To the first person that fused cappi extract, DMT, and caapi leaves together: I love you from the very bottom of my heart.
To everyone that has tried DMT, but not changa, listen to me: You are wasting your precious DMT if you are not combing it with caapi leaves, and harmala extract.
The healing, the love, it is so intense that it feels as though you soul is being penetrated by GOD himself. F
I have a low tolerance and I used this recipe:
100mgs DMT
50 mgs harmala alkaloids (caapi extract)
500mgs of caapi leaves
I soaked the DMT, and caapi extract into a heated IPA bath.
Then I put the caapi leaves into a shot glass and poured the IPA solution over it. I then heated that in a water bath until it was dry. Then I added some vodka and heated it dry again. (The vodka step was used to get rid of any trace amounts of remaining IPA). Then I let it sit over night.
This morning I woke up for my morning meditation ritual. I began with deep breathing pranayama and once I got myself very calm and I packed my vapor genie (not a glass) and I took one hit and closed my eyes for meditation. At first it wasn't much, but as I went deeper into meditation the visuals came alive. I figure I only injested about 5mgs on that hit. I then took another 2 hits and went back into meditation. What an amazing experience. It wasn't over the top and speeding like pure crystal. It was very slow, deep, and healing. The visuals weren't blow your mind, but very meditative. It's been 1.5 hours since my last toke and I'm still feeling an amazingly positive afterglow. I feel totally connected to mother gaia.
Let me put it this way. My whole life I have considered mushrooms to be the holy of holies for me. Mushrooms have been my most sacred experience up until this morning.
CHANGA is the perfect psychedelic experience for routine meditative use. The full after glow experience is amazing. Not as deep as a full mushroom experience, but much more accessible. Much more healing. I'm sure I could have smoked more change and gotten to a full breakthrough white light immersion experience, but I didn't need to for the healing.
I'm looking forward to trying pharmausca now.
I'm deeply grateful for everyone that has pioneered the use of these sacred herbs. I feel as though my journey has just begun.
If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.