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#1 Posted : 2/25/2011 7:36:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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what is the best type of datura to get (i think i want datura strumonium?) and what is the best lsa/lsh containing thing, (hbwr, morning glory what type) and what is a good source for the datura and lsa seeds?
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#2 Posted : 2/25/2011 7:48:47 AM


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hbwr are good, only need about 5 to trip abit... swim managed to get sent them via ebay. but he dont know about datura... BE CAREFUL

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#3 Posted : 2/25/2011 10:21:39 AM

If they ban it, it has to be good!

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I think he knows what he's talking about. Are you combining the Datura with an Ayahuasca brew?
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#4 Posted : 2/27/2011 7:09:36 AM

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im thinking of just using a potentiation dose to ease nausea and potentiate ayahuaska or hbwr.(i also might mix with cactus but i will have to check a bit of research to make sure datura is alright with pedro) to my understanding she's a fairly sociable spirit as long as you keep the dose down
ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge

no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!

#5 Posted : 2/27/2011 7:14:40 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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i would be carefull with the datura plant i myself have not tried it, but tries not to mess around with it much. But thats my personal opinion you can try what ever you want just be safe and know the amounts you are consuming.
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#6 Posted : 2/27/2011 8:02:43 AM

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HWBR is the best, then comes rivea, then morning glory.

The datura you said is fine, you might also be interested in angel trumpets (brugmansia) because it has the same/similar chemicals in it like hyoscoamine and scopolamine (don't know if I said those names right). I have never personally taken it but I've grown it. I would only suggest to start by making/smoking one flower and then move up and up until you find a good dose. I've heard of people being foolish and making a tea of 7 flowers and then having major ataxia (loss of balance) and becoming very myopic (near-sighted) because of the flower (the main chemicals hyoscoamine, scopolamine and atropine are used for eye drops and such to dilate which is why people become very near-sighted if taking too much).

I've heard that 2-3 flowers/leaves are fine. All this stuff I'm saying about brugmansia applies to datura since they are very close relatives.
#7 Posted : 2/27/2011 7:06:02 PM

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burgmansia vs datura (stramonium) ...i totaly thought angel trumpets were datura...maybe i was just under that impression because they are chemically very simular? so then which one is considered better? or maybe they are interchangable and thus my original impression was okey dokey, i know all the words of woe concerning this plant rest assured i will only be using it to potentiate, i will not be attempting to go fully psychedelic with this plant as it has a cruel sense of humor towards those who play in its garden. i have avoided it until this time for this very reason (though i will note it was in an ayahuaska brew that i was given in peru and that was the most psychedelic brew a have drank to date) so yes baby steps, now just just need to get my hands on some, where can i find? (if i were a little more south i would just pick a few trumpets though alas its is snowy here and no such things will grow)
ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge

no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!

#8 Posted : 2/28/2011 3:25:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Well datura is a kind of bush/shrub/ground plant as far as I know whereas Brugmansia is a tree (which can get REALLY big as I've seen one as tall as a house although they grow just fine at heights less than that). They are both chemically similar, datura just has a little more of one chemical while brug has a little more of another but both plants are essentially the same.

It can have a cruel sense of humour but it usually only is mean to those who work foolishly with it. Careful care of it can procure nice results. Where you can find it I don't know. They are much more common in the south (I am in Florida so they thrive well here). I don't think they are very good with cold conditions (cool conditions are fine) so you may have to greenhouse it or something. If you do happen to find one then you can just break off a branch because they root from a cutting.
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