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#1 Posted : 2/25/2011 5:19:00 PM

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I had initially posted in the Nursery, under Wow!, and was asked to share my endeavors. So, here goes my best.

I took about 24mg of freebase(nice golden crystals), packed between a Dogga, Passionflower, Damiana, Krattom, and Lions Tail blend and a little tobacco. I don't have a proper vaporizer, so I am sure I didn't get the entirety of if but I would say most.

I decided to take a go in my basement which is not completely finished, the cinder block walls still show behind the wood stove, the concrete floor still exposed in places where the oriental and middle eastern style rugs over lap. Can lights in the tray ceilings, with mix and match light bulbs: incandescent and mini fluorescents. I fully did not expect the intensity, it was like when you almost fall off of a cliff, that anxiety, that catch of breath. The room immediately sphered, and the sacred geometry and fractals set in. They were not jagged or fuzzy but absolutely beautiful and reminder me of the Mayan language; the calender - full of symbols; definitely a language, one that I could not read or really recognize. Once I began to get over the initial shock of being slammed into the veil, not crossing over, it began to further intensify and as it did so there was a tone that increased with the intensity, like a ringing or a humm. It became much brighter in the room, the horizontal and vertical mortar lines in the cinder block disappeared and the grey became white, covered with interlacing fractals and some incomprehensible language. Some confusion set in as a looked down to the floor seeing the concrete and the three rugs over lapping one another at slightly different angles. The brown rug became as red as the one on the left side of the room, almost seemed to mirror it and because of that I was unsure where I was for a moment. I could hear a murmuring as well but could not discern what was being said. The tone was still present as well. The wood stove narrowed and the rock on the wall behind it began to protrude out and become golden in color.

I realized that I had not really approached with the proper respect and apologized, it was accepted and understood. How could I have known? There are no words that describe it, how can one explain the most amazing thing for a man to experience. It was knowledge, it was the beginning of understanding.

The concrete floor looked like it had a piece of glass over the top of it, with the fractal language flowing in circles beneath it. My head was drawn to the left for some reason, as if some one was gently push my check that direction, and the wall was a whitish glass with more fractals, I looked away back to the rocks behind the wood stove, and my head was nudged back to the left - I am still unsure as to why. I looked closely at the fractals and the language, but could discern no meaning. It began to wane, the tone diminished, and residual fractals remained for at least 20 minutes. I have no idea how long the intensity lasted.

It truly was the most amazing experience I have had, no other psychedelic I have taken has even come close to the awareness of awareness, no spiritual experience has come close to touching this. I immediately called SWIM and he came over. By the time he arrived I was ready to take another go. I kept the same dose, as I was a little unnerved by the initial intensity. This time we stepped outside and sat on by back porch in some comfy chairs. I domicile in the woods. The wind was kicking up, every now and again bring in some sprinkles of rain. I sat myself down, and made myself comfortable - relaxing in mind and heart; calming myself, and fired away. As it set in it was different, the sphere still set in and immediately a strong gale kicked up. The rush of the sound of wind was like music, and the tone, from before, was in the midst of it. I looked up into the trees, as they were silhouetted against the clouds, there branches reached across the sphere and intertwined, then they bowed, and began to dance (I dont know what else to call it). In the center of the trees was a little red light, then a sphere or circle of white, it grew a little then began to recess behind the dancing trees and disappeared The oneness was present; the I AM; the whole and the individuals, as the dance went on I became aware of the presence of an orchestrator and looked around but saw nothing. The fractals where definitely not as present, I think they come from the light. As the intensity began to abate I could see some fractals on the bank from the light in the house. The dried hasta stalks had little glass pyramids over them with fractals barely visible. The trees began to retreat to there places. I look at my friend sitting next to me for the first time and saw little lines of the language coursing the contours of his face.

The trees were so beautiful, even though they were ominous and black. This to was simply amazing, the entire experience. I wish I could put it into better words. The intensity lasted about 8 minutes my friend said, it seemed much longer. I look forward to breaking through, come what may. My hope is greater knowledge, understanding, and wisdom - this world needs some help.
The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.

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#2 Posted : 2/25/2011 8:37:53 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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This is why I. Love. This. Community. This is absolutely beautiful, and its these possiblilities that draw me to DMT. I find it interesting that you referenced the Mayans, when I partake in the spice, the tiled floor takes on Aztec designs(Im not sure its Aztec, but thats what I immediately thought of when I saw it, so thats what im sticking with). If you have anymore amazing reports even somewhat similar to this, please DO TELL!!!Smile
#3 Posted : 2/28/2011 5:29:35 AM

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This is very similar to the tone I hear -
The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.
#4 Posted : 2/28/2011 6:23:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 14-Jul-2010
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FiorSirtheoir wrote:
This is very similar to the tone I hear -

Not for me. The audio hallucinations I hear tend to be of the "shorting out sound card" variety Wink. Or dirty guitar potentiometer variety.
Disclaimer: Everything I say is the truth.
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