptual Reality
#14 Posted : 3/1/2011 9:52:04 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:

And aside from establishing dose/response data and a blueprint of how he got DEA Sched I research approved...what exactly has Strassman done for the movement other than charge people $100 for 30min trip-report discussions? I don't mean to be rude, and maybe I'm missing some big piece here, but he really hasn't done anything groundbreaking as far as I gathered from reading his book/studying his research. I don't popularizing dmt or making it more known amongst humanity necessarily qualifies as doing something beneficial for the cause (cue Leary debate), but hey, that's just me.

Well, he re opened research on psychedelics!(first in 40 years!) That has got to account for something, at least in my eyes. Let's put it this way, If it wasn't for him, no one would have been interested. Well, to me, I think it we can definitely benefit from him popularizing it, but hey, thats just ME. Smile
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#15 Posted : 3/1/2011 9:54:40 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Perceptual Reality wrote:
SnozzleBerry wrote:

And aside from establishing dose/response data and a blueprint of how he got DEA Sched I research approved...what exactly has Strassman done for the movement other than charge people $100 for 30min trip-report discussions? I don't mean to be rude, and maybe I'm missing some big piece here, but he really hasn't done anything groundbreaking as far as I gathered from reading his book/studying his research. I don't popularizing dmt or making it more known amongst humanity necessarily qualifies as doing something beneficial for the cause (cue Leary debate), but hey, that's just me.

Well, he re opened research on psychedelics!(first in 40 years!) That has got to account for something, at least in my eyes. Let's put it this way, If it wasn't for him, no one would have been interested.

What do you mean he "re opened research on psychedlics (first in 40 years!)"? Legal/gov't approved research into various psychedelics had already been underway since the massive push underground in the 70's well before Strassman even submitted his requests for DEA research I'm not really sure what you're talking about. And how can you say if not for him no one would be interested? Look at all the underground scientists and philosophers. Look at all the indigenous people. Do you really think everyone at the Nexus is here cuz of Strassman?? Rolling eyes Gimme a break...I didn't even hear of TSM until I had already begun exploring the molecule.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#16 Posted : 3/1/2011 9:59:18 PM

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However he NEVER said DMT is produced in the pineal. He theorized that it could be. I'm tired of hearing people slam him for it. It's not Ricks' fault. It's the idiots reading his work that drop key words like 'theory'...and then just replace them mentally as though it is a fact.

Surely the fact that so many people misread his 'theories' as fact means he could have been a lot clearer with the way they were presented. Maybe keep his speculation separate from the science?

Perhaps it is just my memory, but I felt that the way the book was written was deliberately misleading, and showed a clear bias towards the mystical ideas that Strassman fell in love with.

Then again what can you expect from a scientist who constantly refers to DMT as 'The Spirit Molecule'
Perceptual Reality
#17 Posted : 3/1/2011 10:02:24 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
Perceptual Reality wrote:
SnozzleBerry wrote:

And aside from establishing dose/response data and a blueprint of how he got DEA Sched I research approved...what exactly has Strassman done for the movement other than charge people $100 for 30min trip-report discussions? I don't mean to be rude, and maybe I'm missing some big piece here, but he really hasn't done anything groundbreaking as far as I gathered from reading his book/studying his research. I don't popularizing dmt or making it more known amongst humanity necessarily qualifies as doing something beneficial for the cause (cue Leary debate), but hey, that's just me.

Well, he re opened research on psychedelics!(first in 40 years!) That has got to account for something, at least in my eyes. Let's put it this way, If it wasn't for him, no one would have been interested.

What do you mean he "re opened research on psychedlics (first in 40 years!)"? Research into various psychedelics had already been underway since the massive push underground in the 70's well before Strassman even submitted his requests for DEA research I'm not really sure what you're talking about. And how can you say if not for him no one would be interested? Look at all the underground scientists and philosophers. Look at all the indigenous people. Do you really think everyone at the NExus is here cuz of Strassman?? Rolling eyes Gimme a break

Im sorry, I did word that wrong. I guess what i meant is he re opened the psychedelic movement. I'll have to rethink my side of this argument, but i do have some points to make. Let me research, and try to better my understanding of all of this, after all, im just another student/researcher. I do believe that strassman has done good and bad. The image of DMT as just another "drug" was pretty popularized because of him, but he also states his regrets for doing what he did the way that he did it. He states if he were to re open research on DMT, he would do it for a better purpose than just physical analysis.(which he most likely wouldnt get government funding for)
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Perceptual Reality
#18 Posted : 3/1/2011 10:05:33 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
And how can you say if not for him no one would be interested? Look at all the underground scientists and philosophers. Look at all the indigenous people. Do you really think everyone at the Nexus is here cuz of Strassman?? Rolling eyes Gimme a break...I didn't even hear of TSM until I had already begun exploring the molecule.

And the indigenous people are commonly using ayahuasca, not pure white n,n. So, my good sir, I have no idea what youre talking aboutRolling eyes BUT, just because YOU didn't find out about TSM or strassman before exploring the molecule, doesn't mean that wherever you learned from didn't know or acknowledge him and TSM. This is bigger than both of us
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Perceptual Reality is an outer-space inhabitant with the capability to send messages through channeled thoughts and consciousness, therefore, earthly laws and regulations do not apply. "It" Is a student studying, learning, and passing these teaching onto other students.

Unconditional love to the great beyond!
#19 Posted : 3/1/2011 10:14:04 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Perceptual Reality wrote:
And the indigenous people are commonly using ayahuasca, not pure white n,n. So, my good sir, I have no idea what youre talking aboutRolling eyes

Laughing Really??? You want to get this nitpicky?? You do realize Strassman went the only FDA approved route and administered DMT fumarate via by your own reasoning we should only give him credit for introducing/catching the interest of those individuals who are IV'ing DMT fumarate; which is just about no one (at least statistically, imo). Please do some more research before making statements like "[Rick Strassman] re opened the psychedelic movement" and similar, afaik, it was never closed Wink
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#20 Posted : 3/1/2011 10:17:23 PM

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Thanks Nick Sand, he's our man Smile

/me hugs you all Very happy

As for dmt and mainstream, well, we might say we dont like it, we might say we like it, but it's happening more and more and we have to deal with it. What we can do is keep being the cornerstone for anything dmt-related on the internet, and making sure we present the most reliable information possible, keeping the posts of a high quality. Then as said before, keep working on developing the most accessible techniques and plant sources so that we make government control simply impossible. Also we must keep being reasonable in our way of presenting the information and managing discussions, so that whoever comes in this website soaks up our attitude and spreads the respect and care we stand for.
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